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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Alice

  1. Fucking awesome Shonman! Can't wait to see it full of plants!
  2. Alice

    taking plants interstate.

    Wow, you've been a member for 15 years and are member #30, nice to meet you! You don't post very much do you Not sure about quarantine issues sorry. But in terms of prohibited plants, if this link is up-to-date http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/qld/consol_reg/dmr1987256/sch2.html then it looks like the ephedras are not allowed because they are classed as Schedule 2 Dangerous Drugs under the Drugs Misuse Regulation. I'm not sure about the trichocereus/echinopsis, I can't see them listed but they contain a prohibited drug (mescaline is listed) so I'm not sure what the go is there, hopefully someone else can clarify. Lophs are on the naughty list but maybe trichs are OK, but I'm really not sure sorry. Good luck with the move, Queensland seems like a pretty nice place to live.
  3. Alice

    Hi, I'm new.

    Welcome Cacti - all trichocereus/echinopsis are easy and grow fast. Interesting herbs or small plants - toothache plant, sorrel, laksa leaf, melissa/lemon balm. I guess your climate would be similar to mine, so grab the usual staples of the scene - khat, caapi, psychotria, heimia, ephedra, acacias. All should grow well for you, locals can provide more specific advice. All of those are really easy, if you can grow them in the ground they will take care of themselves. It's when people grow them in pots, move them around all the times, in and out of mini greenhouses, mist them three times a day etc, that you start to have problems. Plant them in the ground, if they die then grow something else.
  4. I would have bought it. Scops are really nice because they are usually spineless. Whereas a bridgesii has massive spines that will really fuck you up if you bump into it. Then your wife would be really mad.
  5. That's fantastic, thanks for sharing
  6. Alice

    Cacti for cut flowers?

    I did this a few weeks ago, snapped the already-opened flower off a large pach. Took a decent chunk of rib flesh with it too, damn it. I suggest using a knife. I put it in water immediately, this was maybe 4pm. The flower had started wilting be next morning, so I chucked it. It looked pretty shit. I'd say that there wasn't any water uptake by the base of the flower. So a fail for me. I haven't tried it with a yet-to-open bud. Only an already-open flower. To replicate a proper cut flower you'd probably need to take the whole tip, "stem" and all.
  7. Alice

    Erythroxylum australe

    These are not australe but it looks like erythroxylum's make pretty nice bonsai Erythroxylum coca Erythroxylum deciduum Note: Not my bonsai. I wish!
  8. Alice

    Post a random picture thread

    ^ Teotz would blow his load if he saw that "true blue" lol.
  9. Alice

    Xmas plans ?

    Same as Obtuse, all about the family now. My daughter is finally old enough to understand presents and is very excited, it's awesome. We've been blackmailing her for weeks, she knows that Santa brings the naughty kids a pile of dirt instead of presents, and so far she's been a little angel. All she wants is a lollipop for her and her little brother. What a gem.
  10. Alice

    Help with mains electrical project 240v big amps!

    Hey mate, I looked into this a while ago but never started the project. There are some good SSRs on ebay for cheap that apparently safe and will do the job. Google "keg element controller" or "keg element wiring diagram" to get lots of ideas. Also lots of discussion on distilling forums like Aussie distiller, but be prepared to be abused when you ask about home wiring lol. Lots of arseholes on that forum. I wouldn't have it switching too fast as it can wear out the element faster, apparently. Could always just buy a variac but a home made SSR circuit is much, much cheaper. Get a decent heatsink and fan. I have also seen ready made thermostat units for home brew temp control for a reasonable price, but I don't think these can handle high current for boiling. Please let us know what you decide. I hopefully will be doing this myself one day so very keen to hear how it all goes. Good luck and don't burn your house down.
  11. Alice

    Catha Edulis

    Planthelper is the man when it comes to catha cuttings. Search for his old posts. I've found that the narrows root really easily with the usual rooting hormone gel method. But it can take a while. Or just wait until it gets a bit bigger and layer the lower branches, that works really well too.
  12. Alice

    Catha Edulis

    I've heard that they respond very well to pruning...
  13. Alice

    Catha Edulis

    Very nice, that's a really good size for $20.
  14. Alice

    What cool stuff have you found at bunnings?

    Picked up some nice petunias for Nan.
  15. Alice

    ebay seller

    Well it appears that there is a member called robdmt here: http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/index.php?showuser=14783 So one of you has two logins, naughty naughty tsk tsk
  16. Alice

    Catha Edulis

    Sure, why not. You can probably find cheaper, you can probably find more expensive. If the plant is nice and healthy, then you should buy it. Yes there is a difference. Get both, and the other types as well. Narrow is nicer to chew. I think red is preferred traditionally. They are really nice looking plants, and very tough. Worth growing even if you have no plans to taste it.
  17. Alice

    Terrorism in Sydney?

    Exactly what I was thinking. I wouldn't label this terrorism, just some nutter (with a long history of violence) being a douche. I guess we'll find out what it was all about in the coming days.
  18. Alice

    Acacia Fruit?

    Yes, dissect please! Check it: http://www.projectnoah.org/spottings/8065739 Can you slice it into thin pieces with a sharp knife?
  19. Alice

    Acacia Fruit?

    How bizarre. I've never seen anything like that on a wattle, I haven't grown floribunda but all others have had pods, like mini pea pods. This shows what the floribunda seed pods supposedly look like (just to the left of the branch in the illustration: I would have said gall as well. Let us know when you figure it out, very interesting!
  20. Alice

    Who's at EGA?

    You guys need SAB badges or something. The sort of thing we have been discussing as a reward for providing financial support for the forums to avoid advertising. Maybe the badges could have a picture of Torsten doing this . That would be instantly recognisable as SAB, then you all be able to find each other.
  21. Alice

    How to search Google Australia?

    It's still there for me. Do the search, click search tools, change Any Country to Country: Australia. I tried clearing cache to see if I was on an old page, same result. So not sure what's going on for you sorry. Good luck.
  22. In general, the advice to not drink due to the interaction of antibiotics with alcohol is considered to be outdated. In most cases, there is no danger whatsoever. Having said that, it looks like metronidazole is one of the few that can actually interact with alcohol metabolism (or vice versa). Wiki: Consuming alcohol while taking metronidazole has long been thought to have a disulfiram-like reaction with effects that can include nausea, vomiting, flushing of the skin, tachycardia, and shortness of breath.[24] Consumption of alcohol is typically advised against by patients during systemic metronidazole therapy and for at least 48 hours after completion of treatment.[6] However, some studies call into question the mechanism of the interaction of alcohol and metronidazole,[25] ,[26][27] and a possible central toxic serotonin reaction for the alcohol intolerance is suggested.[13] Metronidazole is also generally thought to inhibit the liver metabolism of propylene glycol (found in some foods, medicines, and in many electronic cigarette e-liquids), thus propylene glycol may potentially have similar interaction effects with metronidazole.[citation needed] If it were me, I would try a small dosage of alcohol to see what happens. I like to experiment. However, if you need long term antibiotics then it's probably a good idea to stop drinking simply to give your body the chance to clear the infection without the extra strain of processing alcohol in the first place. I have had a couple of serious skin infections that were antibiotic resistant and it's pretty scary when there is nothing available to treat it due to overuse of antibiotics. It's a very concerning situation. Do whatever you can to nourish yourself back to health as quickly as possible.
  23. Alice

    Youtube vids
