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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Coschi

  1. Coschi

    Research chemicals

    According to http://law.ato.gov.au/atolaw/view.htm?doci...50012/Sch-314.4 2C-B and 5-MeO-DMT are not Border Controlled Drugs.. could that have something to do with it?
  2. Coschi


    Scientists at Berkeley will be shipped trunk bark of the mamala tree where the will proceed to extract prostratin. Samoan's get 20% of profits or something like that. http://www.berkeley.edu/news/media/release.../29_samoa.shtml http://www.lbl.gov/Science-Articles/Archiv...amoas-gift.html You could probably extract yourself quite easily
  3. Well well well.. your point has been made I'm not being sarcastic actually now i see your point, as many times as i've seen you say UTFSE (which i clearly don't respond too well to ) i haven't seen you mention why exactly. Since you are a 'searcher', i'm pretty much your mortal enemy huh Well in future i may actually make an effort - a suggestions though, UTFSE many people won't respond well to, your better off just saying what said above
  4. I'm sure we've done this before.. I was flicking around the net, i saw that, i thought 'gee that sounds interesting'. I like to discuss things as part of my personality, I also like to share things. I wasn't aware that this was so common knowledge, so i posted it, thinking perhaps someone would read it and find it interesting, and I could get an answer - like i said i like to discuss so my instinct when i read that was to post a question rather than search around for answers. Not that big a deal imo, you see an extra line on you screen, one a week its gone shit man how dare i do such a thing
  5. No no thankyou that's quite enough the one mentioned above is actually just what i was looking for, thanks SO MUCH BUDDY!!!!!
  6. Gee cheers matey Edit: if your referring to http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/inde...?showtopic=9886 yeah great interesting reading, but i'm no chemist, i'm no mycologist, and this doesn't give any guide on how to actually 'load a substrate with tryptamines'. I came across it on Ask Dr Shulgin, it certainly sounds like an interesting concept that i thought i'd mention, also someone else might read this (who hadn't previously seen it) and be interested themselves, you know spread the word and all that Thanks for being so fucking helpful Apo
  7. Coschi

    Crazy from shrooms?

    Shrooms are great, they're natural, have massive history behind them, you can grow them, you could supply yourself with a never ending supply of delights for the mind which you are fully aware of what your getting (not like buying pills is it).. but Well the other week swim had a fairly large amount of such delights, and the night was fantastic as you could imagine, but for the first time ever swim was pretty messed up in the head for almost a week later. Swim was stuck in the mushroom mindset, but not in a good way. Thought processes that couldn't be followed etc.. Anyway this bothered swim a bit because he so likes these treats and it would be ashame to find out they can make you go a little so he'd like to know more, if any of you have felt something similar. I asked around for swim and a friend told me that a long time ago he knew a guy who was perhaps predisposed to some mental instability, and he loved his shrooms, so much that he integrated it into his daily diet. He proceeded to move to Byron Bay and eat nothing but fresh seaweed - unfortunately he contracted some parasitical disease which attacked his nervous system, paralysing him from the waist down. Years on he's still paralysed, plus he has some kind of induced psychosis he can't seem to undo.. Now i don't see swim living off shrooms and fresh seaweed, but this is a touch of a concern... Syd Barrett went into a lsd induced psychotic episode, and i'm sure you've heard his story.. If not google him! Tryptamines... is this a pattern? SWIM LOVES TRYPTAMINES Tryptamines seem to resonate with him, especially dmt, and shrooms, and 5meo-dmt. But mainly dmt, could swim be running the risk of inducing some kind of episode from over use of dmt?
  8. Coschi

    Crazy from shrooms?

    Yeah... seriously... A question for thought: gom said "psychedelic drugs will most likely enhance this and point it out to the subject, i.e. show him his crazyness" this i totally agree with. Perhaps would someone agree with me that from the day we're born, we are conditioned in order to fit into this society - just like a child will say exactly what they think, but in time that gets surpressed.. I look at this surpression as mental barriers that block certain aspects of personality, be it creativity or psychotic behaviour, and these barriers exist only in the conscious; the sub-conscious remains free from all conditioning and is always 'pure'.. Some psychedelics are so powerful they can just tear down all these barriers and show you exactly who you are, as perhaps happened with syd and 'seaweed boy' An example of this is with dmt, i suspect (i presume to know nothing) that when you break through to 'that place' (god i love this stuff) this is a conscious exploration of your sub-conscious, where many of your thoughts and daily inputs have manifested themselves into components of the dmt world.. but manifested in such a stunning display of visual creativity; i can't draw (well my body can't draw..) perhaps i've got barriers in my consious which exist in the path of my visual creativity flow to artistic expression. Is it dangerous to realise who you really are? Revealing hidden creativity and personality is the best thing i've accelerated towards with psychedelics.. but what about people who are heading straight for they're demise? Like little they know that they are going to uncover something about themselves that is just incompatible with society; where we'd render them 'psychotic'. Who are we to say they are wrong? Maybe they're the only ones who really see things the way they are? Well just thoughts... any comment?
  9. Coschi

    Crazy from shrooms?

    ps, kudos to anyone that actually reads all that - i believe it was officially my largest post anywhere ever
  10. Coschi

    Crazy from shrooms?

    Shit didn't expect that many replies so soon glad to hear your input and opinions Well this was about two weeks ago, we did a bunch of stones at Bimbo in Brunswick St - how many of you know this place!?? - well basically, loud music, very chemical, very in your face extremely non-subtle, but hey that's cool we've done this many times before (i peaked out once and had to retreat to a corner because everyone was looking waaaay too animated i wigged out a little) AND ITS ALWAYS GREAT! - i should mention something - i have a massive repect for all substances, chemical, plants, animals - i used to smoke lots of pot but FINALLY realised that this was simply an abuse of the substance, and it was consequently completely detrimental to myself. Through stages i've learnt to understand that everything around me has a purpose, serves a purpose- dope is excellent, a great way to share a moment in the right setting etc.. etc.. but that's key, that its not just the dope its everything, people setting etc.. and people forget this, likewise with trips, pills, smack, basically everything that can be abused. People try these, love how they felt that one time and keep trying to bring that moment back, they don't realise its not JUST the drug. Anyway my point is I respect all substances, and let moments of psychedelic intoxication find me - i may or may not have a heap of different treats at home, and previously I could never have something just sitting in a drawer and not indulge in it - now i can. Especially with something like dmt, i LOVE the experience, but its more the reflection after the trip that i find all realisations occur, so frequently i end up bursting out i laughter because i just realised that i am an object just like a chair or something silly like that - but these silly thoughts really put things into perspective! You have no idea how hard it is to do my day job... after something like dmt has shown me what creativity is in my mind and i realise all these things which matter so much more than superficialities of life BLAh well shit you know what i'm trying to say.. -Respect, setting intention, reflection of experiences. I'm just thankful i'm now the person who can do this, and doesn't sit around smoking joint after joint every single day But! I'm only human, i'm only 23, i love a good night and i'm walking away from extacy.. I do love the out of control and free mind - higher understand - absolutely confidence from ultimate ego shutdown; the understanding of me being no different to anyone anywhere, certainly no better, certainly no worse - just me and free to be me - this is when it starts getting interesting. Amazing things happen! Most unexpected interactions my life is literally soaring. The best thing about it is i realise its not the drugs doing this, they are just tearing down every barrier i've learnt to put up (in a selective manner - dmt - visions visual art; mushrooms - ego; lsa - god knows) and me as me is coming out. Now i'm seeing these things come out in my daily life - all the time! Maybe because i'm 'seeing myself' so frequently i know there's no denying anymore, and like a lucid dream the first step to being conscious in it is to be aware of it and recognise it. Whoa sorry guys, i wonder if your still with me? Well the point above is i certainly love a party, extacy i'm avoiding, i like my psychedelics and shrooms seems to be such a great option these days - until that moment two weeks ago which made me a little concerned. But someone above mentioned setting, and as much as i know this counts i think i realise just now how much. I met this great girl that night about 10 minutes after i dropped, which was funny in itself but kinda sucked. She actually hung around for the next hour as my friend and i descended, well became that fluffy little cloud in the room but ultimately i lost her! I think that was a bit of a kick up the ass for me but that's ok, but the night followed with more and more of this. Like at bimbo for some reason the scene can change in a matter of minutes. All cute girls were replaced with drunken blokes - i just remembered this was friday 13'th i'm sure that had something to do with it... Anyway we left, went to my favorite place Black Pearl and just talked and talked - an awesome night but opened up many questions.. a great trip but way to much reflection to follow - and subsequent events that week could not have come at a worse time BUT! All good now all sorted, everythings worked out in the most amazing way.. I think after hearing about seaweed boy i got a little concerned i'm heading down some totally fucked up path, but i don't think so. I think that week was just about getting the push i needed and re-aligning contributing factors in my life. Dmt helped with this VENT hmm, i don't think i've ever blasted you guys with my thoughts before, there's a few things for you to know about me anyway.. See i'm on this self discovery path but i'm the only one of my friends that is, some join me in bits but they take things simply for recreational value, and there's nothing wrong with this but like i said i'm on a different path to them, so people here are probably the only ones that would actually understand on the level i'm thinking. Just started reading Tihkal - wow so many words in that book i've spoken before, like as psychedelics break down the conscious barriers and return components of us to simply where we started at before these barriers were put up, leading us to see things in a way which is completely untainted, and verbal expressions of this is almost word for word among the partakers - like we're all hearing these constant sentences one by one.. Maybe! oooooh yeah
  11. Coschi

    Brug cuttings - help!

    So i got some brugmansia cuttings put them in water, for about a week they really picked up leaves looked all happy and stuff but now they're going droopy! No roots developing what have I done wrong?
  12. Coschi

    Solanaceae pics

    http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/4296/15102006097pb6.jpg http://img82.imageshack.us/img82/3246/15102006100ik1.jpg Brugmansia sanguinea Not mine thought, just one i've stumbled across
  13. Hi All Swim recently acquired this Salvia Divinorum (a week ago) and it came in a pretty unhealthy looking state. Leaves more yellow than green, curling, lots of holes, and many with crusty brown edges. The stem looks quite alright no abnormalities that he can see. Swim knows nothing about looking after plants, but would really like to keep this one going and bring it back to a healthy stage, so he's after your advice! Fertilizers, potting mix etc.. etc.. Basically now its sitting in a shaded area in a pot with good looking soil and the pot has holes at the bottom. He's heard Sally D should be kept in a 50% shaded area with no more than 4 hours of direct sunlight a day. Swim's worried because he noticed yesterday that there's a few leaves falling off (3 or 4) and he really doesn't know if this plant will make it. He waters it ~500 mLs every morning Here's the pics, sorry for the blurriness they were taken with a phone, if necessary better photos can be taken no problem. Please Please Please help this little battler survive!!
  14. Coschi


    http://www.myspace.com/bluepanthertrip I'm critical, its crap, well maybe, maybe not... Just listen to sleeper, yeah sleeper, true psychedelic acid drenched guitar rubbish, great fun! And Jungle 68 ... our drummer ... whoa! And Mt Trail is ok... eh.. sort of Nice beats prier
  15. Coschi

    Beuatiful new Orchid species with a snarling face!

    lol hagakure :lol:
  16. Coschi

    LSA question

    I love tripping in the city like seriously one of my all time favorite things, and any kind of trip EXCEPT lsa because every single time i find myself in the situation where i know exactly what to say to someone or about something, but as soon as i speak it comes out slightly wrong, so i try and fix it, and that comes out wrong, then it spirals and after a few hours of this i can only really mutter obsceneties :wacko:
  17. Coschi

    LSA question

    Funny.. you just described the way i've done it every single time Powder 10 seeds, soak in a small amount of distilled water in a dark place for an hour, discard seed mush, mix with coke or havanna club coke w/lime and trip balls for 5 hours or so Dunno about you but i'm never going out on the town on lsa again..
  18. Hi, swim's wondering whether importing 2Kg of powdered cacti from peru might raise a few eyebrows, or get swim into strife.. If, as most probably, there are issues with this, is there anywhere in australia that do this kind of thing? I've seen many places selling live cacti, or cuttings, but would really like to find dried and powdered.. or is this too much of a prep thing? Swim should move to Peru.. or Chile
  19. Coschi

    Importing cacti powder

    Eh crap.. swim's really lucky actually he was on his way to get his credit card and place this order he's been thinking about for ages, but wondered the forums first and heard about our uk friend, really really shithouse for him but we were afraid it was heading that way..
  20. Coschi

    philosphers stones legality?

    Interesting, been reading about stones http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psilocybe_tampanensis So lucky he grabbed them while he did! I had a fantastic stone experience friday night
  21. Coschi

    philosphers stones legality?

    A little birdy told me about said place in the vicinity of Fitzroy (unless there's more), where delights of all kinds can be found (definately legal / gray area / definately illegal). Very good people reside there I hear but they won't offer their item to just anyone Stones come from here i always wondered the same thing, from these stones could another small bird start growing these? Easy? Hard? Doable at least? This particular little birdy loves his stones :> Can you od on stones?
  22. Coschi

    Cloning a Brug

    Here she is http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/inde...ost&id=2845 http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/inde...ost&id=2846 I found her a little while ago.. can't believe i didn't think of this right from the start! So, how can i make her mine? Can i root a huge cutting, like a meter long branch? or do i have to start small... very new to this gardening stuff, moving to a new house tomorrow!!!! actually has a backyard i can use Pretty sunny though...i think she likes shade.. Anyway, i'm asking you thanks
  23. Coschi

    Cloning a Brug

    Great information guys thankyou very much indeed! Spend all weekend moving house, found Sally a lovely resting spot, and Mary's got the sun shining on her all day long, beautiful! I'm thinking i'll take a few brug cuttings and try both your methods, guess I can't fail ;) Cheers
  24. Coschi

    Cloning a Brug

    Cheers guys for the replies should be working though shouldn't you? I'm at work on a day like this! CRAP! Well http://www.erowid.org/plants/brugmansia/br...tivation1.shtml seems the one i'll follow for starters I was hoping i could take a large branch, like a meter just so i have to wait less for it to grow large.. not the way it works? Anyway if i follow the above link i'm sure i can make it work. Is it necessary to start a cutting or seedling in a small pot then work up to a larger one? Or can i just plant it in a 20" one straight away... i plan to let her get pretty big
  25. Coschi

    DMT Plants - continued..

    Still no mention of maidenii.. I heard swim went for a trip recently and came back with approx 20 kilos of mature (~20 year old) maidenii bark.. swim's waiting for a dream to come to him where he will finally know whether maidenii is a viable source of alkaloids or not, we'll just have to wait and see i guess... FYI maidenii has 0.24% NMT and 0.36% DMT in the trunk bark