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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by Planthunter

  1. Hi Woodferret,

    Spidermites have had a go at my Cathas aswell. I've not used anything other than misting them with a plant mister with plain water over a course of a week or so when I notice the little webs appearing. This seems to either stop them breeding or makes them move on. I'm not sure what they do but my plants have survived any noticable damage and are still thriving. Just make sure not to get the potting mix too damp for long. One of mine died due to that, very easily done.


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  2. Hi gtarman,

    Having relatives in Edinburgh, I am familiar with the climate. Its cold and damp to the bone. Really damn cold when that wind gets up... That wind chill will freeze your nuts to glacial temperatures in no time. Rain? You really don,t want to know... And it goes on for months and months..

    How that climate can be good for your health, I have no Idea? My mums family originates from Midlothian. They have been there for generations. One of my cousins from Dalkeith did some research on the family tree a few years back. Most of them died from pnemonia and TB.

    On a brighter note, when the sun does come out. The summer days seem to go on for ever and ever being so close to the Arctic circle. The Cairngorms National Park is a beautiful and primevil place once your off the beaten track. Also just up the road is Rosslyn Chapel which is nothing like anything you will have seen in Aussie.

    Having said all that. If I were to go back to the UK it would be Midlothian. Ancestral ties maybe. Who knows.

    Back to the Ethno stuff, Salvia d is still legal over there as far as I'm still aware. Its pretty much everywhere, Check out this link. Then click on the second link at the bottom of the page.


    The irony is that you can still get hold of all sorts of plants legally and fairly cheaply over there through private individuals and of course ebay ect which are at the very least hard to source and stupidly expensive over here.

    I think Catha edulis is now illegal however lots of people will still be discreetly growing it.

    You will need a greenhouse "heated" at least during the winter to protect everything from the cold and damp.

    Silene capensis does not grow well outside, even in Exeter down in the South of England, I've tried it. They grew very slowly in a stunted manner and the frost then killed them off. It will do great under glass though and give you lots of flowers and seed. My Silene c over here is grown from seed that came from mother plants grown indoors in my spare room back in England.

    You will still be able to grow some of the Northern Hemisphere ethnos such as Wormwood, snowdrops ect in a sheltered spot outside. I hope this helps.


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  3. This is Lion Rock at Piha Beach New Zealand. It has its own little microclimate with native plants such as Kawa kawa growing in the understory. You can still climb right up to the top despite the upper section of the path being removed due to erosion and rock falls. We were there today. The weather was perfect. My good lady also photographed me climbing up to the top in some more photo's.




  4. So sad. He was so funny. That look would come over his face just moments before he delivered his one liners. Robin Williams would make me laugh so much that my sides ached and tears rolled down my face. He was a good guy. So humble and giving. RIP...

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  5. Consciousness is unique to the individual as I perceive it. Even when in a group consciousness, you still retain your own. I wonder about the scenario of your own consciousness being uploaded and then duplicated. It just wouldn't be the same. It would be hell. Imagine never being able to sleep, go for a walk in the bush, drink a cool glass of water, hold your beloved hand...

    This concept is akin to pondering infinity. There is always something else outside of the universe, whatever it is, it is always there with no boundaries.

    I'm so glad that I've made the decision to opt out as soon as I can. Give me some land and my woman. the rest of the world can go its own insane way...

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  6. I recommend this book to everyone if you have not read it already. "The Hot Zone" by Richard Preston. Ebola CAN be spread by people sneezing and coughing unlike the vague inaccurate waffle of that idiot talking on the BBC report... Just one drop of blood, body fluid from a sneeze or the like and its game over...

    No intended offense woof woof woof.

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  7. Yeah, I've been on keto diets before and know when I'm in ketosis by my increase in energy, lack of hunger and fairly rapid weight loss.

    Those keto strips from the chemist are pretty cool when they change colour. Not very expensive either.

    Australian Aborigines stayed on the move as did the animals they hunted. Kangas are pretty bloody lean too. Musta been BLOODY HARD WORK!

    Oily fish have a lot of energy value and are low carb. Think of the way bears fatten themselves up on Salmon before hibernation. They eat a lot though, and often resort to only eating the heads as that's where the good stuff is.

    Funny but I just saw salmon heads for sale today in Woolies, -almost interested in trying them now :P

    and I rarely enter the stores of those bastards too

    Damn those evil bastards.

    The Pacific Islanders over here in Kiwi Land cook fish heads in coconut milk and all sorts of nice recipes. The other day I had a huge salmon head cooked in coconut milk. Absolutely lovely. It was a meal and a half :drool2:

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  8. Hey Bush Turkey , a few years back I had a burnout from work induced stress "working with corporate arseholes" it got so bad one morning that I just got up from my desk and walked right out of the office and never returned. For some time my life was in a very dark place... When you lose interest in life and lose hope, then your in deep trouble...

    My doctor prescribed an antidepressant called Citalipran, this helped to calm down the panic attacks and anxiety, But there was a price... Medication should only be a short term thing to keep you alive during your crisis, but I kept taking it for about 4 years or so, then kicked it off. The trouble is, it dulls your senses, your creativity, your sex drive, Your excitment, everything. Its been about 3 years without medication and I'm finding I'm having to relearn simple life skills such as driving a car, dealing with being in crowds. So much shit to get back together while doing my best to move forward.

    To a greater extent from my experience it comes down to lifestyle and the people that are around you. My situation was that I tolerated a bad situation for way too long. Too many years of my life were wasted trying to fit a round peg into a square hole.

    Do things that you love. Whatever it is. Pot a plant. Talk to your plants. Walk in nature. Take a break. If you can, go on a journey, take an adventure, it really works. They say a change is as good as a rest, its true! It worked for me...

    Most of all. Give yourself time. Be kind to yourself...

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  9. Nightbreed, thank you for opening this thread. This is a fascinating read. I'm no wordsmith and struggle to get my thoughts from inside my head, then translate them into cohearant words or onto paper, computer screen ect. I need to think this through before I say much more really...

    To talk about plants in this way to me is like a confession of knowledge of a greater understanding. To talk openly without the fear of ridicle about this knowledge is liberating to say the least.

    You don't have to understand the experiences, thoughts, coincidences that come with that green whisper... You just need to have that open mind and desire to communicate with them... You just need to "feel" and trust your feelings...

    To realize through reading everyones candid experiences here that my own are not the delusions of a madman are reasuring...

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