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Posts posted by ramon

  1. I think Arnorld as President would be a great example of the American dream.

    But it won't happen because he wasn't born in America and American Laws forbid a non native President.

    ( Which might be wise a the last time a Austrian became leader of another country it didn't turn out all that great)

    As to which side of politics he belongs to I don't think it matters.

    In America as in Australia both parties pander to the same people. THE MONEY MEN. It is just that the Republicans and the Liberals ate more blatant about it then the Democrats and Labor.

  2. Grafting rapidly increases the size off the graft but alkaloid production is a function of time. So after the peyote has been grafted due to increase in size their will be more material for the production of alkaloids but it will still take years for the alkaloids to accumulate to appreciable levels.

  3. From previous discussions regarding this subject.

    You wouldn't speed up the production of alkaloids by grafting. It would still take years but your peyote would be larger by that stage so you might have produced more alkaloids in the end

  4. Just wondering if large bulbs.

    White hairs just down from the bulbs and single pinky flowers with four darker purple patches is enough for someone to venture a identification.

    do these characteristics sound like gigantum's

    [ 27. July 2003, 13:20: Message edited by: Ramon ]

  5. Suprised you have only read their mission statement recently.

    When I was debating with people regarding the war in Iraq I would mention the stated aims of the New American Century and I am sure alot of people thought I was a paranoid nutter , managed to get a few to actually look up the site for themselves and they weren't so sure about America's goals regarding the war after that as it seem to fit in very neatly with what they stated they wanted to achieve in the PNAC.

    Whilst the web site is scary enough, what I find very scary is that there is such a level of arogance about their power and right to dominate that they have actually openly admitted to wanting to achieve their stated goals.



    Ahh that's the point though, "outside" of any n spatial regions is only conceivable in terms of being in a n+1 space which encompasses the other. It is contradictory to maintain that you can be "outside" of space, and look upon n space as a whole without being in n+1 space. Where are you looking from? - nowhere. When are you looking from - at no time.

    If n+1 space ecompasses the other then it can be said to interact and not be in individual space.

    i.e. where are you looking from- there is some interaction obviously for you to be able to look from one to the other.

    I get the point regarding the need for something greater then space to understand space if there is more then one space just don't think that it has to be thought of as space.

    If there is no interaction at all between the different spaces then they can just be individual spaces which exist independently.

    I think you are not allowing for the possibility of different dimensions



    The difference with non-interacting "cone"-spaces in singular spaces is that they are constrained by time; given enough time, all parts of this singular space may interact. But plural space is limited conceptually.


    Not actually talking about points that are far enough appart for light to take some time to reach as I think you are suggesting by "cone" spaces.

    Was more talking about space which is so far appart that there will never be any interaction with another part of space because space is expanding faster then the speed of light.

    i.e. greater then 15 billion light years from us.

    I realize that this does not change that this is not plural space.

  7. 1)space cannot be plural, for if it was then there would be

    a)at least a second space not of our space, which we could only identify by placing both spaces against a 3rd "absolute" space with which to juxtapose them, meaning that both spaces would in fact be residential in a greater single space.

    b)no possibility of interaction between "our" space and another, for interaction between spaces contradicts the notion that the spaces are seperate.

    Space can actually be singular and still have regions which cannot interact.

    If you accept that something with mass cannot travel faster then the speed of light

    2)therefore if God inhabits a space that is not our space then this is either contradictory,or, a forteiri, a useless place for a God.

    a)therefore if God exists it must inhabit our space.

    I don't see why God could not exist in both spaces.

    If you limit God so, then it isn't really God and therefore there is no need to continue with the proof

    3)God, being "the being of which that no greater can be conceived", can therefore be no less than the limits of our space, and from 1 and 2, cannot be greater than our space. Therefore if God exists, it must be co-extensive with space.

    I don't see that 1 and 2 actually limit God to being no greater then our space.

    The fact that there is no interaction between the different spaces doesn't mean that they don't somehow add to to a coherent whole which is only understandable from outside the individual spaces i.e. God

  8. Simon Crean looks good to me, if Australians are too stupid to see that (and I think they are) then there's nothing we can do about it.

    I don't think the people who don't vote for Howard deserve him, and as you said, I'm almost certain the elections are rigged in some places...

    just like in USA....

    I changed my mind about Simon Crean when he did a 180 regarding the war. He went on and on about the war being illegal and Immoral (which I completely agreed with ). But soon as the war started and public opinion started to swing he basically said now that we are in it we might as well win it.

    This showed to me that his position was not based on principle which I would have greatly respected but on polls.

    Individually the people that don't vote for Howard don't deserve what they get from him but as a country we do. He uses people's predujices and plays with them keep himself in power.

    I am sure if people were to find alternate sources of information other then newspapers and TV news they would soon start to see through him.

  9. I don't dissagree the Libs must go in the next election. However I don't think it is likely.

    It seems to me we are in for another term and in the end we will deserve what ever they do to the country because people seem to keep voting them back in.

    Either that or their is some dark conspiracy afoot in this country and our elections are rigged even more then the American one's because in the last few years I have only found two people who admit to voting for the Liberals

  10. Hi Gomaos

    Been offline for a few days as most of the electrical appliences in my house blew up due to energex feeding too much power into the house.

    Someone mentioned exercise as the best starting point.

    I agree.

    I have been meaning to get fit again for about two years but never got around to it, but due losing my licence for speeding I have had to drag out my bike and start to use it regularly.

    I feel good about being able to ride the 20 K's to work.

    Not that I do it daily but I will work up to it.

    The way I see things it is not important where you start but as long as you see progress that is good news and reason to feel good.

    Exercise will improve your life in a myriad of ways and will have untold benefits.

    Maybe you can find a bushwalking club you can join. That way you are killin more then one bird with a stone.

  11. I believe I have an idea of what people mean when they talk about the right and the left of politics but I have never seen these explained.

    Could people take the time to explain to me what they mean by the right and the left of politics

  12. The best approach to prayer is the buddhist one...you sort of approach "God" as an equal...

    just sit down in a relaxed position, so the body rests and the mind can operate freely...the lotus pose...another proof that buddhism is superior to any other religion...you don't even have to believe in god to be a buddhist....

    I assume that by approach god as an equal you mean approach Buddha as a equal.

    Within Buddishm everyone has buddha nature (i.e. essentially they are Buddha , they just fail to see it )

    There is gods in Buddishm as well it is just that humans occupy a more exalted position the gods do.

    The gods occupy a perfect realm and live perfect lives until they start to die. When they start to die the other gods cannot bear to look upon them so they are shunned.

    They die quickly and completely alone and because their lives have been perfect up till that stage there has been no impetus for spiritual growth.

    Whereas a human life is filled with misery , we are aware that we will die and this serves to push a person towards spiritual growth

  13. ozzy:

    does anyone know where i might be able to get hold of a NEAM TREE to plant.not sure if it is available in aus but if anyone knows where i can get one i would be happy.

    I bought a neam or neem tree recently at markets in Hervey bay for two dollars.

    I could try and take a cutting if you can't find it from anywhere else but I think you probably will find it somewhere

  14. Have to disagree Auxin

    Oil is vital to wealth

    Water is vital to Health

    Australia is designated the driest continent on earth and we have just gone through a fairly severe drought.

    Those sea vessels and submarines would cease to function around three days after the crew ran out of water.

    Growing food without water is probably impossible.

    I know that water is never detroyed just merely recycled but in some cases this can take millions of years and currently their is many cases where water is distributed very inadequately.

    Not suggesting that the next big war will be about water but I am sure that they will come and people will not be fighting for their economic wellbeing but their very survival

  15. RE GOD:

    If god is perceived as a energy force like the sun/ star or as an entirety like the universe (inclusive of everything within it including stars) as opposed to a really old man (with the big gray beard that sits on a cloud) it seems that it'd be a waste of effort to even want proof, let alone chase it.


    Seems to me that the Suns are the best candidate we have for gods.

    Our sun is totally responsible for for all life on earth and its brethern are responsible for creating all of the elements in our bodies and on earth except Hydrogen and some Helium

  16. It just means the universe will warm up a little when you rot.

    Probably being overly pedantic but

    The universe won't warm up in the slightest when we rot.

    It might get a bit more chaotic (i.e. increase in entropy ) but I am sure that we contribute much more heat through our metabolism and comsumption then would ultimately be realized by rotting.
