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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by Mime

  1. He's type one and only 2 years old... The best thing you can probably do for him at that age is get him an insulin pump (pricy, byt basic private health insurance has to cover it).

    When he's older, and can better understand what's going on/ can tell you is he's in trouble, then maybe start looking at other things

    • Like 1

  2. Still looking for bioluminecent species... I'm assuming they're legal to cultivate, and if so if anyone has a culture they'd be willing to sell me, that would be cool.

    I am only looking for prints or cultures of bioluminecent or edible species that are legal to cultivate.

  3. So yesterday i found another big O. nidiformis on a tree in the front yard again

    third year in a row now i'll try snap some shots tomorrow night then i'll chop it up and make a bunch of cultures to pass around

    I'd be very interested in buying a culture from you.

    • Like 1

  4. The Lorax -Dr seuss

    A Sand County Almanac -Aldo Leopold

    Silent Spring -Rachel Carson

    In that order. I'd like to say they've inspired me to try to change the world, but mostly they left me with an overwhelming sense of doom and hopelessness. They probably didn't change things for the better.

    Also Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels, because they make me happy.
