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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by DiscoStu

  1. DiscoStu

    Youtube vids

  2. DiscoStu

    Jim Carey

    the cynic in me says he's having an existential crisis because he killed his girlfriend.
  3. DiscoStu

    Youtube vids

  4. DiscoStu

    Plant-medicine related research job

    You dont have to be 18 to go to uni
  5. DiscoStu

    The Random Thread.

    Those who are bent on increasing their power in the world seem sometimes to conceive a special hatred and terror of those who renounce it.
  6. DiscoStu

    The Random Thread.

    Sounds legit
  7. DiscoStu

    The Random Thread.

    "I heard of this one guy after taking mushrooms was riding in a car and he stuck his feet out the door on the road, and it literally scraped off his entire feet to the bone. He didn't even know he was just laughing the whole time now he has no feet."
  8. DiscoStu

    The Random Thread.

    "He took one hit of DMT and next day he was performing blood rituals in his basement. How did it come to this?"
  9. DiscoStu

    The Random Thread.

    I don't need proof it's common sense.
  10. DiscoStu

    Quotes of the day.

    You've made a powerful enemy today my friend - Montgomery Burns
  11. DiscoStu

    Youtube vids

    Just follow these simple steps and you can achieve enlightenment FAST. Fast er than anyone ever. Trust him he's enlightened
  12. following on from this thread: what is your ideal world? if all the problems of your world were solved what would it look like?
  13. this is from thomas cleary's translation of the wenzi so i don't know how accurate it is. how do you understand this?
  14. Hey thanks for the suggestion but ive been "studying" zen for some years in chinese and sanskrit for some years so the ideas are not all that foreign. Im not a super fan of peoples general introductions to topics and prefer always to read the source texts. I have thomas clearys translation of the tao te ching here but its shockingly bad so i mansged to get a bilingual app on my phone which is great so im kind of translating a line a week at a time. Slowly but surely but im kind of learning ancient chineze at the same time. But anyway i started this topic more to just generaye discussion rather than looking for an answer
  15. DiscoStu

    what is your ideal world?

    so what is my ideal world? I don't know really, lately I've been looking at a world which exist supra-normal to my daily activities. I've always thought that the idea of "getting back to nature" is moot because you are nature, so you never left. you just need to realise it. sure i do a job i don't particularly enjoy but doing something else is not my ideal necessarily, maybe i just exist. are any activities necessarily different from the other when we recognise the illusion of self? would i be more happy just tending to a garden somewhere and not having to run the rat-race, maybe, but then reality would change, i'd just be performing another action than i am now. so maybe i dont need to go anywhere because everywhere is already as whole and complete as it will ever be?
  16. DiscoStu


    so i'm just curious, following through from this video let's say all of the problems in this video were solved, what would your world look like? what is your ideal world? edit: i think this q deserves it's own thread
  17. DiscoStu

    Quotes of the day.

    It was the voice of someone who was waiting in the shadows Who was looking at the moon and waiting for me to turn the corner And enter a narrow street And stand with him in the dull glaze of moonlight Then he said to me He whispered That my plan was misconceived That my special plan for this world was a terrible mistake Because, he said, there is nothing to do and there is no where to go There is nothing to be and there is no one to know Your plan is a mistake, he repeated This world is a mistake, I replied - Thomas Ligotti
  18. DiscoStu

    Post your word of the moment

  19. DiscoStu

    Youtube vids

    none of this makes sense. at least other "contentious" mass shootings have some consistency. this i just diabolical all the way through.