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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by nothinghead

  1. nothinghead

    Protest Monsanto - May 25th

    ^ How is any of that relevant to this thread, Change? As far as I can see no one who has posted was critical of GM technology. Feel free to post your opinion on why Monsanto is worth defending, though, if you like...
  2. Homebrew is definitely a good idea. Equipment pays for itself in no time, you get to play around with different brews (adding spices, different kinds of hops once you get into it etc), no preservatives... Even if you don't get into it, buying the brew kits from big dubs or whereever is still way cheaper and tastes as good as anything at the bottlo (i reckon). Start saving your pop top bottles up!
  3. I heard a tip for this which seems to work alright. Say you're about to buy something for, say, 40 bucks. Stop for a sec and think "if right now a stranger offered me 40 bucks or this thing, which would I rather?"
  4. wrong assumption on my part!
  5. nothinghead

    Happy birthday Incog! :D

    glad to hear you kept your dominant hand safe ;) happy birthday incog!!!
  6. nothinghead

    Its a rap battle

    enough shit talkin, mockin and squwakin time for a posi rhyme to bring yas out of mournin crackin an ale down by the sea scopin for waves, whales, pigface and palm trees fresh out of work feels good to be free couple more sips and i’m fillin with glee and that slow creeping feeling of tranquility yas get me soaking up scraps of the warm winter sun thinking - good call big red n yous other guns of course it always yeti who won with rhymes cooked up in his brain cauldron its been fun
  7. nothinghead

    Its a rap battle

    big red from queensland thinks he’s got the grand slam but let’s cool down the ginge minge like a boxing day ham coming down from the north to bring forth my force i’ll frost up your plants as a matter of course oi mystical oyster, the walrus is here. rekcon you’ll taste good cause i can smell the fear incog says glaukus is raucus, but he’s more like a porpoise; a slow sea pig spoutin shit like seawaters. then there’s hillbilly. neck so red its silly. sip your port, sport, i’ll be faster when we meet on the court. etherial drifter ya cheap grifter. your rhymes gotta be swifter (try not to get a blister). now i’ve talked my shit i’m off for a bit you can send the seeds over when u recover from the hit.
  8. nothinghead

    Post awesome gifs here

    Found this one with a joke about Greece attached, so shouts to Mutant:
  9. So much good advice in here. Haven't seen sprouts and ferments mentioned yet. Mung bean (or moth bean, beetroot, alfalfa, sunflower, radish, etc) sprouts are cheap and nutritious. Fermenting whatever veg you might find in the bins or on sale is a good way to preserve them for months, and has the added benefit of lactobacillus (plus tastes amazing). Pickling is good too. Start saving up your vegemite etc jars so you don't have to buy mason jars once you get started. If you need to use hair or skin products it can often be much cheaper to buy kids versions of things (shampoo etc). If you use a moisturiser coconut oil is (imo) better and cheaper than commercial mixes. Get a bike and ride it everywhere. If you don't already know how you can learn to maintain and fix it very easily. Cheaper than public transport and better for you, as long as you live relatively close to wherever you travel in the day. For the more dedicated frugalista with a flexible lifestyle, squatting is a good way to cut down on expenses (and protest the absurd rent many of us have to pay). Of course, it will take a lot of energy and you've gotta be prepared to deal with setbacks that can eat your time up.
  10. nothinghead

    Caapi and iboga (established)

    Can also trade decent aged eileen or tbm cuts.
  11. nothinghead

    Caapi and iboga (established)

    Also looking for a kava plant if anyone can help out!
  12. Given the track record of Western societies' exploitation of indigenous peoples I'd say they're well within their rights to keep it as private as they please. Fantastic link, Zaka. Chuffed this knowledge is being recorded by those who developed and use it.
  13. nothinghead

    LED grow lights...?

    I also have used a 90w 'UFO' style round LED unit with mixed red and blue lamps, manufactured in China. I only wanted it to grow herbs and greens in an apartment, but it was pretty crap even for that. At 15-30cm height distance from the plants I expected big, juicy basil leaves and a thick stand of tarragon, but all I got were pretty scraggly, sun-starved looking plants. I reckon several energy saver fluoro lamps are just as good, cheaper to buy, cheaper to run.
  14. nothinghead

    3 Aussie ISIS members want to return home...

    With all the ISIS fear in Australia(n media) lately there've been some comparisons of their destroying of sacred sites to what we've done in our own backyard. I can't find the stuff I've read just now, but it doesn't take much effort to see that stuff like this http://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2014/dec/17/red-hill-quarry-expansion-will-destroy-extremely-significant-indigenous-site or this http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/latest-news/sacred-sites-destroyed-by-nsw-mine/story-fn3dxiwe-1226808844410 basically replaces religious justifications for the destruction of sacred sites with economic ones (and let's face it, for ISIS relgious ideology and economic expansion are intertwined). This thread started off as a discussion about how the state should treat citizens who have gone overseas to fight for foreign forces. I reckon its a good idea to take an even closer look in our own backyard to see how well we uphold the standards we expect from foriegn states and cultures. Instead of worrying that a foreign social or legal system is going to replace ours, why not look at how to make our cultural values of equality, a fair go, etc. more prominent, ingrained, and resilient so they can sustain any (real or imaginary) attacks from other belief systems?
  15. nothinghead

    Classic move from gov

    I reckon we don't go far enough with it. I say outlaw doctors and hospitals because humans have the capacity to treat themselves and only weak pricks don't do it (and because they're weak at self-treatment they deserve to suffer and die). Seriously, though, if you're under the delusion that programmes are never useful in helping people overcome addiction, you need to do a bit of reading or head down to a treatment centre to have a chat with the employees. Great for you if you've been able to beat addiction without any outside help, but not everyone has the resources or ability to do that and IMO they shouldn't be cast out of society for being unfortunate enough to become addicted to something detrimental to them. Because the ice "epidemic" is largely a media myth (not saying ice isn't a horrible substance that can ruin your life) and task forces in the past have been notoriously dismal at curbing drug production/importation/abuse. Why would Australia turn into "some form of Compton"? 1) The biggest problem in Compton was crack, not ice. That was introduced by CIA funded contras programmes, so more government funding conceivably would have gotten more crack into the area. 2) Compton is an economically and racially segregated area of L.A. that comes with a plethora of inherent problems that are not caused by ice (or crack, or other drugs of addiction). 3) Compton is an area of a large city, Australia is a large nation - that's a significantly different scale of comparison.
  16. nothinghead

    Classic move from gov

    Makes perfect sense. How are cops and pollies going to get their cuts and kickbacks from treatment centres?
  17. nothinghead

    3 Aussie ISIS members want to return home...

    Exactly right that many political leaders are elected because of their marketing process rather than their policies, character, or how well they reflect the average citizen's political beliefs. The level of power and privilige these people have (Abbott, Bhutto, whomever) negates the democratic process. Abbott was elected after a ridiculously propagandistic media campaign (http://i2.wp.com/fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/258/0/c/australian_election_2013_murdoch_and_news_corp_by_wordswithmeaning-d6mhguz.png?resize=599%2C513) which distorted his actions and views, and those of the opposing party, until he was, in the minds of many, the only option. That doesn't mean Australians in general or because of ideology want to dump waste on the Barrier Reef, hate immigrants, or are misogynistic as Abbott is/does. There are some for sure, but I reckon you'd be hard pressed to find a majority that are for environmental damage to save a corporation a bit of money, or send would-be immigrants to an island where they are more or less tortured. In the same way, Bhutto being elected by way of her power and influence doesn't speak in any direct way to the average Pakistani person's gender politics. Russia's longest ruling leader was Catherine the Great, doesn't mean 18th century Russians believed in equality between sexes. That negative bit having been said, I think your example of Muslim community groups that help out the poor, homeless, underprivileged across religious borders speak volumes about the fact that Islam, like any religion, can be interpreted in vastly different ways, and blanket statements about Islam being sexist or whatever are so generalised as to not be very informative at all. Although whitewind and I differ on a lot of this kind of stuff, I have to say, I don't think his arguments are coming from a place of hatred here. Thinking through possibilities is different from being hateful.
  18. nothinghead

    3 Aussie ISIS members want to return home...

    >As for Islam oppressing women, how do you figure Benizar Bhutto got elected... twice.... as president in a country of what many Islamophobes consider to be a hotbed of terror cells? Because she was the eldest child of a wealthy, powerful family. >I'm sure the former Indonesian President Megawati Sukarnoputri would disagree with your opinions, being the commander-in-chief to the most populous Muslim country in the world. Again, hugely influential family. I don’t think it really works to say Islam (and which Islam? we’re already talking about numerous differing traditions) is for equality of women based on case examples of a few extremely privileged women. To be convincing you’d have to provide evidence about norms rather than exceptions. That said, I don’t think Christianity-based societies treat women equally either, and wouldn’t take Gillard as PM as a sign that Australia treats sexes as equals. I also don’t reckon comparing Christianity to Islam is much use in a debate like this, since most of the people you’re communicating with aren’t Christians and probably wouldn’t defend the faith as a foundation for social practice/law/etc.
  19. nothinghead

    How do you consume raw garlic for antibiotic purposes?

    Yeah you want to crush it fresh to convert the alliin to allicin, they reckon it takes from a few seconds to several minutes after crushing. I used to pulverise it then mix it into some liquid and down the trap. Can be a devil on the stomach, though, and the article I link to below suggests cooking it briefly (after crushing and letting stand for 10 minutes) could be ok. If you don't want to swallow it raw, I reckon Anodyne's idea of mixing it through some mashed potatoes right before you eat them is a good idea. Another easy one is garlic toast/bread: Crush the garlic and let it sit for a bit, mix it through a bit of butter/marge/oil and spread onto toast. Quick and delicious. Don't know whether an extract would be useful for the antibacterial properties. The extracts I've seen in shops are marketed for cardiovascular and circulatory health, rather than antibacterial activity. But, if I'm reading this (http://lpi.oregonstate.edu/mic/food-beverages/garlic) correctly, allicin will break down into organosulfur compounds (which you want it to) in oil, but I'm not sure whether they are then stable? Either way, botulism does seem like a risk.
  20. nothinghead

    ID tiny globes????

    ^ Thirded, 1st pic is epithelantha micromeris or bokei
  21. nothinghead

    Hello again

    We never met or anything, but I remember you from a while back. Sad to hear about your gardne, but glad to see you around again!
  22. nothinghead

    Anonymous Friend No More.

    Gina Rhinehart is worth 17.7billion and increasing, off the back of workers and common wealth of the land. Anthony Pratt's wealth stands at around 7b, they reckon, also made off the backs of workers in polluting and primary resource intensive manufacturing. James Packer, 6.6billion running casinos and supplying vulnerable aussies with false hope for a cut of their pay packet. Ivan Glasenberg made 6.3 billion in the mining game, Andrew Forrest, 5b. The five wealthiest Australians have their wealth stack up to $42.6 billion, that we know of. Australia's spending on umemployment payments landed at 90 billion in 2011-12, so roughly only double the worth of these FIVE people. Over 60 billion of these payments went to the elderly, and to families and children. Australia's GDP is around 1.5 trillion. Why the fuck are people so antsy about some people living on the lowest end of the social scale possibly "scamming" dole payments? If you're worried about where your taxpayer dollars are going, at least have a look at how they're being spent - social welfare is not a priority in Australia, and with the conservative government that thinks poor people deserve the worst in life, its only going to get worse. Instead of whinging about so-called dole bludgers, get off your own arse and make a racket about the ridiculous tax cuts and benefits the super-rich in this country enjoy. Or about the places money is being spent. It's easy to kick down on already disadvantaged people, give the ones enforcing and fostering the division in wealth a go, otherwise you might one day find yourself in the unfortunate position of having to be on the dole (if it still exists) yourself.
  23. nothinghead

    Post a random picture thread

  24. nothinghead

    Post awesome gifs here

    yeah the gif thread is all about celebrity p0litix back 2 th cats:
  25. nothinghead

    Post awesome gifs here

    back to the thread https://i.imgur.com/eRcWEYd.gif