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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by gerbil

  1. ooh i'd be very interested in some of those hab seeds if you have some spare rev.

    My dad came back from his dodgy little barber the other day with a chilli that is supposed to be quite hot aswell, not near habaneros i don't think, though supposedly quite nice. The fruit is slightly mouldy so i'll see about a spice test.

    I'll see how many seeds are there and will send some off to you guys if you'd like.

    Hmm indian chilli, come to think of it, the hottest chilli i've ever had was in india. Came out with a severe rash for about a week lol

  2. A person i know has just prepared some beds in the last few weeks, which is basically made up of cow manure, mush compost and few other bits and pieces (some blood and bone too)

    Will be interesting to see how they react to this.

    Planting is a few more weeks away

    There will be no domes or anything like that.

    Thanks for the heads up t st.

  3. It's hard to say re:humidity and browning edges, on a single plant there has been different sections all over the plant with different problems.

    Some new growth grows distorted, some grows perfectly and gradually gets dying tips, and some grows perfectly nice dark and healthy. These can all be at around the same height, same light conditions. All new growth occuring at the same time. All growth was outside of a tube like humidity cover (circled around the pot and extended ~70cm upward)

    It's a fascinating plant, yet tricky to fully understand, hope we can compile lots of info about her.

    Speaking of problems, an older plant lost its entire foliage over winter (pot bound and root problems i'm guessing + frost) Only lots of bare stems left. Now new growth is coming on strong. She is extremely hardy in my experience.

  4. shit, that is terrible.

    It's amazing how simply doctors will just prescribe something when they have a hunch. Especially anti depressants. Did they even warn you about possible side effects from that?

    legal advice is good imo, maybe it will make the doctors think twice next time and properly diagnose people in similar situations.

    take care man

  5. I think it could be the michael that spoke at miniEB in vic last year, he spoke about pituri (duboisia hopwoodii (spell?))

    The name sounds familiar.

    Are you coming to EB, or are you off to earthcore?

    [ 06. November 2003, 22:10: Message edited by: gerbil ]

  6. Hey everyone,

    I'm wondering if there will be anyone coming down past coolangatta airport to ethnobotanica on the Friday afternoon.

    My flight gets in at 3:30pm on the 28th(fri)

    If anyone can help me out it would be greatly appreciated. I can chip in for some petrol and the likes.


    see you soon


  7. Did you all hear how howard and everyone else forgot to invite the widow and child of the only australian soldier who was killed?

    And they made the excuse that having george laying a wreath (sp?) out of respect was a last minute decision. It really shows that they don't give two shits about the people. And of all people, the crocodile hunter was invited! what a joke.

    In the herald sun (not that any part of it has any quality what so ever) there have been so many people saying how they are embarrassed to be australians because of what the greens did. And how the greens should stick to saving the environment and not voicing their opinion on such matters. 'they've lost my vote' bloody wankers.

    Could you imagine how much security would have cost for this parasite bush?

  8. yeah he doesn't seem to mind much at all, i'm pretty sure vlado recently revised it from 5 to 2, but i have ordered all ethnobotanical cacti from him and not a word about mescaline.

    He basically wants people to grow and collect, not grow to consume them all, so if you show proper interest in growing he is happy to sell them.

    He also sells a few ethnobotanical seeds/plants now.

    great person to deal with.

    earthalchemy looks good also.

    [ 24. October 2003, 01:02: Message edited by: gerbil ]

  9. Finished high school in 2002, which was a relief since i hated it so much, each day was a drag, which made me hate learning/reading etc. to the point which i didn't do much at all (am back into them now though)

    Decided to do a short course in horticulture this year, commercial hydroponics at TAFE. Which is basically just a certificate 3 in horticulture. Finished it with good results and now am just working in a picture framing warehouse.

    Campus relocation because of the commonwealth games screwed with the timetable, so certain areas weren't covered in great detail, which just happened to be nutrients (was the main section i really wanted to learn). Now i'm probably looking into more short courses, or full time based mainly around plants.

    Wanting to work with plants in the long run, especially plants of spiritual use which mean alot to me. Am interested mainly in propagation of select species and distribution for preservation/use.

    Ultimate job would be breed specific genetics and supply medicinal cannabis for patients on a relatively small to medium scale, whether it be in australia or otherwise.

  10. The other night, smoked about 3 pipes of nepeta cataria flower pods (after seed removal).

    smoke was extremely soft and nearly straight away thoughts were much more clear, with a slight light headedness.

    After about 30 minutes it started to give me a slight headache, and some pressure on the back of my head, it felt alot like the pressure bufotenine causes, which cleared after about an hour.

    I prefered the flower pods over the leaves.

    might try it in a tea next time.
