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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by ballzac

  1. ballzac

    how to place a hotlink as signature

    Edit: not showing up for some reason. Sit tight...
  2. ballzac

    how to place a hotlink as signature

    Did you try typing in the BBCode tags manually? Will look like this: [ url=http: //www.youtube.com]link[ /url] but without the spaces. and the result is link
  3. ballzac

    Breaking bad last season

    That's the best way to do it anyway. That way you don't have to wait a week for the next episode to come out.
  4. ballzac

    coalition to implement opt-out porn filter

    Don't fall into the trap of thinking that you have to vote for one of the major parties. And at the very least, you can help keep the white nationalists out by putting them last, regardless of whether you think your first preference will make a difference or not. And in the senate, in particular, there are always plenty of quirky parties and independents that can, at best, offer a voice to ideals that you hold, and at the very least can be a worthwhile protest vote. Even if you can't sway the outcome in your electorate, minor parties taking a large number of votes can help influence public policy of both the major parties in the future. For example, if you vote for the drug policy reform party, they are unlikely to get a seat, but if enough people vote for them, the major parties might take note that a significant number of voters could be brought on side by incorporating some of the policies into theirs. I don't have any illusion that the system we have at the moment gives us much power, but it's the only power we have, and you might as well exercise it where you can.
  5. ballzac

    coalition to implement opt-out porn filter

    As Howard taught us, it's all to do with whether they are 'core' or 'non-core' promises.
  6. ballzac

    Moderator discussion of forum features

    What do you guys reckon we (super mods) do with mod preview posts in other mods' forums? My inclination would be to just approve the post if it doesn't look suspect and hasn't been reported. If a post looks borderline as far as forum rules are concerned, I would just leave it in case its been intentionally unapproved by another mod, but if it's a completely innocent post, especially if it's the person's first or second post, I think it would be reasonable to assume that it's just been caught by mod preview and can be approved. Just wanted to check what everyone else's thoughts are on this before interfering in others' forums.
  7. ballzac

    Australia is Fucked- Australian Sex Party Ad

    There's an anarchist group ticket on the vic ballot. I thought it was kind of interesting, considering that anarchists don't believe in rule/government. Also, the main guy apparently isn't enrolled to vote .
  8. ballzac

    Australia is Fucked- Australian Sex Party Ad

    I reckon if you get in the door without choking on a how-to-vote card, the hard part's over. Counting writing down consecutive numbers starting at 1 is a fairly simple task, but I'd be quite happy if they got rid of the "above the line", and changed it so you could add as few preferences as you like (I think most people think they are just voting for a single party when they vote above the line anyway). That way a lot of people would just put one candidate, or every candidate from their favourite party. Others would also do their second and third party. And some of us would do all of them just to make sure that the half a dozen white nationalist parties stand less of a chance. Seems a lot more fair and democratic than all the political bullshit from preference deals.
  9. ballzac

    Australia is Fucked- Australian Sex Party Ad

    ...or you can just vote below the line.
  10. ballzac

    Australia is Fucked- Australian Sex Party Ad

    If they weren't already at the top of my list, I think that would have done it for me Pretty fucked up choice of candidates this election. I never thought I'd be putting Labour second on the HOR
  11. ballzac

    I finally got Wood!!!!!

    Good to hear you finally got it all sorted I've suddenly got a hankering for some German beer for some reason. Might have to order a crate of Aventinus or Aecht Schlenkerla
  12. ballzac

    Breaking bad last season

    Wow, the first thread I've seen that is perfect for the BBCode spoiler tags, and not a single person has used them
  13. ballzac

    What weird things do you collect

    So the postie came today Can't manage to take a pic that really captures her look, but this is the best I could get (possibly NSFW):
  14. Ditto. The first pic looks like cuzcoensis, but the tip in the second pic looks unmistakably peruvianoid.
  15. ballzac


    Develop a 'stage' presence...easier said than done though. I used to busk a bit, and I'd happily just do my thing with a hat full of money and make a good $30-$40 an hour. But I'm fairly quiet and not very good a building excitement for an audience and would only have half a dozen people watching at a given time. I had a friend who was much better at rounding up a crowd and when we'd go busking together he'd often spruik for me while I was busking, gathering (I'd estimate) close to 100 people, and the most we ever made was about $300 in a couple of hours. That was during the Commonwealth games though, so there were heaps of people willing to part with their money. Permits are technically required, and I wouldn't suggest you to busk without one, but they really only exist to stop beggars from pretending they're busking. So if you're good, you don't really need one. I've never had one, and I've never been asked if I have one.
  16. It depends on how you define "why". There are very solid explanations all the things you mentioned, and they end up going to a very fundamental point. But there has to be a limit to any sort of explanation. When you keep on asking "why?", which is what physicists do, there is always a point you reach where you don't know the answer. If you find out the answer, you get another "why?". So it is seems logically impossible to have every answer, but it's a lot better to have some answers than no answers. This is what physics does, it provides some answers, and the number of these answers increases every time a new discovery is made, but it is never complete. If you only respond to one thing, I'd like you to provide a quote and source of a physicist who claims to know everything. ...or are you talking about church leaders?
  17. I tried so hard not to take the bait...I swear lol The irony here is that an overwhelming number of religious zealots think they are so important in 'God's plan', that the universe is diminished in size relative to their own ego. Not to mention that, before 'modern' astronomy, humans from many different cultures thought the stars were very close, for example, in Western thought they were assumed to be on the inside of a sphere that surrounds our (flat) planet. It's been less than a hundred years since we learnt that there are galaxies outside our own, and this understanding is only due to the revolution of modern science. Anyone interested in science knows that they are a drop in a cosmic ocean. That's not to say that there aren't religious people with a level of humility, but I hardly think it's the norm. Are you referring to Hawking? That is offensive on so many levels. Just the fact that you would refer to anyone with a disability as a "jellyfish" is beyond belief. But you are talking about someone with such an incredible gift of insight that he has been able to solve some of the most difficult problems presented by the natural world without the ability to put pen to paper. He has, against all odds, managed to overcome an illness that leaves most people dead in just a few years, to continue working tirelessly, and found meaning living with an illness that most people would think was torture. In addition to that, your ignorance betrays you when you pick the 'public face' of physics as a supposed "deity". Truth be told, while he would make many physicists' top ten lists, there are many others for whom Hawking wouldn't even rate a mention on a top ten. Yes. Would anyone have a smart phone if it were not for physics?
  18. ballzac

    Oculus Rift

    I haven't been this excited about a new technology since I was about 15. Seems like the future we were promised is finally here. So tempted to get the dev kit, but I'm doing my best to hold off for the consumer version. Definitely gonna spend a fair bit on a new gaming rig when this thing comes out. The dev kit is 720p, but because it's split between both eyes and fills your entire field of view, the screen door effect is apparently pretty bad. It also has no translational tracking. But the consumer version will be at least 1080p and should include translational tracking. No solid release date as of yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if they try to get it ready for christmas next year. The dev kit is only $300, and the consumer version is projected to be about the same price
  19. Wow, I never realised there were so many ways to interpret an empty post.
  20. lol, it had nothing to do with your post. I simply quoted the question and then listed every single one of my religious and spiritual beliefs underneath.
  21. ballzac

    Happy Birthday Ballzac

    Just realised I didn't actually answer the question, lol. So... I'm assuming you mean 1 light year proper distance. i.e. 1 light year between two points from a frame of reference in which those points are stationary. At half the speed of light, you would travel this distance in two Earth years, and would age 1.73 years on the ship. Just for interest's sake, if you travel for 1.73 years at half the speed of light, you travel 0.86 light years, so the distance traveled that you measure from onboard the ship is shorter than that measured from Earth.
  22. ballzac

    Happy Birthday Ballzac

    (Ship time)/sqrt(1-v^2/c^2) = Earth Time For half the speed of light 1 Ship year ~= 1.155 Earth years so you'd have to zip around space for about 173 years for 200 years to pass on Earth. But, this increases significantly as you increase speed, so at 90% the speed of light, you would only wait 87 years. At 99% light speed, it's 28 years. At 99.99% the speed of light, it's 2.8 years. Better build a faster ship Cheers, I'd say we should catch up soon, but we never get around to it
  23. ballzac

    Happy Birthday Ballzac

    Thanks guys Ah, hobbies...I remember them. Perhaps I'll have some time for stuff like that if I ever finish my studies
  24. ballzac

    What weird things do you collect

    Lili from Tekken: