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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by Gimli

  1. I have the same weed coming over my fence from the neighbor. Archaeol~ is dead right, you can poison anything on " your side" which is what ive been doing. Sadly it grows back every year!

    They are tough as guts. Sometime a good dose of roundup on a 30+ day seems to do nothing ... I normally apply every 2 days for 1-2 weeks.

    Turns out my mother used to spray it with glyphosate (I got the house from her) and it just didn't want to die :/

    It's bloody quick grower! I cut off about 1.5m of vine about 6~weeks ago and it's already grown back :/


  2. Don't cha love it when you're sitting out back and your neighbor is watering her small backyard quite heavily, stick my head over and ask what she's doing..


    Can you guess what she was "watering"? Concrete.

    I walk back inside, close all doors and windows and laugh, now I'm here.

    • Like 2

  3. they have enormous amounts of shallow tubers, best to find the main hub & scrape & paint along as much as possible.. theres copious amounts of large & small individual tubers fuckin everywhere around a large infestation & they will almost always just keep growing back unless you dig every single last one out.. Maybe in perth climate they aren't as epic as they are here though.

    Nah, not that bad here compared with the tropics!

    Going to try get in contact with the owner of the house (since next door is a duplex and both rentals) and see if the owner will go in there and remove as much as he can. Must be private rentals though since both houses are a mess out front and back.. Pigsty almost.

  4. * I didn't know Grazon would kill the whole plant....lol

    Someone said Fusilade injected in the vines?

    Will try both over the course of a few weeks/months.

    We have Anredera coming through the fence from one of our neighbours. His place is heavily infested with it, in a subtropical landscape where it is the worst form of environmental cancer. I remove every stem that comes across the boundary.

    I had heard the tubers are edible and that the leaves have a laxative effect. Apparently this vine was planted across the dunnies of early pioneer houses and it is how it initially became widespread.

    Horror weed.

    This one coming over my fence is also just starting to creep over the fence at the back into the yard of a set of unit houses. Can't believe people just don't care about letting things get out of hand.

  5. Afternoon Mr XXXX,

    Anredera cordifolia may be a weed of national significance but it is not a weed per se in Western Australia. Its real impacts are felt in the tropics and what your experiencing is really only a fraction of the way it behaves in north Queensland.
    That said any way you look at it this is a neighbour to neighbour issue.
    Under the rules laid down by local government on property boundaries you are entitled to control any plants that cross the property boundary into your property. But you can’t kill or injure these plants beyond that boundary. If you’ve had issues with your neighbours in the past I agree that will make things difficult but they have no obligations to remove or control this species so boundary maintenance may be the only real option you have left.

    This was the reply I got from Dept of Agriculture.

  6. Yeah I thought they were habs.. Now just to wait & see what colour they are :)

    Thanks for the Bishop's Crown ID.. Just googled it, I think you're right.

    Do you enjoy milder chilli's? I'm growing Anaheim & Bell's, both very sweet. Are there any others you can recommend?

    Aji Lemon are quite nice, have a citrus-like flavor and not too hot. Milder than Habanero.

    Mild peppers have their place, particularly jalapenos. I love making jalapeno poppers! yum

    Anything Rocoto are nice, mild.

  7. from healseville sanctuary

    This looks like a very advanced case of mange, usually when they get to this level there is not a lot we are able to do in regards to treatment. Once they start coming out during the day it is usually due to their eyes becoming affected and they get to the stage where they become unable to see and find food hence emaciated. My suggestion would be to call Upper Yarra Wildlife Rescue Network on 0427 088 121 and they should be able to help capture it. At this stage our recommendation would be euthanasia to alleviate suffering and a long and slow death if left in the wild. Please feel free to call on 5957-2829 to discuss further with one of our nursing team.

    sad times ahead :(


  8. Hi SAB,

    I have a few questions...

    1) can someone please ID this vine for me?


    2) I am replacing the fence soon but I am just sick and tired of having to cut back this vine (every 6-8 weeks) that keeps coming over, it covers next doors entire shed room (at least 4x4m) and is a pretty quick grower.. Would there be any repercussions if I poisoned said vine from my side of the fence?

    I have spoken to the neighbors and they don't seem to give a fuck the vine is coming onto my property - my neighbor is pretty ignorant in regards to most things, particularly keeping cats on her property (or lack of keeping them there)





  9. 7x Orange Jonah 7 Pot

    6x Fatalii

    1x Choc Habanero

    Going to let these ones be loved my nature instead of my grow tent although I will top them when ready :)

    Just sowed 12 Aji Lemon seeds. Now I just need to widen my garden a little more to accommodate more plants :D




  10. Instead of being concerned about piracy, why don't they look at a solution to the issue. In Australia we only really have access to the Murdoch owned monopoly that is Foxtel, an overpriced service for what it delivers.

    People who were, IMO, doing the right thing by setting up a VPN so they could use Netflix as PAYING customers were booted from using the service.

    Why is it acceptable to wait a month to watch something.

    The worst that can happen is they give you a warning. If you don't abide, they just curb your internet speed. That is saying that your internet provider has the resources to monitor it and you aren't using a VPN.

    I believe they only kicked a few Australian users on the premise of Aussies living in the USA and paying for netlfix with an Aussie bank account...

    I would say they just don't want to look at the real reason why so many Aussies pirate and it is a shame for us and them. Us because we have to wait 3-4 days at minimum for tv shows (if you have foxtel) and them because they'd have more customers.

    Silly silly.

  11. is anyone concerned about data retention at all?

    even on iinet i'm worried that australia's golden download days when the government refused to give a fuck about online piracy........ might be closing soon.

    and i don't want to be on the first list of people going to court.

    if it happens i wonder if there would be a kind of grace period, or just "HAH WE GOT YOU ALL"

    I am somewhat worried but not tin foil hat worried. Interestingly enough George Brandis couldn't even explain what metadata is lol absolute douchecanoe

    I am more worried about the TPP and the effects that will have in regards to people downloading shows.
