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Posts posted by nabraxas

  1. my sister in law had a boyfriend from PNG for awhile.

    when he went back she went out to join him for a couple ov weeks.

    apparently he wouldn't let her out ov his sight for fear ov her being raped.

    she said the food was shit to. very very bland, no herbs, spices, or chilli.

    • Like 1
  2. October 24, 2012 |

    You'd think it would have been very big news in the spring of 2005 when Donald Tashkin, a professor of pulmonology at UCLA's David Geffin School of Medicine, revealed at a conference that components of marijuana smoke, although they damage cells in respiratory tissue, somehow prevent them from becoming malignant. But headlines announcing "Pot Doesn't Cause Cancer" did not ensue.

    Tashkin will review his findings and discuss current research this Thursday in Santa Monica, California as part of a course for doctors accredited by the University of California San Francisco. (It is open to the public; pre-registration is $95.)

    Tashkin has special credibility. He was the lead investigator on studies dating back to the 1970s that identified the compounds in marijuana smoke that are toxic. It was Tashkin who published photomicrographs showing that marijuana smoke damages cells lining the upper airways. It was the Tashkin lab reporting that benzpyrene -- a component of tobacco smoke that plays a role in most lung cancers -- is especially prevalent in marijuana smoke. It was Tashkin's data documenting that marijuana smokers are more likely than non-smokers to cough, wheeze and produce sputum.

    The National Institute on Drug Abuse supported Tashkin's marijuana-related research over the decades and gave him a grant to conduct a large, population-based, case-controlled study that would prove definitively that heavy, long-term marijuana use increases the risk of lung and upper-airways cancers. What Tashkin and his colleagues found, however, disproved their hypothesis.

    Tashkin's team interviewed 1,212 cancer patients from the Los Angeles County Cancer Surveillance program, matched for age, gender, and neighborhood with 1,040 cancer-free controls. Marijuana use was measured in "joint years" (number of years smoked times number of joints per day). It turned out that increased marijuana use did not result in higher rates of lung and pharyngeal cancer (whereas tobacco smokers were at greater risk the more they smoked). Tobacco smokers who also smoked marijuana were at slightly lower risk of getting lung cancer than tobacco-only smokers.

    rest ov article here:


    • Like 7
  3. it seems like you have it under control anyway.


    this bike kind ov meant a lot to me.

    i've never had a brand new bike. It was always hand-me-downs or second hand, so i was excited.

    Also i don't drive so he bike was a way to get out & about while also getting my fitness level back up.

    I kind ov feel like i've turned a corner depression wise & the bike was a symbol ov that.

  4. The bike sounds like the least of your problems...http://www.lifeline....t-Help/Get_Help

    yeah, you're probably right.

    the printer incident was the last time i blew up & that was nearly 10 years ago.

    i did manage to hold it in this time, but 5+ hours later & i still feel pissed, frustrated & generally depressed.

    i was meant to see the psychologist today but had to cancel as the promised "first thing in the morning" delivery didn't arrive until 3pm.

    but i am seeing the psychiatrist next week, so my mental health is being catered for, but thanks for caring Max

    • Like 1
  5. Can you see where it is leaking from ?

    no, it seems to be leaking from where the line meets the caliper, but the nut holding the line in place seems fine, so i guess it's coming from inside the caliper & was just collecting on the nut.

    Can you remove the lever and caliper as a single unit ie without disconnecting the fluid line. If you can you should be able to send the whole unit back to the shop to be repaired.

    i could do that, but i think i'd rather ship the whole bike & get them to put it back on so i don't have to fuck around w/the damn thing anymore.

    If you are mechanically minded

    i was surprised i could even work out how to put the wheel on

    is it not working because it needs bleeding?


    well judging by the limpness ov the brake lever i'd say all the fluid has now bleed out.

    i'll goto the local small "toys & some bikes" shop first & see if they feel confident in refilling the fluid etc.

    otherwise it shouldn't cost more than $30 to get it freighted to Bairnsdale.

    thanks for the advice peeps.

    • Like 1
  6. it's the front tire brake that's screwed.

    guess i can ride w/just the back brake but it's not very good at stopping the bike quickly....

    & it's kind ov essential on the steep tracks i was intending to use it on.

    i really had to hold myself back from kicking the thing to death.

    i'm one ov those people who's pretty calm most ov the time but little annoyances can make me explode & all the rage comes out.

    i once smashed up a perfectly good PC & printer just because i couldn't get the printer to print on a CD like it was meant to.

    • Like 2
  7. bought a bicycle in Melbourne, had it shipped out here.

    put it together & find one ov the disc brakes has leaked all it's hydraulic fluid & doesn't work anymore.

    Nearest bike shop is 90km away, guess i can get a local freight company to drop it off & pick it up when fixed.

    so fucking pissed off

  8. or does it change our lived reality if it is?

    or does it matter?

    it depends on what the simulation is being run for.

    for instance if it was a simulation ov "what happens when a low level civilization ov finite resources is attacked by a zombie making virus from space"

    then it would matter.

    also if the simulation has reached it's end, would the beings that created it turn it off (so to speak) or allow it to keep running?

  9. huh? i don't understand, that abstract is so full ov stuff you could have misread i can't see what you mean.


    an insecticide that is non toxic to insects? yes! because the insect has enzymes within its body that break this chemical down into one that is highly toxic to the insect.

    seems like it contradicts itself?


  10. 2012.07.29 U.D.

    Buy Dream Now

    you can buy Vauveville on the online site




    KURATAS is the first giant boarding-robot, which is about four meters height. Robot pilot, an occupation most man would want to be, comes true at last.


    KURATAS has the AE "V-Sido", the control system of the computer technology is watched by all world with interest. Not only operating by boarding the pilot’s seat, but also enabling you to control and interact KURATAS with Kinect*. Moreover, without taking a professional training such as a combat plane, people can operate it easily. Furthermore, you can control KURATAS via the mobile 3G Internet access.


    We could customize your KURATAS as what you hope; holding a squirt gun as a fire fighter, painting a body camouflage as a ranger in jungle, giving a mop and a cleaner as a home cleaning robot, so it is really up to you.


    Wherever you are, you can buy KURATAS on the online site, which will be opened when KURATAS Project completed.


    Height : about 4,000 mm / Width: about 3,000 mm / Length : about 4,000 mm / Weight : about 4,500 kg

    Control system : AE V-sido




    This is an organization which is aimed to spread human ride robots. We will mass-produce and sell prototype KURATAS by Japanese artist Kogoro Kurata. KURATAS is coming out in 2012, by SUIDOBASHI HEAVY INDUSTRY

  11. 2012 Oct 12


    Breast cancer is the most common cancer and the second leading cause of cancer death and morbidity among women in the western world. Pomegranate juice (PJ) and three of its specific components have been shown to inhibit processes involved in prostate cancer metastasis.

    If this also proves to be true for breast cancer, these natural treatments will be promising agents against breast cancer that can serve as potentially effective and nontoxic alternatives or adjuncts to the use of conventional selective estrogen receptor modulators for breast cancer prevention and treatment.

    To test this possibility, we have used two breast cancer cell lines, MDA-MB-231 cells (ER(-)) and MCF7 (ER(+)), and the non-neoplastic cell line MCF10A. We show that, in addition to inhibiting growth of the breast cancer cells, PJ or a combination of its components luteolin (L) + ellagic acid (E) + punicic acid (P) increase cancer cell adhesion and decrease cancer cell migration but do not affect normal cells.

    These treatments also inhibit chemotaxis of the cancer cells to SDF1α, a chemokine that attracts breast cancer cells to the bone. We hypothesized that PJ and L + E + P stimulate expression of genes that increase adhesion and inhibit genes that stimulate cell migration and inhibit chemotaxis to SDF1α. Using qPCR, we confirmed these proposed effects on gene expression and in addition we found that a gene important in epithelial-to-meshenchymal transitions is decreased.

    We also found that pro-inflammatory cytokines/chemokines are significantly reduced by these treatments, thereby having the potential to decrease inflammation and its impact on cancer progression. Discovery that PJ and L + E + P are inhibitory of metastatic processes in breast cancer cells in addition to prostate cancer cells indicate that they are potentially a very effective treatment to prevent cancer progression in general.


    • Like 2
  12. Oct 19, 2012

    Ambulance Victoria may stop using the powerful painkiller Fentanyl, amid an independent audit into its drug-handling procedures and concerns about growing community misuse of the drug.

    Two paramedics have been accused of stealing the opioid analgesic from ambulance stations and substituting it with water.

    At the same time it has been revealed there have been at least 15 Fentanyl-related deaths over the last year, and drug support agencies say it is in-demand on the black market.

    Ambulance Victoria chief executive Greg Sassella told 7:30 Victoria there is no evidence to link the deaths to the alleged thefts by paramedics, but the use of the drug is being reconsidered.

    "We've got to decide, we have very good reason for using Fentanyl," he said.

    "It's a very effective drug for our patients and for the sake of one or two individuals who are misappropriating the drug or replacing it, is that sufficient to then deny all of our hundreds of thousands of patients that medication?

    "Of course, that is something we're going to have to think about."


    i'd be pissed off if i was in pain & the paramedics couldn't give me strong enough pain killers, but i'd be even more pissed off if the pain killers they gave me were water.

    • Like 3
  13. Oct 18,

    A drug made from a plant known as “thunder god vine,” or lei gong teng, that has been used in traditional Chinese medicine, wiped out pancreatic tumors in mice, researchers said, and may soon be tested in humans.

    Mice treated with the compound showed no signs of tumors after 40 days or after discontinuing the treatment, according to researchers at the University of Minnesota’s Masonic Cancer Center. The research, funded by the university and the National Institutes of Health. was published today in the journal Science Translational Medicine.

    Enlarge image

    Cystic carcinoma pancreas. Photograph: MBq

    “This drug is just unbelievably potent in killing tumor cells,” said Ashok Saluja, vice chairman of research at the center and the study’s leader, said in a telephone interview. “You could see that every day you looked at those mice, the tumor was decreasing and decreasing, and then just gone.”

    The plant, also known as Tripterygium wilfordii, contains triptolide, which earlier studies have shown can cause cancer cells to die. In traditional Chinese medicine, the plant is used as a treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. While the researchers hope to start human trials in six months, Saluja said it’s still a long leap from mice to people.

    “Does that mean it will definitely work in humans?” he said. “We can definitely not say that.”

    The results pave the way for clinical trials in patients with pancreatic cancer, one of the most lethal malignancies, the researchers said in the study. About 44,000 new cases of the disease are diagnosed each year in the U.S., according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta. Only about 20 percent of patients survive a year after diagnosis, Saluja said.

    Survival Odds

    Even for patients diagnosed at the earliest stages of their cancer when the odds are better, only about 14 percent survive five years or longer, according to the American Cancer Society. The current treatment is Eli Lilly & Co.’s Gemzar (LLY), which sold $452 million last year. A generic version of the drug became available in 2011, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

    “It adds six weeks -- it’s nothing,” Saluja said. “There’s definitely a need to discover and develop more strategies for pancreatic cancer.”

    The researchers dubbed the drug Minnelide, a combination of Minnesota and triptolide. They developed a water soluble version that could be injected into mice, and in the future administered to patients intravenously.

    Saluja and his group have formed a company, Minneamrita Therapeutics, which will attempt to take the drug into the first of three stages of human clinical trials that are generally required before U.S. regulatory approval. Saluja said the company has discussed the trials with the Food and Drug Administration.


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