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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Hyphal

  1. Hyphal


    Someone has found some already in Canberra - and quite a decent haul at that...
  2. Hyphal

    Ps. Cubensis Spore Prints Sale

    Well, if someone is willing to buy them, its their decision what they choose to do with their money really isn't it? Regardless of whether its a shit deal or not...
  3. Hyphal

    Ps. Cubensis Spore Prints Sale

  4. Hyphal

    Pans in broome?

    As long as it is growing from dung, and the spore print is purple or black, there's very little chance of you getting sick. But, before you eat them, make sure you post a pic and full description to be sure.
  5. Hyphal

    Pans in broome?

    This is awesome news! Take a print of anything you find up there! Coming to the end of the wet now though isn't it? Hopefully you may still have some luck.
  6. Hyphal

    Why bother fruiting mushrooms?

    My personal opinion would be that if you had a fully colonised jar, you may as well fruit it.
  7. Hyphal

    Poop Tea Sponge?

    Soak straw in poo tea, that will work well - and you can mix in a small amount of cow poo with the finished product to bump up the nutrient values.
  8. Hyphal

    Definately Ecuador Cubes?

    Usually you can't identify a cube strain by its photo.... Edit - I didn't read the first post properly.
  9. Hyphal

    First time hunter,tips?

    There are a few different types of psychoactive fungi that grow around australia worth targeting, depending on where you live. Going by your profile, if you are actually in Adelaide, you will be targeting Psilocybe Subaeruginosa - which don't grow from dung. But, if your not prepared to get dirty when hunting, forget it. You can't sugar coat walking around the great outdoors in wet conditions when it comes to getting dirty - but that being said, it's some of the best fun... Subaeruginosa grows in pine and sheltered wood mulched gardens and parks, and I think in Adelaide in eucalypt forests. Things to look out for are gallerina sp. and Stropharia aurantica - gallerina can kill and Stropharia will make you sick.
  10. Hyphal

    Cake troubles?

    Another question - has every attempt been from the same print?
  11. Hyphal

    Cake troubles?

    I dont want 'the stage', I am just trying to help out people with what Ive found works best for me, after trying lots of different things - and I don't want people to get put off from trying things out either, which is what I was actually accusing you of.
  12. Hyphal

    Cake troubles?

    Yeah hilarious... Harry, I don't remember implying that you would be so stupid that you would try and boil water with your freezer. And I don't remember saying your methods didnt work either. You were clearly trying to point out that you think using WBS as a substrate is hard (and even harder to try and explain to someone how to do it). There are benefits to using WBS over popcorn, and thats why its the main choice for culturing. I felt the need to correct your advice, as if that advice was offered to me when I was starting, I would be put off from from even trying grains in the first place, and my first try at grains worked out fine. Therefore I think it's something people should be encouraged to try, not discouraged. Then I felt the need to show how easy it is to explain to someone how to do it, as you think its impossible to explain. Ok, so I realise i come off like a pompus prick, so if any experienced myco's disagree or think I'm wrong and should just STFU, please chime in. I was simply trying to help stop the spread of misinformation.
  13. Hyphal

    Cake troubles?

    If you have a pressure cooker, grain is a LOT easier than cakes. It's very very simple to explain to someone how to get the moisture levels correct. I just dont want you to scare him off from trying, its easier than the pf tek, though I aqgree 100% you should wait until you have success with the pf tek before moving to grain, just don't be scared about moving on. The reason I feel the need to put in my 2 cents is that sometimes I really don't agree with your advice Harry, but please try not to take offense to it, just listen and learn. WBS is EASY, and can be bought from any basic supermarket. This is how EASY it is to explain to someone how to prepare it - - Get a pot of water boiling on the stove. - Turn off the heat. - Add two or three cups of COLD water to cool the hot water to drop the temp below boiling point. - Dump in your dry WBS. - Stir. - Put a lid on the pot and leave it overnight - it will swell up and absorb the water. If the water is too hot when you put your grain in, some kernels will burst - though if its only a few (<20%) it doesn't matter too much, but your aiming not to pop any. Simply make your water a bit cooler next time if you do (add an extra cup of cold). - Next day, strain through a big colander. - Rinse very very well. I find it easier to dump the seed back into the pot, re-fill with tap water to wash it and then strain again - and repeat this 3 or 4 times. - Drain well - just leave the colander sitting in the sink for 2 hours, or 'shake' the water out of it. - Load into jars, pressure cook, innoc. Consistently make perfect grain. And re: poo - once he gets to the stage of a completely colonised pf jar, then he should already have the skills to pastuerise a bit of poo - its also, IMO, easier than making pf jars, so dont be scared off from trying. But yes, obviously, you do need to get a pf jar colonised first.
  14. Hyphal

    Cake troubles?

    He's steam sterilising, he doesnt have a PC. 2 hours is good when steam sterilising.
  15. Hyphal

    Cake troubles?

    I was only going by the information in your post, you specifically stated you let them cool for an hour, and that would mean they were WAY too hot still. With these latest jars, 6 days isnt very long for spore innoculation, especially if they arent being incubated at the correct temps. Wait another week with those jars, and if there is still nothing, then your spores may not be viable. The brand of rice you are using should nto make a difference on whether or not they germinate, brown rice is brown rice.
  16. Hyphal

    Cake troubles?

    If you only let your jars cool for an hour, then they were probably still too hot and you killed your spores. Let them sit overnight next time..
  17. Hyphal

    Hawaiian baby woodrose, questions...

    The nausea is pretty intense, though on 5 seeds I noticed mild effects of exactly what others have written here. Tryptamine feel (shimmering edges, slightly breathing walls etc.), and the set was awful - a bit drunk, and immediately after ingestion a big argument with the significant other ensued, putting me in a terrible mindset. That being said, I was reduced to tears at the realisation that everything that happened is as a result of a mirror of my psyche, which came after a few hours of ingestion. Agreed, very powerful, though also powerfully painful on the stomach, IMO. Personally I wouldnt be repeating the experience.
  18. Hyphal

    Pans in broome?

    I'm almost 100% certain I found Pan subbs in the Southwest of WA, in a vege garden. I reckon there's a bloody good chance of finding actives in Broome also, would be awesome to get some prints and pics if you do have any luck.
  19. Hyphal

    PF incubation chamber tek

    And if you are in Perth, at this time of year, definitely do NOT bother with an incubator. Just wrap the jars in a sleeping bag and stick them at the back of a cupboard shelf.
  20. Hyphal

    starting an outdoor patch

    I agree wholeheartedly...
  21. C'mon Xip, will you ever actually post anything with any sort substance to it? I dont browse here a lot, but pretty much every one of your posts I've read is is negative. Hardly incriminating - some dude somewhere ate a few mushrooms and had a life changing experience.... SOMEONE CALL THE FEDS!! Puck - great to hear you had such a positive and profound experience!! I thought EGA was life changing for me too, just not in any profound way. Anything one undertakes in life seems to change it in some way - just in varying degrees, from a completely subtle change you may not even notice to completely profound, spiritual realisation that can completely alter ones patterns of thinking or personal habits completely. EGA for me was more just a really really good fun adventure and it was great to meet so many plant heads in one gathering with similar ideals, in such an amazing setting in a part of the country that I never knew existed.
  22. Hyphal

    Quick question about sterilisation

    Well the first few times I sterilised pf jars was done with steam sterilisation and it worked fine, 100% success rate. I think the key is using smaller jars, therefore heating up more quickly, and the longer boil time of 2 hours seems to get the job done. Those old style 'vegemite' jars worked a treat, but any small jar or glass about 200ml in size should be fine - at least to get you going until you save up for a good quality PC or find one cheap on ebay or in a second hand store. To sterilise a syringe without a PC is easy and effective - get a pot of water boiling for ten minutes, then suck up and expell some of this boiling water in and out of a syringe several times (sucking up and squirting out into a sink - NOT back into the pot!), then on the last pull leaving the syringe body full of the hot water, wrapping it in foil and dropping it into the boiling water in the pot with the lid on for 45 mins works fine.
  23. Hyphal

    Prints Sale

    I thought the same thing, but hey - no one is asking either of you to buy them. Let it play out - they may not sell, just so long as this thread isn't bumped every second day for the next month, who cares.