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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by ramon

  1. ramon

    Neurotic thoughts

    Do you ever think that maybe we are the ones who don't get it? Is it possible that we are just high sensation seekers, controlled by neural impulses to seek new and novel experiences. Is it that meaningless? Don't see that this would necessarilly mean that it was meaningless. I think that if one was to go from experience to experience without learning anything or not incorporating any aspects of it into their lifes then this could be seen as meaningless. But from my experience most of the people I have met throught this site are generally less greedy and more accepting the people I meet via other avenues Do you ever think that maybe we are just damaging our brains and one day we will regret it? Are the higher rates of anxiety and depression present in this population due to our lifestyles, or people with these issues drawn to this lifestyle? The drug of choice amongst the general community would have to be alcohol and this has to be much more neurotoxic. I think that seemingly higher rates of anxiety and depression can to attributed to a number of causes. 1.Some people who do suffer from anxiety and depression might start a search for more knowledge or natural alternatives to pharmaceuticals and their search might lead them here 2.Due to the anominity of the internet people might be more willing to disclose these aspects more openly , this is enhanced by the accepting nature of these forums 3.It seems that some people have atypical reactions to some drugs ( MJ and anxiety )
  2. ramon


    . I am getting more and more the feelign that both him and his neo-con revolution is over before it even got properly started. We can only hope this is true , unfortunately even if they loose power the world will be cleaning up their mess for many years to come. Say what you like about Bush at least he probably believed in what he was doing , however misguided he was. John Howard in my opinion is much worse because he couldn't be stupid enough to believe in it , yet he has thrust us in amongst it hoping to benefit from being America's greatest lackey
  3. ramon

    Australian stinging tree..

    Not sure if I would consider it a fun plant. The sting is really very painfull and it changes in intensity so you can't become habituated to it. Only affected me on the day I was stung but it is more then enough to take all the pleasure out of a days bushwalk. I believe you can eat the fruit
  4. ramon

    inducing puping?

    When cutting your cacti they should be cut off at a angle anyway so that any rain in future will run off and not cause rotting
  5. ramon

    Keeping water at a constant 37 degrees

    Maybe I could shove the entire 30 litres into your ass and wait for it to get to 37 degrees and then run a tube from your ass to my ass taking about a litre at a time. If you dont need 37 degrees exactly but want to get body temp and one liter at a time is acceptable then you could always get a camel pack and wear it next to your skin
  6. ramon

    B.Caapi care

    I have a caapi in a self watering pot in Brisbane and it seems to be doing fine so far in Brisbane like conditions
  7. ramon

    Keeping water at a constant 37 degrees

    A water bed heater might do the job and it would come with a thermostat. I am sure I have been on waterbed hotter then body temp so should heat up to 37 at least
  8. ramon

    ethno societies

    The Brisbane EB group might be your best best. There is a mailing list which identifies meetings and the such. It is in the process of moving to a new home so will provide a link when this happens
  9. ramon

    herbal Vaporizer

    About 5 years ago I bought one from Amercia, it is essentially made of wood maybe cedar from memory. It has no brand name but I was very happy with it when I was using it. I know I haven't helped all that much but I can say that using a vapourizer was great, you could get two hits from your herb one from the vapourizer and then another if you smoked it normally later on.
  10. ramon


    Saw some program a few weeks back on Discovery whiltst I was at work so I wasn't able to watch it uninterupted or focus all that great but essentially it was suggesting that you can induce a OBE by playing a different tone to each ear. What they were trying to do was confuse the system we use to place objects in space using sound. Our brain uses the difference in tone or pitch of the sound coming into each ear to work out where in relation to the body the sound is coming from
  11. Just wondering what other people think is a good example to show us that the boundary between self and others is false. ie. 1. Merely by typing this message I have permanently altered peoples Brain chemistry. In that reading and thinking about this is sure to alter people's neurochemistry. So how can I be separate to other if I can so easily alter other. [ 25. February 2004, 00:21: Message edited by: Ramon ]
  12. ramon

    Can you solve this?

    Can't get past the guy playing air guitar don't see any star to make use of the clue Please help me via pm
  13. ramon

    spain starting to shift blame

    I find it interesting that the Australian government in the guise of Alexander Downer is asking the Spainish government to break a election promise and not pull its troops back
  14. I fully support the sentiments expressed here but am amazed by the hypocrasy of the American congress telling us to play nice with East Timor and share, when they ( an us ) have just invaded a country and are in the process of exploiting its resources
  15. ramon

    online news

    Counterpunch http://www.counterpunch.org/ antiwar http://www.antiwar.com/
  16. ramon

    Making cactus taste better

    Truth unfortunately it is the active ingredients which taste awful so not that much scope for making it taste better. Other than doing a extraction like electro mentioned which would definately be illegal here in Australia. There is a naughty gnome who communicates through gomoas who advocates reducing it down until you can roll it into little balls which allows you to bypass the taste buds. However I think that even pure mescaline is supposed to make you vomit. As you may have experienced many people value Shaman Asutralis as a valuable resource so some off them get upset when people risk the future of the site by breaking the rules
  17. If so then, in my opinion, any course on introductory buddishm shoudl begin with a mescaline experience :-) Only problem is that depending on where the person is at ( psychologically ) when they take the mescaline they may instead experience Paranoia, panic and a whole variety of other negative emotions. Better to gain some control of the mind with more traditional methods before such a powerful tool is used
  18. I think the boundary between self and others is NOT false, and that is why there is so much 'selfishness' in the world today. The moment it BECOMES false, we will all know each other as brothers and sisters. That is the tricky thing. Yes there is alot of selfishness , sometimes to the degree that it is evil BUT at the same time there is people who live as if everybody is their brothers and sisters almost to the degree of manifesting pure love
  19. pubicly stated I wonder if this was a spelling mistake by me or a freudian slip showing the high esteem I hold for the current incumbent in the whitehouse
  20. I think everybody other then the Australian government gets a inkling of how biased these trials are going to be, but the whitehouse doesn't stop there. They have already pubicly stated that they may continue to detain people even if they are found innocent by these kangaroo courts
  21. Just wondering if there are some indicators that can be used to gauge how some people are going to react to different substances. eg is there some questions that can be asked as a measure of how likely some people are going to react to different entheogens Like tolerance to coffee or alcohol or other commonly used substances which could give some measure of how people are going to react if they have never taken a susbstance they have never taken before.
  22. ramon

    Psychedelics and mind

    I know several people who admit they were hiding behind psychedelics and it fucked them up long term. I know that if I was trying to hide I wouldn't choose psychedelics, I would go for alcohol or heroin. So maybe the fact that they were aware that they trying to hide is a sign of some progress
  23. ramon

    Psychedelics and mind

    Does multiple use of psychedelics indicate a person who is more comfortable with their mind? Figure that subjecting yourself to 3,6 or 12 hours of time, where the mind has more power to create reality. Tends to indicate a certain level of confidence regards what the mind will come up with.
  24. Whatever the answer, I want some of what you've been having this week Ramon. Re united with a old friend Mary Jane. She didn't seem as profound last time I visited her but after not seeing her for 5 months or so I think that she has stuff to teach me
  25. Right now I believe that individual self is an illusion created by seeming barriers from one another which makes the appearance of separation where none really exists. An illusion yes, but a real one! Wait.... can that be? Perspective, localization, separate mind body and will sure makes it seem real to me. But I still believe that much deeper behind this scene of individuality and separation that we aren't really so separate. No a real illusions can't be. As you say it seems real to you, but that doesn't make it real Maybe everything is really nothing anyway, when all of the positive and negatives of time and space are added together it's nothing, so perhaps all of this oneness and separateness all adds up to nothing in the end, if there is an end! Ah, there's the rub. My personal view is that we exist within the parenthesis of the cosmic equation which eventually works out to nothing. The fortunate thing is that the intial expansion was faster then speed of light so that the news of the destruction of the universe is never able to catch us