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Posts posted by Myeloblast

  1. thanks nut!

    philo, imo the first one looks very much like a confusus. Second one looks in between a confusus and your typical retusus ssp. retusus. Pectinatus plants have to have the tiny spines coming from the areole or along a line down the center of the tubercle.

    From cactus-art.biz: In botany, the term pectinate refers to an arrangement of parts resembling the teeth of a comb.

    Third plant is also a retusus and what I would call a furfuraceus because its tubercles are about as long as they are wide. The tubercles also curve upwards some and the areole on the end of the tubercle is a trait of retusus more so than fissuratus.

    Last plant is a retusus, in between a furf and a typical retusus.

    These are all my opinion though, definitely not a taxonomist or botanist

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  2. thanks guys. i really love that frum x cauliflower you have sabry. i have a couple plants of that cross but they don't have nearly as nice texture at that size. Let me know if you produce seed from it and want to trade :)

    and anodyne - no photoshopping was performed except for some cropping :) lighting makes all the difference when making nice pics of plants...i tried to follow in hellonasty's footsteps

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  3. It's probably too early to tell for sure, but this is a plant of mine that might be growing as a chimera. I grafted a fissuratus v. hintonii plant onto this stock, but it failed and shriveled up. Little while later, growth started to form at the vascular ring, and now it's looking like it has features of both ariocarpus and trichocereus



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  4. It's like Spring Break in Cancún at your place mutant, love all the boobs.

    Ariocarpus agavoides x fissuratus v. lloydii. First picture taken 1/31/15, second picture same plant today. The growth point on this plant looked like a smooth, raised red donut at first, kinda like the pup at the bottom of the first pic. Going to be interesting watching this continue to develop.


    scapharostrus x lloydii v. major hybrid


    retusus v. frumdosus x fissuratus v. lloydii hybrid. Was initially a single headed normal looking graft that I regrafted to a larger stock. Decided to keep the cut stump, it threw out a bunch of pups some of which are slightly variegated


    and one last variegated fissuratus hybrid, don't know the exact cross on this one




















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  5. My experience with kaktusy wasn't the best, but can't say I'll never buy from them again. I've ordered twice, both times took about 6 months for the seeds to arrive and both times I got about 80% of the things I ordered.

    I got the seeds in hand well before I got my invoice and paid for them, there's no reason to pay in advance since some could be out of stock. The box arrived with a note to email them and all seed packets were labeled G1-G whatever. I emailed them for the invoice and key to identify the seeds. Response with that info took about two weeks to get but there were no errors in the order. They also send two packets of free Gymnocalycium seeds with every order.

    Germination was pretty good for most seeds, although a few didn't germinate at all. Typical of large seed suppliers I would say.

    I think simply put, don't order from kaktusy if you're going to be impatient. If you're able to order and then forget you ordered, it'll make for a nice surprise months down the road lol.

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  6. Favorite columnar is probably Rauhocereus riosaniensis, also love anything especially glaucus though


    Favorite overall cactus has to be from Ariocarpus genus though...my favorite species is A. scapharostrus, fissuratus v. lloydii a close second.


    Sure do wish these were my plants, but they aren't...

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  7. EG: Thanks for the input, helps at least some :)

    MS: I don't know the exact crosses I sowed, they were all named for sure though. Definitely had SS02, 'Serra Canyon', Juul's Giant, Kimura's Giant, maybe SS01, but that's as much info as I can remember. Was one of my first seed sowings ever and didn't make any record of it really. Pet iguana knocked all of the pots off a shelf, never bothered labeling them again. It was actually more like 6 or 7 years than just a couple lol

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  8. I grew this plant from Sacred Succulents seed a couple years ago but the entire crop lost their labels in a move. Just wondering if this plant bears any striking resemblance to someone else's and if there are any thoughts on what the cross could be. Obviously it's just speculation, but any suggestions are appreciated!











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  9. I agree with everyone that the humidity isn't necessary for these large grafts, but the reason they failed is because the bevel cuts on the sides aren't getting all of the flesh you need to cut off. You also need to cut off V's between the ribs at an angle, just like the ribs. The skin doesn't sink in at all when it begins to dry out, leaving rim with a sunken center that just pushes the scion off and forces it to fail. I've circled what needs to be removed as well:




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