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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by spice

  1. I heard that if you find a magic goat and have sex with it, it will give u subs

    So far all the goats Ive found have obviously been non-magical



    example of non-magical goats

    Hahahaha I almost fell out of my chair! :P Good stuff.

  2. "dark side of the moon" synched w/the start of the film "wizard of Oz" is now on google video for those who want to check out if there really is anything behind the tales.

    personally i think not.

    It syncs up in some parts, but i'm sure it is coincidence and you can probably do it with other random albums and movies.

  3. I don't think they do require reporting, it's voluntary.

    Sure is, the gear targeted and the suppliers who have signed up for reporting can all be found in the 'Code of Practice for Supply Diversion into Illicit Drug Manufacture' dated september 2005.

  4. Check out some of the lab supply places like crown and lomb, they do cash deals with public. Im gonna order some stuff soon so maybe a group order? providing noone wants to order anything restricted. Im looking at 2 large RBF's, liebig condensor (might be cheaper from ebay) still head vacuum receiver and some solvents. also a buchner funnel since i broke mine :(

    I'm also in the market for some quickfit glassware and I was wondering, which pieces are restricted?

  5. Hey Everyone,

    First post (woot!) so let me say ahoy to all of you here at the Corroboree. I've recently inherited a pretty interesting old microscope and I was wondering if anyone here could help me out with a spore print of Psilocybe cubensis (prefered) or Psilocybe cyanescens to study with said microscope. Unfortunatly I have no exotic seeds to trade, but I'd of course be willing to pay for postage.

    Thanks guys.
