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The Corroboree

Shroomie the Shaman

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Posts posted by Shroomie the Shaman

  1. ***They now love me!*** I did only have two plants infested but I used a toothbrush (taking more care than when brushing my teeth!) and a spray bottle set on jet, rinse n repeat every afternoon...by the second afternoon there were only a few! As I sit here looking, they're blooming up in the sun. THANKS ALL!!! :wink:

  2. Absolutely brilliant people. I took the photo this afternoon and now (6:07pm) I have several different opinions, all the same. The plants have been quarrantined...well away from my beloved cacti, THANK YOU for there is no sign of spreading. Shall mix up some "white oil," test...then save my only two Psychotrias. Once again, cheers! Your helpfulness will be well used and much appreciated. :worship:

  3. Can anyone please tell me what this is on my Psychotria Viridis? I have 2 and the are both suffering from what looks like little eggs (there are alot of ants too) I would like to avoid pesticides if I could, I tried scraping as much as I could off, also using water, but it all comes straight back...Anyone???




  4. They are one of our biggest sellers and most are return customers, so they must work for quite a few people. No, they are not as strong as the real thing and they are not exactly like the real thing, but both products have many of the characteristics of the real materials.

    Most who fail to get effects are not smoking them right (small units smoked hot and in one hit - never use a large unit and try to take in multiples hits). Also, never smoke through water. I can't believe how many people fail to follow that simple instruction and then complain about the quality :rolleyes::BANGHEAD2: . DO NOT SMOKE THROUGH WATER. A bong is a great idea, but make sure it has no water in it.

    The notHash, small balls (or better discs) can be smoked in or on anything.

    Real opium melts to almost liquid, so the notOpium does that too. It's great when put on a bit of any herb in a cone. It melts through the herb and smokes very easily that way.

    For all other information do a search. There has been plenty written about them. Keep in mind we almost doubled the potency soon after the initial release. Our guinea pigs obviously were a little too sensitive, but field research indicated that an increase in potency was not a risk.

    They do not work on people who take benzos.

    They are a legal alternative for those people and those times when the real thing is not appropriate. ie, they will not let you fail a drug test!!

    We find that half to one drink pleasantly enhances the effects.

    Thanks for that Torsten...I got some "can't believe it's not moroccan hashish" and was VERY dissapointed. Now I know why as I take benzos every day for epilepsy. 6mg of "Rivotril" a day to be exact, so obviously I'm not gonna get much from it. I thought it was a real let down but now I know why...It's my medications interfering with it! Can you tell me if the "not opium" will do much for me while being on 50mg of "Kapanol" a day???

  5. B)

    I remember back in my day, the dance floor and car parks were usually scattered with at least 1/2 a dozen empty packets laying about the place and I knew of plenty of people that took them to enjoy the night or lengthen the legs on their go'ey.

    I remember those days...emerging from a sweaty wharehouse at sunrise to see dozens of "Sudafed" packs (empty) scattered across the carpark. I distinctively remember a friend habitually getting a tray per pill of "X" to mix, and apparently they mixed well...he was always the last to leave and then the first to arrive at the recovery party...*sighs* Oh those memmories of the early 90's rave parties. "When the music was good, the lollies were cheap, and the only thing that mattered was the fact that everyone had a good time." Are there any real "underground" dance parties around anymore that don't get stopped by the police at 1am???

  6. Yes, you have finally figured out that you are the only sane one... congratulations! ;)

    GreenOsiris sounds like maybe he has all the answers... perhaps we should consider his advice gospel?

    O.K...If this classes as sane (been away GD and others...) then I hereby declare sanity as a Social disorder! Watched the lunar eclipse the other night, sat on the beach with others coming for a quick look, looking at me like "freak" saying it's too cold and going inside, call me archaic but to me a lunar eclipse has to be sat through to benefit from its cleansing properties!!!

  7. Oh man! These things are so great to read...I can relate alot to both of you. Firstly, I too lost my virginity in a dream when I was young, then, when it finally came to "doing the buisness" it was with an older woman *getting a little graphic here* but I just dove down on her and knew exactly what "buttons to push" and gave her multiple orgasms, just like I had done it before...and when it came to the crunch (penetration) she would not believe me that she was my first. It was exactly like I had practice, but in my dreams... Also, when I was younger (not so much now) I used to get those flying dreams...one time I flew directly upwards and there were others there, lights and sounds, I spun out and then heard a female voice say "we're scaring him!" Then wham, I woke up in bed, tingling all over...since then I have related that voice to my long passed grandmother, as I have seen her and heard her since. Lucid dreaming is one twisted topic and am glad to hear others with similar experiences!!!

  8. I think I have started a thread that really needed to be started! Anybody reading this thread, fear not, "spill the beans" as they say and then we can all feel more comfortable and less alone...i.e: Had a cup of "tea" the other night and could see the like minds, like white glowing threads waving around with nothing to link up to. I tried my best to work the invisible landscape and join a few together, one instantly came to me and it was completely overwhelming and I don't even know who it was (it was coming from down south up to the gold coast) It was like this lonely strand desperatley searching soul, and when I drew it in...BAM!!! :blink: So, we are many, I have seen, but linking up with just one was very demanding as it felt more alone than I was!

    As shroomytoons said to me..."like will attract like" so nobody be afraid or classified as "mentally ill" anymore. Terrence McKenna once said we are headed for an "archaic revival" but it won't happen by itself...fellow lightworkers, time to pull the finger out and "let's get it started!" B)

  9. Shroomytoons, If we are going to be that open...I have adjusted the colour on my television so everyone looks green because I prefer it that way, I often just go into cafes and restaurants to ask everyone if I can have their parsley garnish, I once finished the "99 bottles of beer" song (alone) and I have to masturbate if I even catch sight of any tender young barnyard animal...you my friend are sick, I would never actually have sex with one, that's just WIERD!!! :wink:

  10. Thank you all for making me realise there are many "hermit Shamen" and I think I have finally found the place to freely express myself, you are right , I am only outside the mainstream, but if I was sitting in my loungeroom chatting to those of you who have replied, I would just be one of the group.

    As you can see I am relatively new to this forum, but after reading these replies, I see we are many...I have had my mental condition examined and my mind is working the same as everyone elses, I just have different beliefs. :lol:

  11. what about? family guy?

    Toons...I can pretty much talk to them about anything (they are good at keeping secrets :lol: ) but normally just comforting smalltalk, like strangers do to babies...i.e: "Aren't you a georgeous looking cacti, yes you are, you are growing up so fast I know you will be big and strong before too long, then you can help Daddy with his learning, can't you...yes you can!" :blush:

  12. I think as long is they are not mold ridden they should be fine for any decorative purpose. If they have been attacked by mold etc, it would be a safe bet to chuck em, but drying in a cool area free of moisture is ok, but ususally one would cut them in to slices to achieve this faster

    There is some debate to wether this stressful manner of 'ageing' increases or decreases alkaloid content, not that one cares about that for ornamental purposes :wink:

    Still "learning the ropes" of this site :wink: and think that they will look great like this as I cannot see any reason it would decrease alkaloids, besides, they are a beautiful red, brown colour and don't look at all mouldy!

  13. I have a FOAF who has problems finding friends and like minds because of his beliefs. The best way to describe him is a Terrence McKenna like soul that lives by his own beliefs every day, most people think he's a little nuts, but then again he can see illness, auras and forthcoming events. This makes his beliefs undoubtable, espescially when he sees what you are wearing over the phone! Does anyone else know anyone like this, I think he needs help because he has very few friends from his lifestyle...he does not need psychiatric help, he needs like minds to talk to because he even talks to plants and "spirits" Can anyone relate to this? I mean, he grieved for months when Terrence McKenna died because reading his material made him feel related. He is VERY personal, and in this day and age, he does not find like minded souls anywhere, I mean, if he told the wrong person these things, he would be locked up in the psych ward! Does any of this sound familiar to anyone?

  14. I have a brief "break" from it all every now and then with 50mg of Morph and it can be a very good tool for coping with various situations like shock, deaths ect... but you MUST use it and not let it use you!!! Unless you can do morph the way I do (keep 100mg around for IF not WHEN needed) it can help with alot of things, but careful of dosage, you do not want to take so much you vomit...that will boof your receptor sites through the roof and then you get addicted. I only would reccomend taking such a holiday as often as you would any other holiday then it's quite an experience. I have found nothing to learn from the experience but if taken in the morning/lunch it can make one day feel like a week away from it all... BE CAREFUL!!!

  15. As the topic says, my psychotria viridis plants seem to have alot of tiny, tiny black things covering the new shoots. Also, normal black ants seem to live on my psychotrias. The ants seem to just be happily running around the plant, causing it no grief, but these little black things are filling the new shoots stunting them. I do not want to use chemicals if possible but I only have two, very healthy specimens and can feel the plants being stunted...(yes, I talk to my plants) Does anyone have, or has seen this, if so, what do I do?

