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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by Gimli

  1. Great, gimli Always happy to help beginners raising cacti from seed because it opens them so many great opportunities! Its a rewarding feeling to help someone to make his first steps in such an interesting field. So yeah, dont hesitate to post if you run in trouble!

    I have 41x Bridgesii x Super Pedro

    9x Super Pedro x Bridgesii

    17x Scop x Pach

    Pretty happy with my first time trying to germ cacti seeds :)

    • Like 2

  2. thanks Dreamwalker,

    I just read about the rules how u can only have one thread. never seeen that before but never found a phycedelic trading fourm either.

    Okay, thanks for the info bro.

    very excited about this, whats the deal with the po po, are they on here, posing as users trying to bust peoples?

    "u can only have one thread" I never knew that :scratchhead:

    Might have been in regard to the trade reputation section?

    • Like 2

  3. ^^ KFC chicken pieces are brilliant bait for cat traps. Not fit for human consumption, just feline.

    To kill the Anredera you can cut smaller stems, bundle them together with string or an elastic band and place the (very recently) cut ends of the stems in a jar of glyphosate and metsulfuron methyl. This will allow for uptake and kills stems and tubers. You need to do it really quickly after cutting the stems or it won't work well..

    good luck

    Will try this if the owner of the property next door doesn't choose to remove the horror weed..


  4. Speak to your council. If that doesn't work and if you want to keep evidence to a minimum then perhaps you could cut off a tip somewhere and then let that soak into a tiny container of Roundup.

    You should also ask your council about borrowing a cat trap off them.

    Council won't act since it hasn't been declared a pest here in WA. We have contacted the owner of the house next door and hopefully we can arrange for it to be removed

    As for the cat issue (which is still on-going) we have a private trap in use since the council ones are always booked out. I have a feeling we will catch another one this week.. Both issues originate from ignorant people next door who don't care.

    One would think if their pets keeps going missing (and ultimately being PTS) that they'd get them microchipped and do their best to keep the cat on their property.
