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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by DiscoStu

  1. Oh boy steppen in the garden today and saw 2 plants (pc and a macro) with flower buds. Now i can do my very first cross im so excited.
  2. DiscoStu

    don't cha hate it when..

    dchiw you get ripped off. pretty brazen too. serves me right for trusting randos i guess.
  3. DiscoStu

    Youtube vids

  4. DiscoStu

    Flat earth debate

    "Wow, imagine if might made right when it came to science." it does. maybe not in a fisticuff kind of way, but people expressing a dissident view in science can be ostracised, fired from their job, stripped of tenure and absolutely pilloried in the media. all this has the effect on stifling discussion and preventing people presenting alternative views. if you think there's not a large and powerful scientific cabal preventing certain scientific views from being studied or even raised then you haven't been paying attention.
  5. DiscoStu

    Youtube vids

    hibiscus madness is a thing isn't it?
  6. DiscoStu

    Flat earth debate

    for his next trick he should fly a rocket to the moon to prove it's a hologram
  7. DiscoStu

    Quotes of the day.

    Aloneness and silence are two aspects of one experience, two sides of the same coin. If one wants to experience silence one has to go into one´s total aloneness. It is there. We are born alone, we die alone. Between these two realities we create a thousand and one illusions of being together - all kinds of relationships, friends and enemies, loves and hates, nations, races, religions. We create all kinds of hallucinations just to avoid one fact: that we are alone. But whatsoever we do, the truth cannot be changed. It is so, and rather than trying to escape from it, the best way is to rejoice in it. Rejoicing in your own aloneness is what meditation is all about. The meditator is one who dives deep into one´s aloneness, knowing that we are born alone, we will be dying alone, and deep down we are living alone. So why not experience what this aloneness is? It is our very nature, our very being. - Osho
  8. DiscoStu

    Flat earth debate

    He'll reach high enough to see the curvature of the earth and have an epiphany that the earth is round, only to then plunge to his death. Then the flat earth community will call it a NASA conspiracy and they had to kill him to keep him from telling the truth.
  9. DiscoStu

    Flat earth debate

    have you seen his youtube test vids? if not i suggest you do, it's great.
  10. DiscoStu

    Reefer extractor fan? dreams from youth that need to be created volume #1

    doesn't UV light give you cancer?
  11. DiscoStu

    Youtube vids

    is this satire?
  12. When the people of the Earth all know beauty as beauty, There arises (the recognition of) ugliness. When the people of the Earth all know the good as good, There arises (the recognition of) evil.
  13. lets's look at the next stanza: Therefore: Being and non-being interdepend in growth Difficult and easy interdepend in completion Long and short interdepend in contrast High and low interdepend in harmony Front and behind interdepend in company
  14. DiscoStu

    Post your track of the day

    it doesn't take a whole lot of prodding to find out that a whole lot of things matter a great deal to your average "atheist"
  15. So if we apply this concept of "from this arises that" to our own selves what are we left with. Not talking labels or identities here but the core understanding of a sense of being which we all have. If one thing needs its opposite to exist for it to exist itself then we need an understanding of non-being in order for us to understand being. But how can we understand non-being? Its not a tangible object which we can grasp and describe. So we're left with emptiness which we can only imagine from an idea of form. Is this what they meant from the heart sutra when they wrote "form is emptiness emptyness is form"?
  16. So i dont think you need to focus on the idea of beauty in this verse . It points to the idea of duality in that to hold a concept of one thing (beauty in this case) we must hold a corresponding opposite concept (uglyness). I.e. no thing can be beautiful without knowing what non-beauty is to compare it to. Interestingly zennists would point out the emptiness of both beauty and non beauty if they rely on their oppposites to exists and say that ultimately neither really exists. So if neither beauty and non beauty exist then ultimately what is there?
  17. DiscoStu

    "Long time no see so hello" thread

    i always read that as "the doodab ides", i.e. the day of the doodab, but carry on
  18. DiscoStu

    Youtube vids

    now here's a video of the young turks being incredible hypocrites as usual.
  19. DiscoStu

    Youtube vids

    signing a petition to stop autonomous killer robots isn't necessarily going to prevent their inevitable rise. laws don't prevent crime. but worth it to bring up the issue.