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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by modernshaman

  1. Have you personally experienced this? I've also read this but never seen proof. I am currently testing this and have not had a problem with splitting so far. Perhaps this is only an issue if the grafts are not getting enough light or are dormant? I'm testing this with a large amount time-release fertilizer 19-6-12 NPK and the grafts are in full sun. I'm still only a month and a half in so this may change and I could have splits. Depending on the way you grafted you can water even before the graft has taken. Using the cling wrap or tying the scion with lots of pressure keeps the scion in place so watering is not an issue however I try to only water after I've seen that the stock has calloused over. In my climate it usually takes a week for the graft to take and callous.
  2. I got some seeds from a friend and have sown them recently. I'll post some pictures of each cross grafted on pereskiopsis after they start to show some nice size to them. My pereskiopsis grow thick and quick when under full sun however under shade they do have thin growth. So if your growing under lights you should put them as close to the lights as possible or stronger lights.
  3. modernshaman

    JG X LJ

    Hey Buddy... I'm a member now but don't know what to post... just reading and looking at pictures for now.