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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by rigger

  1. oh sorry mate :)

    yeah I think if your not looking for it, it's easier to miss now. that's what locals and ex pats told me.

    It's still there though.

    As for arrests increasing I could only speculate. I imaging most arrest cases would bargain and pay the bribe possibly? so I guess that wouldn't come up on statistics. Also maybe the price has increased to cover any new or increased payoffs. so maybe (on average) the consumer pays more now rather than arrest cases increasing.

  2. yeah they don't advertise as such but they are readily available like many other things.

    I would always want to dictate the terms. you stay at a good hotel. you get them to arrive there with the goods and call. when they arrive you watch them call you as they enter the foyer. you then make the meeting point within your hotel and make sure you can observe everything you need.

    how they can set you up from that im not sure.... im not saying it cant be done but the whole paid off cop thing is difficult work for them here.

    I imagine these major hotels would rather not have the media attention that people are getting set up on their property also.

    but obviously the only way to guarantee safety is to stay well clear of it.. Im just saying if you choose to do it you may minimize risk by doing it in certain ways.

  3. yeah, its a bit of a drive so you/mates/meet up etc. would want to sleep (im about 5 hours from dubbo! actually closer to melb!). Just sayin I got accommodation pretty well covered. As for the organization well I lack in that department! :)

  4. Another idea,

    How about giving the shop more presence on here T? I know maybe it's not your style but it's for a good cause.

    Even little things like every Friday creating a special. It doesn't need to be that great even, sometimes people need to have something flashed in front of them to give them the idea.

    I know it sounds stupid but for example you can buy nangs online. I know this but I always get caught without thinking "I wish I remembered to order some of those for tonight." If for example it was flashed in my face rather than me have to search for it I would just buy it there and then. Otherwise I think "I can get them anytime" and that time never comes....probably a good thing in this case :)

    For me and im sure others on here I would rather pay a bit more to someone I knew or did something I supported than just a nobody on ebay.

    Maybe it sounds a bit tacky but little things add up. Last year I reduce the price of a service by only $2, promoted it heavily (for free in my own business) and it worked really well. Considering I had to hold the stock anyway It helped with profit and loss through spoilage etc.

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  5. Yeah its supposed to work with seamen but I thought maybe it works for piss! btw you don't need to try to smell the asparagus piss it stinks lol! Maybe you are one who cant smell it?

    Btw I just realized the thread says does your piss "sink" after eating asparagus! Glad I got the idea, I just saw it a second time and thought noooo people will wonder wtf im on about :)

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  6. A method which has been successful for other people in this situation is merchandise. Obviously it could be paired with advertising but it is another option of revenue.

    Jackets, Caps, T shirts, etc. Just put something unique to the community on them. They are a great gift. They are also unique to wear in the right circumstance. I also spend the extra cash because its like a donation but you get something clever for it.

    A way to look at it is a clever token of appreciation for your support. This is an ongoing income also.

    Im sure people would have some great ideas, artistic flair and clever comments/slogans to put forward.

    Its not like mainstream marketing or anything like that. Im not sure if the guy is still here because I can't find it but he used to have a image of a sad looking cactus with its arms outstretched with "hugs" written above. Something like this or similar on a jacket, shirt beanie whatever. I think people would buy them.

    Edit: sorry, this has been mentioned already.... Carry on :)

  7. Hey Zen,

    If it was a decent brand, I think it might be inexperience. You will piss a lot if your not used to stimulants. When I first used it I found it weird too. I felt like I was kicking down on a pill but never got any further. Just uneasy adrenaline coming up my throat. I couldn't sleep either despite being tired.

    Now unless I take at least a week off you could slip one in my coffee an I would never know.

    Maybe try half next time and see how it goes. Gradually work your way up as tolerance builds

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  8. I think its hard to mistake meth and speed. Two completely different energies/emotions. For me its like comparing a strong pre workout to mdma, It's hard to confuse the two!

    I understand the base is the same but the feeling is not. Speed is pretty random, I haven't used it for years time because its hard to know what kind of experience you will have. Sometimes when I used speed I was charged up and full of energy but just couldn't direct it. I am not satisfied with anything I am doing on it making it un enjoyable. I find I can be a bit more annoying on it too. These days I would probably only want it if I had a bad hangover.

  9. agreed! I was referring too Mutant asking if meth was active at 100mg insufflated and like Thunder I was thinking very much so! If I ever needed that much in one hit it's time to put that glass dick down for at least a month/ or get some better gear lol!

  10. Hey lofty, crazy to hear ox blood is still going round!

    The strange thing was it used to melt!? not like it was wet but if you line up and left one for later you would come back and it was just liquid! Im not sure what would be responsible for this but it always happened, not just a particular batch etc. I did wonder if iodine was involved but really have no idea.

    Exactly like you mention it was very long lasting and strong. Even though I used stimulants quite a lot back then I used to get myself in trouble with this all the time! next day you think "omg did I actually say/do that last night!" Not saying I'd never touch it again but it deserves a lot of respect!

    waterboy and gtarman I agree caffeine is a good energy stimulant. problem is like all stims tolerance builds very quickly :( The strange thing is pure caffeine in large doses can produce an unpleasant comedown. For me I would just maybe have a cone when coming down off other substances but with caffeine it can just make it worse. It's not unbearable or even close, just a small downside.

    It's interesting to note the difference between caffeine and coffee. Coffee produces a much different effect due to other compounds present. 400mg of no doz is much more energetic than the equivalent cup of coffee. Coffee is both stimulating and relaxing.

  11. I remember about 10 years ago there used to be a lot of orange/red speed going around. Some people called it "ox blood." It was very strong! I assume this was just dye added for reasons similar to logos pressed on pills. A way of identifying a certain gang/groups quality gear (until various others knock it off/imitate it.)

    Btw 100mg of meth is quite a bit if you don't use regularly. You may even go alright of half that and save the rest if you feel like it later.

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  12. Anyway my idea in cases like this would be to cook it. The plant wasn't diseased and the mould is a result of being in a sealed environment with some moisture. Due to common bacteria this will happen whenever the situation is present without being fully sterile.

    When the plant material is desired for a compound or nutrient the mould will degrade this rapidly so while smoking may pose no threat in some circumstance the material isn't going to maintain the qualities it is desired if stored.

    So when the option to cook is available this has the potential to preserve what compounds are left in the form of something which can be stored without quality degrading.

    Is the general idea of this correct in theory??

    Or, once the moisture and effected sections are removed is the deterioration of the rest of the material arrested so to speak?

  13. Yep, agreed.

    Surely in general conditions this would result in a particular mould that would have certain ways better to use than others. I mean it wasn't grown in a chinese abattoir, exposed to anything unusual, frozen, refrigerated, added citus peel/rehydrated. Just produced in a normal room stored in a clean jar. This must eliminate a lot of things in most circumstance. surely someone knows some answers to my questions in regard to moulds likely in the situation.

  14. Hey Guys,

    I am posting to help a mate who made an upsetting discovery last week. He has grown some passionflower in which to smoke and some appear to be recently spoiled.

    When checking his stored flowers which had finished curing 1 week prior it was noticed 1 jars contents had 2 very small spots of mould. The mould is faint white hairs forming a spot about 3mmx3mm as though a small spider was underneath. Some show a couple of white hairs internally. It doesn't smell bad nor does the contents of the jar and it was fine 1 week prior. The jar had larger material that must not have dried enough. (The cause is understood)

    All contents where inspected and any which showed signs of mould under a microscope were removed. the rest were left in uv light and dried completely over two days. It is understood mould spores would still be present and are hard to identify. Some individuals suffering from conditions would react badly to this. In this case there is no intention to sell the material nor would it be offered if a visitor came. It is understood in light of the potential risks in some circumstances why common advice is to destroy it.

    What isn't understood is, if it wasn't a brown mould how would smoking it pose anymore risk than working in a garden or other situations. Why cant it be cooked with it? Sterilization works quicker at higher temps but surely if it were simmered at (measured) 100C for three hours or more the bacteria would be eliminated. The product will be baked at 140C for 20min before eating also. Is the advice given not to cook considering some moulds (which may not be present) still survive at that temperature? Why is bacteria on bad meat eliminated with proper cooking? Some bacteria would survive anything short of a nuclear disaster but this only confuses the situation because if it was common our chances of avoiding it would be minimal. if it was hypothetically a common mould would cooking be effective?

    When looking for information most online advice seems to regard cannabis which is more common. This information is also confusing. If correct advice is to throw it out and buy some more how would this limit any threat? If this situation happened to a dealer it would just be scraped off and sold. In this case most material in the same jar shows no signs of mould and the ones that do could easily be scraped and compressed. Some is only present under a microscope/very close observation. How often do people inspect legal/illegally purchased buds this closely before smoking? Surely if dangerous moulds were common in these cases that would be something people would do. Considering the questionable conditions for many illegal grows it would seems moulds/spores would be common in a lot of illegally purchased cannabis.

    In cases where the smoking material has been exposed to mould I imagine it would not store well (potential to lose potency faster) so it should be cooked/smoked sooner because of this. when smoking at least a water pipe would be a slightly better option than a joint.

    Advice to throw it away is correct. When the mould, users heath conditions are unknown the risk is simply too great. My intention isn't to find anther answer.

    The material in question has already been destroyed it but there is a need to understand the issue better. It is the theory or science in regard to my questions and topic I am interested in.

    Thanks, really appreciate the help.

  15. Yeah, you guys are all correct.

    My statements are made in light of other views I have. They are not relevant here. These views shouldn't be intergrated into my answers as it not only confuses my intention but still offers incorrect advice for the subject.

    Thanks for putting up with my desperate, emotional and confused responses. I have also made generalizations which are untrue. In saying I would take a back seat was just as much a realization that until I had composed myself I should be limiting my involvement.

  16. I understand completely Darklight, the disclaimer is already contained before entering the section. I also used very weak working throughout. These words have been taken out of context though.

    In the post only legality seeds and plants are mentioned. In light of that I gave advice considering this situation. It was not based on minor incident minor charge assumptions as suggested. However examples given to disprove my idea based on (questionable) online transactions and (risky evidence providing hydroponic setups) Is misleading to what my statements meant.

    Minimal Involvement (personal seeds and plants as mentioned) Generally has less potential to attract attention. More involvement (not mentioned) more potential to attract attention. Police also can drop in for unrelated matters. This isn't often but again a few cacti/seeds less likely to notice (depending on how stupid the person is)

    Minimal involvement (personal seed and plants) will generally limit charges. less charges can generally limit overall penalty imposed.

    I get the feeling my comments were incorrectly perceived as its only cacti it should be fine. This is not what I said. In the context of the minimalist nature of the question I commented saying the risk is lower in consideration of the situation involved. Once you start adding hydro setups, peyote on the window sill, online transactions you are completely changing the nature of the question and therefore my response to it. The guy knows of its questionable legality. How my advice goes from seed and plants suggested hidden and to yourself to peyote on the window sill for police to see, online selling, hydroponic set ups ill never know.

    I think this should be the way people treat it when deciding to grow in any state. Every time someone gets caught with large quantity, hydroponic setups and/or profiteering it provides negative attention. This will make it very possible none of us can enjoy growing some cacti in the future.

    Any way im taking a back seat for a while. I enjoy discussing things with people but its just that. No matter how considerate the wording some people perceive attempted interaction as a golden ray of knowledge forced down upon all. Showing interest in a topic is an attack or dismissal of its worth. Even here in a disclaimed advice section it seems for some the best way to put their view forward is to unnecessarily misrepresent that of others in the most abrupt way possible. Hey there is heaps of cool people here its just a bit too serious most of the time.

  17. I understand police have to charge, you have taken my words out of context which was (and in initial comment) being heard in court. First you want to avoid any attention as we both agree. Then the case has to go before a magistrate where the outcome has many options dismissal, discharge, conviction etc.

    Depending on your situation and history, if you case looks good the judge may at best dismiss the case(unlikely). They may fine you and not record a conviction. They may convict and make other arrangements. you may serve a suspended sentence. you may be jailed fined and convicted. This was the whole point of my post. If your case is a couple of cacti in your yard you may be lucky. Good luck trying to convince your innocence if you have 500 growing under grow lights. default conviction? this is over simplified.

    This is just general legal advice. The only place I can see it would not apply would be mandatory sentencing. My intention isn't to say people will get away with it. Im saying if you just innocently grow a couple of cacti in your back yard (while ignorance is no excuse) you may have a better chance at escaping maximum penalty as I said initially.

    I took the post as a guy who just wanted to grow a cacti or two in his yard and was suggesting this may be looked at with consideration.

    If the evidence shows many cacti, grow lights, proof you were selling etc. your case is looking worse and worse. It was not my intention to say someone in this situation may be fine. If the post questioned the legality of commercial quantity, selling, processing or anything like that I would have never commented.

    Im not making assumptions its a legitimate legal process which takes all issues regarding the case into account when sentencing.

    If mandatory sentencing in relation to possessing cacti is in effect in the states you mention well consider me to be most apologetic.

  18. No worries, thanks for the info.

    These are involving factors which seem a bit risky to me though. I was just saying a couple in the backyard is possibly ok. If you go to court and the evidence is a nice garden with some well positioned cacti some judges may not be too bothered.

    Having quite a few grown under hydroponic set ups isn't really going to convince any judge your just innocently growing a cacti because you like the look of it.

    Neighbor reports, police drop ins /related or not was why I mentioned to keep it to yourself and don't put anything in public view which may cause problems.

    Im not trying to mislead, people need to think about the their situation before the court. If it is innocent you may be ok. If it's something more it will be pretty obvious to the court and you would be charged accordingly.

    Anyway I appreciate hearing your accounts and details. Thanks mate

  19. Maybe I misunderstood the posted article Cheshire but I agreed with the whole idea of giving to the poor and needy. I think the program is a great idea that is easy to implement and makes a difference in peoples lives who need it.

    My point was that just all people of low income and holding a medicinal licence aren't always the most needy cases and some may benefit from growing themselves depending on their situation. I have no problem with the sick, homeless and genuine cases.

    My reasons were for the potential health benefits for the sick to who are able to grow their own in the form of a hobby. As taking your mid off the sickness is helpful also. It was also expressing concern that some less fortunate may miss out that genuinely cant get/grow or afford their own.

    Waterboy, the cases you mention are most needy which I mentioned the program was good for. I was targeting those of low income $32,000 who 'can' grow it themselves that may benefit from doing so. This was why I said "people who can grow it" rather than listing every possible exclusion or instance this may or may not apply. Also until they have actually produced decent product it would still fall under the category of needing the free service. Im not saying someone suffering from cancer should be praying they pull off a decent grow to find some relief. Also regarding potency, a poor grow can still produce excellent cooking.

    I don't have a problem with it I was just trying to join a discussion because it interested me. I don't mean it to be perceived as being right or angry. I don't know why some people would think that was my intention. It seems a pretty pointless thing to do with nothing to be gained..

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  20. Im not trying to discredit what your saying at all Carl. Im talking about from a study perspective to draw a definitive conclusion various measures need to be accounted for. Researchers and studies need to eliminate so many possibilities generally the conclusions are incomplete. I understand you know what caused the examples you give but it needs to be proven how/what/why was the trigger so we can understand it fully.

    If they could identify a core difference in people who have negative or positive reactions it would be of advantage to everyone.
