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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by Μορφέας

  1. Iv been chucking up a few recipies and Iv got two so far. Im going to soak the ingrediants in 160Proof Rum and evaporate it down so its nice and concentrate.

    Tincture 1 nice and relaxing: Poppies, Saffron, Sceletium, kratom and Lotus and maybe a pinch of Bhoney oil.

    Tincture 2: Cubenis, HWB extract, Loph or Panchoi, Spidergrass and maybe a bit of tincture 1.

    Its really just a few ideas, Hopfully i can evaporate the liquid down to a nice dark liquid for a vial and dripper that can be stored away neatly.

  2. or the one where one week before harvest you left her dry with no water, then on harvest day, water her with a mixture of vanillia essence and water, the vanilla goes into the buds and then CHOP and cure, for more effect cure in a jar with an opened vial of vanilla essence.. vanilla bud yumm
