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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by Μορφέας

  1. hmm arhhh you could have your testosterone levels checked, Youd be amazed at how much of a diffrence testosterone replacement therapy can have on your emotions and life.

    A quote

    test, good old test...It'll make Janet Reno look sexy to ya....it'll make you get a hard on when your ole lady youve been married to for 20 years bends over to pick something up off the floor. It'll let you sleep 6 hours a night and wake up refreshed. It'll improve your mental cognition. It's the bomb. Seriously, if you have a stressful job and/or a job that requires mental concentration....you are going to be blown away by the difference test makes.

  2. I for one know that if I find myself eating often over a week that in between meals, particularly overnight, that I am actually MORE hungry between periods, and the urge to eat is greater. Something to do with the stomach capacity expanding perhaps ?

    This is a trick body builders use to cut down on weight, By eating 4-5 small meals a day and snacking, the body starts to burn up its stores faster and stops storing food due to the constant influx as he doesnt have any need to store energy. Whereas if you eat one meal a day your body will store all the energy and you wont be as hungry, A trick sumo wrestlers use, They eat one meal a day (a huge meal at that) so that their body stores the whole lot.

    The down side is that if your losing weight this way you have to bite your hunger pains pretty hard, Cos you get fricken hungry

    I hope that makes sense :)
