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Dead-eye Dick

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Posts posted by Dead-eye Dick

  1. Self Abuser,

    from dim memory there's maidenii at the botanical gardens, tagged so you can get a picture of what they look like, please dont hack it to pieces :) its been in some sad shape over the years. i don't think it'll be flowering now but I could be wrong.

    good luck

  2. Drink Or Die, a very old WaReZ group was busted a few years ago, turns out the leader was a friend of my girlfriends mother, living somewhere on the central coast with his parents, and was considered "weird" by everyone in the IT department...

    still, i wouldnt mind access to their FTP servers...

    Lol,, that wouldn't be boomer would it .. I shouldn't laugh at his fate. DoD were big in apps, Razor1911 in games, RBS (Rebels) euro cracking group, then i sort of grew up and drifted away.. good to see someone knows about ftp dump sites tho :P

  3. Does anyone have some seed of this Mediterranean poppy?

    Apparently they also taste very nice on breads.

    Ahh.. p. setigerum (setigum?) meh, lovely little fellas with if i may be so humble to presume

    contain an interesting set of compounds.. apparently they grow in a lot of suburban areas around canberra - i'm not sure where you are but canberra ain't my location atm :) perhaps you could ask some of the canberra boys (viva canberra psychonauts who hate public service!! :D ) to collect some of the seed .. if I'm not mistaken its a somewhat light purple/white flower, four petals. I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure I'm describing p. setigum (sp?) - slightly more of an 'acorn' shaped pod for lack of a better word.. i once heard whisper of calwell?

    Good luck my friend, I hope they make an excellent addition to your culinary tastes :) oh, i'm really not sure on the legality of cultivating (i'm not assuming thats your intent just looking out) or self harvesting for food purposes.

    So long

  4. Annoying little things aren't they, I dreamt I'd been coming across near identical to sub mushrooms that just dont look quite right... they are often large capped, bent stemmed (at first I thought that was due to environment) but I've noticed each of this mushroom has a particular little 'twist' where stem meets gills, forgive my lack of myco terminology...

    my question is, and I'll put up pics if I find any matching my dream lol, are these babies poisonous? I'd hate for one to consume one accidently in a pile of blueing subs. my dream self has always diligently checked and has been okay in the past and is not taking any chances with anything that isn't 100% what appears to be.

    BM especially, if you could help me with this lookalike (i'm thinking aka weed mushroom, re naja naja's garden thread) I will search and search for a liberty cap for you, I know how much yuo want to hear news of them found in aus :) hehe i'll do my best

    dreamsearching can be hazy after all ;)

    Night all, :shroomer:

  5. :saufen2: baseball bat the fuckers :P

    seriously - if you catch them in the act maybe a talking to about mycelium networks and such might sink in - it's what afoaf did when he stumbled across some mcdonalds eating teenagers stomping around, oddly enough they did listen and started using different practices.

    good luck bruz

  6. Ahoy people,

    long time listener short term poster, I'm interested has anyone used Ibogaine in a therapeutic sense regarding opiate addiction? I haven't used heroin in six years, but six years is too long to be on methadone (my lifeline so to speak .. ) - I want to do this, I've been slowly coming down (2.5mg when my body tells me too) for some time now and am at a stage where I can consider jumping onto a lesser evil if you will (buprenorphine) I have heard about ibogaine and its use in various clinics overseas .. any responses, whether they be experience or pure suggestion or anything is welcome, - anyone who has actually had ibogaine before, drug problem or no I'm especially looking forward to hearing from. If any replies contain sensitive info feel free to pm.

    I look forward to responses,

    Thank you peoples,


  7. Well ive had twin rix injections twice so hopefully that helps - but its a worry all the same..

    Hola BM,

    If I were you I wouldn't worry too much. I assume your reference to two injections is related to the hep B vaccine + booster - hep B is a shade gray knowedlge wise for me, but I think it would be quite difficult to contract it from one kiss unless she were bleeding or something.

    Hepatitis C I can very firmly say that contraction is nigh on impossible unless its blood to blood contact. Due to previous misdeeds in my past (btw i never shared injecting equipment, people can share blood borne diseases via insufflation tools) I now have a strain of Hep. C. I'm extremely careful in relation to toothbrushes, razors etc. My girl is aware and whenever I have a LFT (liver function test) she goes for a checkup too and she's ok. I guess what I'm getting at is unless she spat blood in your mouth or bit you or something I think you'll be fine, especially if you've had hep B vaccs.

    Cheers BM, keep up the myco miracles :)

    Rudi :uzi:

  8. Since this has gone a little off topic already, I won't feel bad in stateing/asking the following -

    Mesc, apparently there are two common types of canberra papaver (common anyway) - one being a much smaller less circular pod, more rectangular shaped (sorry guys I didn't get past year 7, my knowledge of mathematical concepts is limited) and with a red/pinkish flower -

    the other, apparently, are a much bigger pod and have a violet coloured flower (white/purple) and well apparently someone had a dream about scoring sides and various compounds spewing forth - do my shabbyasallshit descriptions match anything you saw / have seen ?



  9. Thank you for the concern and well, praise on my posting :) as creach pointed out I am wanting to acquire spores for research purposes. I'm a long time reader first time poster - oh I should point out if anyone is wanting to send spore syringes they are to my knowledge illegal and I believe this was disgussed above - and above that well the print is of more knowedlgeble use for me.

    While I'm on the topic of legality - are seeds of some wild papavers that grow in canberra illegal? my thinking is since seeds are sold in virtually any food shop I think not.

    Jasemateau- you like the nick hey? ever read anything by Kurt Vonnegut? (sp?) I got the nick from the title of a book he wrote.

    If anyone could pm me regarding prints that would be great.

    oh I can also arrange a trich. bridgesii (var monstrose i believe) cutting or two for any interested parties - no need to trade, viva seed/spore/cacti rings! - Trich aura I get the feeling you might be keen - I just recently came across some exoticish giant lilly seeds (apparantely the pads are humongous by lilly standards) I don't know the exact name but I know they were found in an NT jungle, if that helps.

    Amulte: No hards feelings - you're only looking out for your community I gather - respeKT! :D

    Thanks again

  10. Hello good people,

    I'm sorry to ask with nothing to offer in return.. and perhaps i'm in the wrong forum *sorry admin i'll move to marketplace if you like* - I'm after some p. cubensis prints for some microscopical research purposes - if there is someone who would not mind posting me one - I would be glad to do what I can for the next person when poss. oh, I have some wild canberra papaver seeds if anyone would like any out of curiosity

    Thanks a bunch
