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The Corroboree

Piers Gibbon

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Posts posted by Piers Gibbon

  1. I've been really enjoying the resurrected Ginger Beer Plant I've been tending

    check out the Ginger Beer Plant group on yahoo for some suppliers who ship worldwide

    but this original paper from 1892 suggests (right at the end) that you may well get the plant growing just by using unwashed ginger...


  2. really apprecaite all the info!

    thanks mates

    it's turning out to be a fairly light hearted piece and i'll post it up definitely

    I took it ten minutes ago (at twice the dosage recommended on the packet you lot will be pleased to know) and am looking forward to that promised increase in the power of my rectal muscles

    meanwhile my girlfriend is using her boost of testosterone to do some chores


  3. I am doing more writing work which is good news

    And with my girlfriend I have a small commission to write a review of the aphrodisiac properties of horny goats weed for a newspaper here in the UK

    can I ask for some help? (stop giggling at the back)

    obviously I have googled and erowidded

    but has anyone got any personal experience of marathon sex sessions? or was it a flop?

    all confidences will of course be treated with cavalier abandon and repeated to the entire british nation

    many thanks


    to make this thread findable here's the Linnean etc from erowid


    Epimedium spp (sagittum?)


    epimedium, yin yang huo



  4. Torsten:

    the seeds would definitely be dead.

    and before anyone attempts bioassaying the leaves, please read the section on this plant on this site... or ask Piers what he thinks of it    

    oh yeah! i remember that distinctly...a really precise lump in the throat feeling it was..a feeling that any more and that crucial breathing gap might close up...rather worrying that a brave australian might feel obliged to go for a whole cheekful and swallow the juice..and then neck some more, just to be sure

    i mean i am pretty sure this was not a placebo bummer ok

    I thought the sound of Torsten laughing was to be the last I heard on earth

    I am still wondering why you wouldn't let me drive two days later when I merely hallucinated The Giant Koala Hotel - I was tired OK?

    And the orange floodlight on the gum tree made a very convincing koala-like shadow..didnt it..really

  5. many thanks for replies

    rev...spination...haven't got a scop to compare but on my pach the spines point up down and sideways!

    hey mescalito that's great, wonder if they are the same strain? i guess we'll never know without a paternity test or bioassay

    i call mine pedrito

    and thankyou strangebrew for those id's

    and are those two shamanic in any way in your experience?

  6. thanks for letting us know about that Torsten

    I think it's always worth clicking the Add your Comment button on pages like that...the more people who post up -

    I Approve of This Scheme!

    messages the more likely it is to seep into the public and government consciousness that this is the way forward...the only way forward.

    click away people! and try to sound like a moderate, ballot box voting sort of person, you know you can if you try....

  7. bump

    just wanted to say that I've been paying very close attention to Pedrito the San Pedro pictured above...lots of different cuttings grown in lost of different ways

    Interestingly Michael - that is basically the normal spination and areole for Pedrito strain - even on ones grown in lovely conditions. Plenty of rootspace, light and love does however lead to bigger diameters

    I'll take another photo at the end of this season - october - and see what you think

    any ideas on the other two - to be honest if your instinct is that they are not of shamanic note then that's all i need!

  8. thanks for all responses...are we all referring to the same photos?

    plant one..pedrito...the one in the photo actually has five ribs...just checked...other pups and cuttings have five and six...there's sixes pupping from fives and vice versa...and one five pupping from a big seven! but no fours...

    am currently tracking down earlier photos of my cacti.. abbey brook knew their stuff even back in the 1980's - an entirely respectable business, they were well aware of loph and san pedros spiritual side...they even brought over a huichol family to visit and bless the plants...so I assume they would have collected the original pedro from a good, quite likely shamanic source.

    plant two has four ribs at the top..who is he?

    hey SAB is the best, thanks for all your help

  9. Apologies for image-heavy post

    Spring has sprung in England...so it's time to be kind to cacti and I'd be very grateful if you could help me ID two large dusty mysteries that neither my mate nor i can remember the origin of...

    I've had to cut one due to falling over (the plant not me)...and the other hasn't been getting enough light or love recently...

    Just to calibrate the sensors allow me to introduce PEDRITO the San Pedro strain I've been growing for over 20 years...so i'm hoping you'll say it's Trichocereus pachanoi. As sold to me by Abbey Brook Cactus Nursery....



    PLANT TWO... any idea what this is (below)...4 different angles of one plant - PLANT TWO








    PLANT THREE (below) Or this, branching one...again, 3 different views of one plant...PLANT THREE







    [ 20. February 2004, 09:23: Message edited by: Piers Gibbon ]

  10. thanks for the brilliant defence m'lud and just the sort of thing lawyers love to discuss..is that leaf a product when its still growing? is it a leaf until its dropped off?

    best keep that greenhouse well swept..if just one leaf should fall and dry out on the floor...

    kafka would be proud
