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Posts posted by spunwhirllin

  1. You would probably get somewhere if you're positive of the tree ID and dont mind smoking a bit of the sample.

    This is what I did with a single dry crushed leaf from my phebophylla,boy was I in for a suprise. :)

    Initially I tried the burn test on this plant,which resulted in a faint odor,but smoking it far outweighs the burn test in terms of determining activity,for this particular plant anyhow.

  2. This plant is certainly prone to drought,leaves will just drop on ya.

    I've never experienced the yellowing leaves though,possibly soil Ph,they like it on the acidic side.

    The young leaves will exibit reddish hues whilst emerging,heavy light will also do this.

    What method was used for the cuttings,I've found this one to be stubborn.

    Ilex guayusa roots no problem for me,but PARAGUAYENSIS fails every time!

    Perhaps air-layering?

  3. I've been collecting for a few years now,but i'm really still not even close to collecting em all,and never will be, I hope :)

    What would be fun about having em all,the quest would then be over.

    Trichocereus spp

    (Bridgesii spp.)

    - Standard/

    - Standard/

    -Baker /o.12-04’’looks to be a typical T.Bridgesii,slender blue-green frosted

    branches,4-8 ribs and 2 " spines.

    Collected for William Baker by Julio Cruz in Murrillo,Jayuri province,Bolivia.’’


    -Longispinus /

    - Monstrous A frm

    - Monstrous B frm

    - Intermidiate monst frm,practically ribbless but still

    maintains areole count and placement.

    - Rs0005 bridgesii (eusaporus)

    - SS02 /

    - Wade Davis clone (Bridgesii / peruvianus?)

    - Huanucoensis /

    -Bridgesii / macrogonus hybrid /

    - Several random clones

    (Macrogonus/terscheckii spp.)



    -Mature terscheckii/ccc

    -Terscheckii sdls (mg-koehres)

    -Rs0004 mac./

    (Peruvianus spp.)

    -242 short spine/

    - 242 long spine/

    -Peruvianus /allies

    - Ancash /

    - Tarma /(suspect. macrogonus)

    - Short spine monstrous(crest)

    -Short spine /ccc

    - Short spine monstrous/

    - P.matucana/ (knize)

    -P. v. Puquiensis/(hemisphere nursery)EB

    -Small spine/a. (mg)sd ‘pach’ //o. (mg) sd ‘mac’

    - Rs0001 (authentic peru)

    -KK 426/

    -(Short spine from the andes. 10-04

    The cactus comes wild grown from the highest site of Peru

    (corcona) this place is between matucana and oroya, it is near huancabamba .)

    -Peruvianus ‘K1’ SS(1-06)

    -P. Ayacucho / (hemisphere nursery)

    -P. v. Huarazensis / (KK1689)

    (Pachanoi spp.)

    - J.l. hudson

    - Kimnach et al.2876d /o.10-04(According to the Huntington,These

    were collected along the Cajamarca to Namora Rd. Cajamarca, Bolivia.)

    - Riomezquensis/

    - Several random clones


    - BBG x ?

    - Bridgesii/pach + pach/bridgesii

    - Gf peruvianus (young)

    - Juules x Pachanoi

    - Juules giant (4 sources/clones)

    - Pach x juules

    - Pach x SS02

    - Scopulicola

    - SS01 x pach

    - SS02 x pach

    - SS01 x juules

    - SS02 x ?

    Seedlings -2005

    Pachanoi / mg (5-02) 20ct. / koehres (1-05) 100ct.

    Peruvianus / mg (5-02) 20ct. / koehres (1-05) 100ct.

    Macrogonus / koehres (1-05) 100ct.

    Terscheckii / mg (5-02) 6ct. / koehres (1-05) 100ct.

    Peruvianus / juules x SS02 (6-05) 100ct.

    SS02 x peruvianus / juules (6-05) 100ct.

    KK336 Glaucus (6-05) 50+ct.

    KK337 Tulhuayachensis (6-05) 50+ct.

    KK338 Peruvianus (6-05) 50+ct.

    KK339 Pachanoi (6-05) 50+ct.

    KK341 Uyupampansis (6-05) 3 ct.

    KK919 Bridgesii (6-05) 50+ct.

    KK1688 Peruvianus (6-05) 15 ct.

    KK1689 Peruvianus (6-05) 1 ct.

    Seed sown- 2006 (Jan.)

    Aztekakti seed-

    Bridgesii -200+

    Peruvianus -200+

    Werdermannianus v.lecorensis -200+

    Culpinensis -200+

    Tarijensis -200+

    (Astropytum asterias) f.Kikko. -15

    Koehres seed-

    Bridgesii -100+

    Macrogonus -200+

    Validus -200+

    Werdermannianus -200+

    Seed sown -(Feb.)

    Peruvianus(Icaro’s) f.matucana -100+

    Peruvianus(Aricampa) TK336 -100+

    Pachanoi(matucana) T6336A -100+

  4. Certainly sun-burned,and coupled with the black heat absorbing and reflecting gravel,over-heated.

    It'll recover,just go light on the light.

    Remember,these plants are typically shaded by shrubs in there natural habitat.

    If they are found without the benefit of shade in the wild,they have grown in this situation from seed and have adapted to full sun,if they don't adapt, they die.

  5. Pisgah,

    Personally,the most taxing aspect of raising the phleb,and still is, was my total ignorance of the species and its cultural requirements.

    I had not a clue what i was getting into,

    Its a rare,endangered,and highly esteemed plant that has little cultivation data.

    A plant can die in a matter of days,and I couldn't have that ,so I stressed about it,i stress about all my plants,but its a good stress :D

  6. Nor am I an expert,

    Acacia phleb will continue to grow in winter time temps,and survive temps in the 20's,thats about as cold as it gets here.

    Once you get to and pass the 4yr. milestone you're pretty much on cruise control with this one,thus far.

    Keeping them alive is much more difficult on the grower than the plant,in terms of stress,atleast for me.

    I've only found one source for A.alpina seed,ofcourse they were out at the time.The grower said that he could only get them to survive and grow in a gravel medium,much like my own phleb.

    Obtusifolia's need protection from the cold the first year,in my experience.

  7. Thanx.

    The mac and bridgesii show atleast 1/3 normal growth at the base,then boom,they decide to freak.

    They start going monstrose and variagated.

    Not that I mind,I just wish I could understand why,and perhaps harness the potential and apply it to other species.

    Gotta love the freaks in the crowd.

    The crested plant behind the mac is a ccc monstrose that went crest.

    I have another ccc shortspine that has remained perfectly normal in its growth for two feet and about four years,It grows painfully slow.

    I'm continuing to wait for the two shortspines I was graced with that were collected from the wilds of peru to morph,atleast one of them.

    I expect them to eventually.

  8. Has anyone noticed a significant burst in growth when grafting the monstrose bridgesii?

    In all honesty,my monstrose bridgesii mother plant outpaces every single trich I have in terms of growth,except for the standard bridgesii ofcourse.

    I suppose this could be due to its being in a very large pot (18'' wide and deep)and receiving as much water as my tropicals.

    In a single growing season I average six full grown pups,two waves of three.

    This year the cactus gods gave me nine pups.

    Just wondering,I've been wanting to graft a few for quite awhile myself.

  9. Yes,the phleb has made it to the age of 4.

    Hopefully we've made through the roughest of times.

    Many thanks to Darklight for sending me the appropriate native Oz fertilizer, and providing me with enviromental data regarding this species.

    Also,thanks to Torsten for insights into the cultivation of this jem.

    I am very grateful for the existance of this forum,I don't know if she'd be alive without the access to the wealth of knowledge exibited here.

    Now we just need flowers and seed,not that I'm complaining.

    Heres a few pics, I hope. 4yrphleb.jpg

  10. Its sounds like your soil may not be at the appropriate Ph,They like acidic soils much like many of the legumes.

    An iron deficiency and inproper Ph will make plants display what you're describing.

    Try a bit of magnesium sulfate'epsom salt'to green things up.

  11. I face and endure hard labor on a daily basis,and have for a dozen or so years.

    Stregnth and endurance comes with time.

    I've tried kratom and it puts you in a different place for sure,kinda lost your head space,so you forget about work and daydream and such.

    However, this can compromise your safety and precision on the job.

    For me,a good diet and a thermos of coffee and nicotine are all i need.

  12. Strange indeed,

    I noticed that two of my T bridgesii monstrous pupped within a day of each other,yea i look at my cacti way to often.

    But heres the kicker,one of these was sourced out of south africa,while the other was sourced out of california.

    HMM,possibly distant relatives,I'm thinkin so.

    Most of my other cacti produced pups sporadicly during the previous month,so i'm not sure what triggered the puppin action.

  13. Thats a beauty for sure.

    250 grs.wet translates into about 25 gr. dry?

    Thats impressive.

    I'm interested in importing a few cuttings from Knize,but after a bit of investigating it seems to not really be worth the expense,to me anyway.

    At $55 u.s. a cutting plus shipping and certificates, seed seems to be a more viable option.

    Maybe I'll see a specimen like that in my collection in a few years,hopefully.

  14. This fellow is from peru near Huancabamba,any assistance on an I.D. would be very much appreciated.

    What a tragedy it would be if cactus like this are being destroyed and overharvested.


    [ 09. May 2005, 16:36: Message edited by: spunwhirllin ]

  15. Heimia is just slow in the beginning,look at the size of the seed,its a speck of dust.

    my one and only seedling remained small for several months under flouros,once i placed in an appropriate setting in early spring it just took off.

    its now three yrs old and a multi-branched shrub around a meter tall,it needs regular pruning for sure.

    like most things,patience is required.
