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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by Scarecrow

  1. pop quiz

    people are finding chemical substitutes, to marijuana because we made it illegal! these chemical substitutes are more damaging and less documented than the plant they are meant to substitute, but gives similar effects!

    what can we do about this mess???

    OBVIOUSLY, the solution is to:
    a ) ban them also! that ought to learn 'em good!
    b ) not ban marijuana, and stop driving people towards finding shitty chemical substitutes for a plant

    HINT: one of these options makes you a fuckwit.

    • Like 5

  2. It sounds like you got the 'false Calea'

    Even by chinese medicine and ayurveda standards Calea and Andrographis are among the most bitter medicines in existence, lol.

    Andrographis is called 'The King of Bitters' for a reason, and Calea is equally bitter but with a nicer buttery flavor.

    I'm pretty sure it's active, it definitely knocks me out pretty quick. I actually got some effects last night; I woke up with that sensation of knowing you were just dreaming about something coherent, but I couldn't remember what it was. I'm starting to think my dream recall is probably the real issue here.

    And I didn't say it's not bitter :P

    What I meant to say is: When you start mixing chinese herbs together you get some truly awful flavors. Learning to overcome those before trying Calea may have skewed my judgement

    • Like 1

  3. I know the heartbeat sensation, I've had it before. Gave me some VERY mild closed eye visuals (nondescript blobs of colour shifting around), but it has never led to any more dreaming than usual (usual being none whatsoever).

    I've made a tincture out of one bag now, hopefully that will work better. I might try it out tonight (it's been soaking for over a week now), with tea and a half a shot of tincture or so.

  4. Yeah but surrendering to what?

    Sounds like it probably means surrendering the ego/mind (be warned, this feels like death):

    "The key issues of the Instinctive Center involve resisting reality by maintaining imaginary boundaries to define the self. We create these imaginary boundaries because, once we have become estranged from our Essential nature, we lose our feeling of substantiality — of being a real, palpable presence in the world. Because we do not occupy a real space, we must construct an imaginary one and then protect it. Much of the work with this Center involves the recognition of these imaginary boundaries and their artificial nature. When we are able to do this, we being to re-experience ourselves as Presence, as something real and as spaciousness. Thus, there is no need to maintain false boundaries.

    The three paths connected with the Instinctive Center are Self-Remembering (at point Nine), Self-Surrender (at point Eight), and Acceptance (at point One). We see that when we are actually occupying our instinctive functions, we know that we are here directly—we remember that we exist right now (self-remembering). We fully experience our "is-ness," and it is not based on stories or pictures of ourselves held in the mind. We are engaged with reality, with a complete immediacy."

    • Like 1

  5. Sure, Scarecrow

    I learnt much stuff from here

    its a good site.


    BUT, I am not sure if anyone can delve into this stuffs without having created his natal chart using the CORRECT time

    then you have to understand basic concepts.

    so many sites offer a computerised list of texts generated from the chart

    but computers cannot compute chart/personality synthesis.

    manual approach by humans works so much better

    Hmm, would a chart generated by a website still be accurate, if I were to disregard its descriptions? Might need to dig up my birth certificate.


    also scarecrow, to prevent a misunderstanding

    the Libra stereotypes are true, no bullshit ( I was refering to the weekly columns and such)

    but only to the clean/true Libra character.

    if you are Libra with moon in Leo and sagitarian ascedant, lets say, then its sure you will have all those stereotypes of Libra diminished or not at all in some special degree.

    it all boils down to the INDIVIDUAL chart

    and the sun sign is only an important part of it, but its by no means definate by itself, well not always..

    All right, that makes sense.

  6. “You are most likely a type 4 or 5. Taking wings into account, you seem to be a 4w5 or 5w4. It is not clear from these test results which Enneagram type and wing you are……… You might also benefit from taking the test again later.”

    “You are most likely a type 6.Taking wings into account, you seem to be a 6w5.”

    To be honest I think the first result was more accurate; I’d be more inclined to think of myself as a 4w5.

    wow, it actually acknowledges it if it's uncertain haha

    • Like 1

  7. Incog: now I think about it, I really have grown so much from this experience, especially as she was my first serious long-term GF. I've grown in too many ways to list, but I guess the key one's sadly kinda cynical, is that love really is just an emotion; I am amazed at how much I thought I loved her but how well...easily...this emotion blanched. Kinda feel embarrassed at myself for letting my emotions deceive me. I always so strongly believed and pined for 'the one'; this girl totally wasn't it, knew it from the beginning, yet somehow I spent over a year trying to convince myself otherwise.

    Bog: I think you're right. I'd split up with her right now if I knew she'd be OK, but she's homesick in a foreign city and at least until recently, she was ridiculously in love with me. She's got no family or BFF support over there, I'm just scared she might do something crazy if she's not prepared for the finality and actuality of it. Given that information, still think I should break it now? Ooh yeah, I am definitely sad, no denying, there's things about her I'll always love and miss, the fact she was really into my crazy plant collection being one. And she taught me a lot. I will always cherish what we shared, I won't ever try and discount it, I'm really not that kinda guy. But the relief was real, and I think it actually stems from this, from myself being too emotionally involved; I invest myself emotionally into everything way too much for me to handle sometimes. I think about things way more than I should.

    Thanks :) Yup, totes gotta catchup!

    Thanks errone! This has actually helped me clear my head space more than I thought. Now to try and let her down gently.

    Might be a good idea to wait until she's a bit more settled and with friends/family to support her. Is she on holiday or something? It'd be just plain rude to ruin her holiday. Wait until she gets back I guess, just prepare yourself in the meantime.

    • Like 1

  8. Type 7 8 wing? What's the wing bit?

    7w8 means you're a type 7, but take on some traits of a type 8 also.

    I don't think the website I've posted goes into details on differentiation with wings though, so don't worry about it too much. They've got a book with that extra information in it... I guess they have to retain some information to be able to sell it.

    (If you google around you might find some information on it, but the other websites are pretty shit in comparison)

  9. I was reminded of this by the Zodiac sign thread, and figured I may as well share just for fun.


    Take the test here:


    Once you've done that, the above website has some type descriptions, but I've found they are mediocre in comparison to the in-depth ones available at this website:


    So I suggest you look there for a description instead.


    The enneagram is a personality typology system. I generally don't expect much from personality tests, but this system is, in my experience, surprisingly accurate and in-depth.

    It gives you a personality type number, from 1 to 9.


    You may also get a personality "wing", which suggest you take on traits from a different type also.

    The "more levels by depth" section of the descriptions, is a measure of the different levels of "health" of your personality. More information on levels here: http://www.enneagraminstitute.com/DevelopmentLevels.asp#.Ualx75zpw2g

    But the thing that really captured my interest was this: Once you have your personality type, the same system can be used to as a guide to find an appropriate "path of transformation"; that is, a personality-specific method type for achieving enlightenment:


    And also gives an idea of what attainment for each type might be experienced as:


    More info on those details, for those who are interested, here:


    And there's plenty of other interesting stuff on the same website, to be explored at your leisure.

    (I didn't look too much into it, but it sounds like Gurdjieff had something to do with the Enneagram)


    I found that I was a 9 with a 1-wing. My description was freakishly accurate, and I found that I have experienced almost all of the "levels" of health. Most interestingly, though, my method of seeking enlightenment already was self-rememberance before I even knew this system existed. Maybe a coincidence, but still very interesting. I'm eager to see what other people think about this.

    I'll add a poll so everyone can vote for their result.

  10. Scarecrow

    are spot on Libra stereotypes

    fuck the columnists, thats not astrology, this magazine stuff appeares in the last century or so. Astrology is totally not that.

    I figured as much. I don't really know of a reliable source of information for this kind of thing, this kind of crap is basically all I've ever seen on the subject. If you can recommend a website that's more true to actual astrology, I'd be happy to check it out.

  11. libra here

    good at communicating/socializing (questionable), excellent mediator, always reasonable, good at seeing all sides of an argument, often indecisive, strives for balance in all things, etc

    I don't know, it's pretty accurate but I never believed in star signs too much. Sweeping statements that are easy to identify with, and made up by columnists are hard for me to trust

  12. I'd say u see dicks everywhere u look man. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

    haha i better go get the soap and wash my eyes out then
