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Posts posted by Subaeruginosin

  1. Subaeruginosin - I give up. I can't argue against the power of your anecdotes. You win.

    Yeah, fair enough mate, I do tend to get stuck in my own head at times. But come on, have you guys actually spent much time in (particularly) regional cities around Australia and seen some of these white trash generational welfare families?

    It just becomes too much to handle sometimes! It’s like the number one profession around here, 22 year old chicks just breed like rabbits, pop out 6 half retarded kids to 6 different fathers, while just sitting on there arse the whole time sinking piss and doing drugs, then they just collect there huge welfare check once a fortnight to spend on more drugs and alcohol and only provide there kids with what they can score for free from the salvation army.

    With population growth and all that, there has to come a time when the government says enough is enough, where not going to just let people rort the system anymore by not treating pregnancy seriously and just having more kids purely for the money that they then just neglect and let run the streets unsupervised, causing mayhem like feral little animals.

    To me this is a good start to tackling a much wider problem, without going down the path of mass sterilization, which is seriously what I’d be doing. I ain’t even joking either! If you’re not going to treat having children seriously and have a similar frame of mind about it as Amazonian has described, then why shouldn’t you be scrutinised by the government?

  2. Er... what do you think "treatment" entails? It doesn't matter if it's voluntary or not, withdrawals are still withdrawals, and the foetus is subject to them too.

    And what - all pregnancies are planned?

    Well, when it comes to opiates being treated with methadone under the supervision of a doctor I’m sure it would meet the guidelines of “treatment”.

    Oh, btw anyone who is to feebleminded to work out how babies come to be imo have no right whatsoever to be raising a child! That unplanned BS just doesn’t fly for me. I rooted the same women damn near every night for 10 years and managed not to knock her up, specifically because I knew we had a toxic relationship and were not prepared to bring a human being into this world!

    Like I said, we are talking about human beings here not pet dogs. If people can’t practice the most simplest possible form of self control, then why should they have the right to raise kids?

  3. Crackheads and full blown alcos are an issue. A drink at a party or a choof one in a while isn't in my book.

    I think the point is Gilligan that truly good mothers who are having a child for the right reasons, don’t spend there pregnancy at parties getting drunk or stoned! If you don’t have the self control to put your unborn babies welfare above your own petty desires, then why should it be trusted that you will put the child’s welfare above your own leisure for the next 20 years?

    For the record, I have the same opinion of poor uneducated mothers who use drugs well pregnant and yuppie arsehole parents who put there adolescent children on the street to fend for themselves when the kid turns out differently to how they expected. They should both be banned from having children and forcefully sterilized! Life can be a cold dark existence for people who have had a neglected upbringing; I just don’t understand why it’s still socially acceptable to bring another human being into this world for an individual’s own personal entertainment, like they were a pet puppy or something!

    Also a major point here seems to be opiate-using mums, right? And it seems to be taken for granted that this will fuck up your future-kid, even though the medical evidence for this is a bit sketchy and often ignores other lifestyle factors. So consider this: have you ever experienced serious opiate withdrawal, or seen what it does to a person? Now would you wish that on your unborn child? This is even disputed by doctors - which is more harmful to a foetus, exposure to opiates, or the stress of withdrawals? I know many doctors advocate leaving the mum on maintenance methadone or whatever and then tapering the kid off after they're born.

    Well, refer to my second paragraph for what I personally think. Though regardless of my personal opinion, the issue of opiate withdrawal while pregnant shouldn't be an issue for the proposed legislation for parents who are actually concerned with the child’s welfare, since they would already be in voluntarily treatment and wouldn't be refusing it.

  4. A friend of mine told me her mother took LSD while pregnant with her, and she is an exceptionally creative, intelligent and innovative thinker and an incredible artist. I don't know her well enough to comment on wether or not she has any deeper detrimental psychological problems that may be linked to exposure to LSD while in the womb, but to me she seems like one of the most sane and grounded people I have met.

    My parents used to do foster care, before they broke up when I was just a little fella.

    Anyway, there were these two brothers that stayed with us for a few years who had come from hard-core smack addict parents. They were probably only a year and a half a part, one was of a healthy weight, very intelligent and just a levelheaded normal kid in general. The other one was thin and always looked malnourished and quite simply used to act like a feral little animal, he used to run around biting everyone and breaking shit screaming gibberish about nothing, dude had some serious mental issues. Last I saw them, the first one was living with a chick and working full time doing all right. The other one was living in someone’s garage just getting fucked up everyday with little interest in working, last I heard he got locked up at 17 for an armed robbery charge lol. Some milk bar owner wouldn’t sell him cigarettes so he decided to pull a knife on him and take them for free.

    My point being, for every story a person can recite where drug use while pregnant caused no or little harm, there’s at least one and probably far more stories where drug use while pregnant did cause some or major harm to the rest of that human beings life.

    Personally I don’t care if it’s cigarettes, cannabis, smack or meth (alcohol has the potential to cause more long-term damage to the unborn baby than the lot of them, btw), if you force a helpless innocent life endure that shit for your own selfish purposes and then even refuse to get treatment, then you are a lowlife piece of junkie shit and deserve whatever punishment you get!!

  5. Jesus is a made up character purposely designed as a means to control the masses (the herd) and inhibit free thought and expression. Who cares less if the character had a few good metaphors? A wolf in sheep's clothing! I can handle all that rot about fluoride being put in tap water for the purpose of mind control or whatever, but trying to argue that some brain-washing fairy tale has any place within a free modern society is just to much to handle.

    Satan, on the other hand is all about freedom of thought and expression and advocates individualism, think about that!

  6. OPP, your posts raises a valid point. when will 'australian' be a valid ethnic origin? with the concept of 'race' no longer considered legitimate, can all homo sapiens not qualify to identify with a certain beginings?

    I suppose you could claim to have an Australian ethnic origin from an ideological standpoint. But you can’t really claim it from a scientific perspective unless your aboriginal, since we come from all over the world and there’s no DNA structure that defines a non-aboriginal Australian.

    Btw, both of my mother’s parents have a Scottish heritage, but I’m pretty sure my mum was abducted by extraterrestrials and artificially impregnated with Nordic alien genetics, which is where I came from.

  7. Why you guys agree to it is beyond me, we wont protect you. You must really love our cheeseburgers or something.

    We do it because Australia has relied on America as it’s main form of defence ever since World War II, when England left us defenseless and captain America flew in and saved us from the japs.

    Also, logic would have to assume if shit ever did hit the fan that they would protect us. I mean, why would the US allow their enemies to get there hands on our abundant natural resources? Iron ore, uranium and now there saying there could be more oil deposits near Coober Pedy than Saudi Arabia. Seems like it would be in there best interest to me.

  8. Eminem just released his new album ‘The Marshall Mathers LP2’ and I gotta say I think it stands up to the original MMLP and the SSLP.

    I've been a tragic Eminem fan since I first heard ‘My Fault’ at a mates house over 13 years ago now and still consider him my favorite musician of all time till this day. I probably wouldn't even be here today if it wasn't for his ‘don’t give a fuck what people think, not because I’m tough, but because I’m mentally ill’ mentality. Just brilliant!

    I don’t care what all you haters say either! Just try hard middle class white boys, blasting bass heavy repetitive gangster rap from your cars. Screw all you P.C haters that say his just a misogynist or homophobe too, you just don’t get it. He spoke to a whole generation of angry & frustrated teenagers and gave them a sense of purpose. He’s a living legend.

    Imo, Em has proved himself as the best rapper to walk the earth. 41 years old, over 15 years in the game and still nobody has come even close to topping his skills. Nor has anybody else been able to pull off his unique style of music (white trash rap), like he does. What other performer could say the same thing?

    Some of the best songs from his new album in no particular order;

    ‘Bad boy’, a sequel to ‘Stan’ where he shows a rare self-recognition of how offensive his rhymes have been over the years, lol.


    ‘So far….’ a perfect example of his comedic style that helped make him the most well known rapper on earth.


    ‘Rap God’ a song which shows off his mind boggling lyrical skill and and genious word play that no one else seems to be able to pull off.


    ‘Legacy’ just my personal favourite track on the new album.


  9. I think you need to take a step back buddy so you are not so involved in your theorys and then apply logic. Are humans ever that flawless to go through hundreds of years without putting a step wrong? i mean if you have examples of the freemasons fucking up then please post them....but really, humans are very floored, especially when they become and large organisations, it only leads to infighting and disorganisation. Might wanna think about it >_>

    This is always the main argument put forward (usually very aggressively) by the hardcore patriots who are blindly convinced there society is all infallible, righteous, honest & open with the people. It’s also the most ridiculous and ignorant argument anyone could possibly make, since if humans were ever flawless enough to go hundreds of years without putting a foot wrong, then we wouldn’t have heard about it, would we?

    A very simple example would be the whole Schapelle Corby drug smuggling incident. All over the place you would here people ranting on about how stupid it was for attempting to do something like that, claiming it was always inevitable she was going to be caught. But for all they knew it could have been a daily occurrence, there was probably multiple people walking though Bali airport with kilo’s of weed under there arm everyday. But the majority of citizens just seem to be so subconsciously conditioned, that they just assume if it’s not flashed all over the news and they haven’t heard about it, then it must not be happening. lol.

    I do believe there are secret societies out there that have accumulated mass wealth and use it to varying degrees to gain power & control over the people, using the media, popular culture and the economical system as there means, but how deep it goes is really anyone’s guess. I also believe a lot of these conspiracy theories that pop up on youtube or whatever are mostly just peoples imaginations running away on them. But at the same time, I think secret government agencies or even secret societies do occasionally use these so called elaborate conspiracies to there own advantage to keep the wool pulled over the peoples eyes and to disguise there own and usually much more simpler agendas. Like for example, I’m sure they would use (or even actually post themselves) a lot of these alien conspiracy theories to cover up actual secret military operations and such. Or how they deliberately allow the illegal drug trade to flourish in the slums of the US (and other places), since as long as the poor are all high on drugs and busy fighting each other over the illegal drug trade, they won’t ever by organised enough to stand up and revolt against the government or the wealthy elite.

    Like I have already said, who really knows how deep the rabbit hole goes, it’s anyone’s guess. But I personally think anyone who thinks we are living in a free and open society and dismisses the idea that there is a whole lot of mind control and conditioning going on behind the scenes on many different levels is just kidding themselves.

    But the way I see it, to be totally honest, in 100 years time we will all just be fertilizer anyway and it will be someone else’s problem, so what’s the point of wasting the short time you have worrying about something you can’t change anyway? lol. Revolutionists & renegades may have been able to bring the people together and create mass change in the past, but personally I think we are to locked down these days for that to even be possible. Although, if the welfare system was to ever crash, then I think it would be a totally different story, lol.

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  10. LOL!!! If this is the person quitting erb will turn me into, IM NEVER QUITTING!!! :P

    Well if you cut erb out of your life completely to the point of not hanging around people who toke, im sorry to say, its still got you by the balls. Its STILL controlling your life!!!

    Well actually mate, not smoking has never made me a different person.

    I’m a prick either way and have no regrets. Only thing that changes when I’m not smoking is I eat less pizza and more health food, spend less time on my arse watching feebleminded tv shows and more time lifting weights and doing push ups, Start looking far more healthy and my eyes go from a dark dull blue, to a bright sky blue. Oh and my general confidence goes from non-existent, to feeling like I can take on the whole world. But that’s just me, each to there own and everyone’s different (apparently).

    Can’t say I’ve had to try to cut anyone out of my life either, it's kinda just come naturally. These days when I’m at work and see those dudes walking around the place, working like there half retarded, looking like they ain’t slept in a month, with dumb arsed smiles on there face and dopey glassy eyes, mumbling shit thinking there smart cunts who can handle there shit and that nobody has any idea there smashed, I just can’t help but think to myself; “you little piss weak dopey pathetic drug addict MF, can’t believe I used to be one of you people”.

    But why would I bother typing out this post? Any opinion I have has usually already been summed up nicely in a song by the second biggest legend on earth with aspergers.


  11. Says the guy who joined a month ago lol. But nah I think I remember you saying you've been around before :P

    How vigilant.

    Nah, I’m just fucking with ya braz. But I should have probably been less ambiguous in what I said, in that it has been claimed in past threads that they have had access to PM’s in the past and I’m quite sure they monitor, troll and even try to gain respected member status on all Australian forums where the possibility of illegal activity or civil disobedience might occur. They wouldn't be doing their jobs properly if they didn't.

    But I do agree it’s a complete waste of taxpayers money, particularly on this site where the overwhelming majority of members are peaceful gardeners, who may occasionally show an interest in plants that are rarely heard of in popular culture and may have a borderline legal status.

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  12. Ya don't really need to wonder yourself to hard, just look at how strictly the self incriminating rules are in forced compared to what they used to be. The police have been watching this site and reading PM's here for years. There's threads about it.

    You should probably just relax, doubt you have much to worry about unless your using the site to sell illegal drugs.

  13. From what I can tell Ceres tries to always be a positive spirit and comes across as liking everyone, especially when the person comes across as being in need of a positive and nurturing perspective. I wouldn't take it to personally.

    Other than that, once you post a thread on a public forum it then becomes the property of admin and does not belong to you. There for anyone can post whatever they want, if they feel it’s relevant to the topic, unless of course a mod decides differently. In this circumstance anything related to cannabis abuse in a seemingly meaningless existence should be more than appropriate.

    If you are looking for a conversation that revolves around just you, or someone’s perspective that treats you like you’re the centre of the universe, then maybe a public forum is the wrong place to be and you should probably consider forking out for a psychologist.

  14. I love everything about it. The aroma of fresh, dried and smoked bud drives me crazy. I can’t think of any better taste in this world than when exhaling the smoke of some quality bud. I think raising a cannabis plant would be pure joy too (although I don’t know due to the draconian laws of the country we live in, obviously!). I could sit and just stare at a stinky healthy cannabis plant for hours on end without getting bored.

    But most of all out of anything, it’s that incredible feeling that comes from smoking some bud after at least a month without any. I have never felt any other better feeling in this life, it’s what I’d imagine heaven would feel like if it existed. Everything is just bliss, everything has meaning and all the great questions of life just seem so clear and simple, boredom is non-existent and just being alive feels like such an honor, a great privilege I have been gifted with. It’s pure happiness!

    I think that’s my greatest problem with cannabis, after that initial high wears off, I just end up smoking copious amounts of it. It’s probably a psychological attempt to achieve that first no tolerance high, which after a few months just results in getting the exact opposite effect from it.

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  15. I don't think it is necessary to totally abstain from cannabis, or to be totally addicted to it like some of the comments made in this thread, but rather to use it in such a way that honours the great gift that it is.

    Well that’s probably a bit of a naïve generalisation.

    I mean for someone who started smoking a little to mush weed when they where 19 or something, well then yeah, they might be able to learn to have a healthy relationship with this amazing plant. But if you’ve been a hardcore abuser since you where say 12 years old, then I think you have blown that opportunity and do have to walk away from it for good to ever have a chance to live life to its fullest. It really is up to the individual to work out if they have blown that opportunity or not.

    I personally won’t be abstaining from it for forever; to say any different would just be lying to myself. In 6 months I’ll be toking up again, but I also know that nothing good will come from it. What can I say? I’m a self destructive person and probably will be till the day I die.

    All I know is that the only old mates I had that I started smoking with who have anything good to say about it are the losers who are still living with there parents and shit, going absolutely nowhere at 30 years old. All my old mates that are now thriving and moving on in life hate the shit.

    I’m a true believer that some of the biggest future breakthroughs in treating conditions like depression will be though treating people with cannabinoids. But I also realise from years of experience that cannabis can cause some people to become isolated and unable to relate to there fellow human, causing severe depression and the feeling that reality in its self is a totally meaningless existence, which will lead to a completely wasted life at best and an early exit at worst.

    This ain’t an anti-cannabis rant btw, I doubt I’ll ever meet anyone who has as much love for the cannabis plant as I do, but that’s no accuse to be in total denial. Nothing in this world is perfect and no substance can be abused without causing negative outcomes, not even cannabis.

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  16. Well actually I’m from Northern Victoria, so you should probably be wishing my plants dry out from the hot semi-arid climate, lol. I’m SunChaser, locked myself out of my old account to stop being a bong rat loser who does nothing else in my spare time but sit here on the laptop wasting my life. Probably filled in that climate section wrong.

    Anyway, I don’t give a shit if you take my advice or not. But the fact is if you listen to the verbal hippy shit vegetarium is spitting, you’ll be back in the exact same position within a month or two smoking your whole life away. If you truly have a true desire to become a better person then you have to toughen up and change your whole frame of mind, as hard as it is to here mate it’s the only way. No half arsed measures will do and there are no short cuts to break such an ingrained destructive habit.

    If you’ve smoked erb for even half as long as I have or love the stuff even half as much as I do, then the only way you will ever stop being a slave to it is by cutting off all your supplies and walking away from it forever, that’s just the reality of the situation. Whether you stop smoking it for a week or even a year, it doesn’t matter. Once you hit that shit again you’ll be back to where you started, not being able to enjoy anything without being stoned within a month or two.

    I’ve gone though all these half arsed measures time and time again, quitting for a week here, month there and a year over there, trying to be a smart cunt thinking I can just lose my tolerance and then be able to control my habit and only smoke at night or on the weekends, but every time it just goes the same way, I eventually wake up one morning packing that bong and blowing that smoke out before I’ve even done my morning piss and then it hits me, I’ve just done a full fucking circle straight back into this same old position. Smoking my whole life away losing the only person I ever loved, losing all respect from my family and just letting every opportunity I’ve ever had just past me by.

    Maybe your situation is different, but like I said, if you love cannabis half as much as I do and have smoked it for half as long as I have, then I doubt your situation is that much different. But at the end of the day, most of us have to do that full circle over and over again till it finally hits home right? Just being told rarely ever gets though.

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  17. Yeah silk road was run by a terrorist.

    It's scary to look at his linked.in profile and then compare his actions.

    Preaching peace love and tacos, yet ordering hitmen on people.

    There was no 'message'. Just drugs, and illegal expressions.

    Same old shit.

    Same old extremist personalities.

    He was coerced by the feds to order 2 hits. In other words, the whole thing was fabricated and there wouldn’t have even been a hit ordered if the feds didn’t set it up. It’s ridiculous that they can even get away with entrapping people like that.

    It was an extremely stupid thing for DPR to do though, any normal person would have to conclude that if someone’s offering to carry out a hit on the internet, then it’s either the authorities are someone trying to scam ya. From what I’ve read about Ross, it does seem he wasn’t some hardened drug lord, but rather just some computer nerd who got in way over his head and most likely has some form of autism.

    Though, on a more philosophical note, people’s perception of what constitutes ‘murder’ is rather ironic. I mean, the government can order people to go kill innocent life in the name of ideologies or for economical reasons and it’s just considered ‘war’. But when someone orders someone to kill a hardened criminal (or in this case, a federal agent posing as a criminal) to protect there customers and billion dollar business, then they must be a cold blooded killer, right? What’s up with that?

    Also, anyone who says he was just in it for the money and was full of shit about claiming it was for a cause, must just be an idiot. I mean, apparently he was worth 80 million, yet was living in shared accommodation, with very few personal items, no car and with only a few changes of clothes. Doesn’t exactly fit the description of some greedy drug lord who’s in it for the money.

    I’m not even convinced this Ross bloke was the mastermind behind it anyway, like the FBI are claiming. The fact that he advertised silk road on the Shroomery using a user name which he registered with his personal email says to me that he was either extremely stupid or simply played a really minor role in setting it up.

    It’s trial by media, so obviously he’ll be found guilty. But from the information that’s been released I really don’t see how they could get a conviction for him being DPR. Sure there are a lot of big coincidences there, but it all seems circumstantial to me, I can’t see any nail in the coffin evidence there. Then if you consider that they can’t actually connect any drugs to him and for that matter the FBI can’t even take control of his 80 mil, then really what have they got?

    Anyway, everyone who’s ranting on with there patronising “I told you TOR wasn’t safe” comments, should really read the information regarding this case. As far as I can see, not one person has been busted due to their use of bitcoins or the TOR network. I’ve never even used silk road, but this bust has only confirmed to me that it’s an incredibly safe way of obtaining drugs.

    So I guess everyone just moves onto the Sheep market place or whatever and life goes on. All the feds have probably accomplished here is by advertising this form of purchasing drugs and reaffirmed that it is incredibly safe.

    Btw, what about atlantis shutting down a week before silk road went down. Does that indicate Atlanis was an FBI site?

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