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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by eiac

  1. fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd is facebook's file server, so you can pretty much guarantee the link would stay intact forever, hence why I used that link. Whatever security warnings you got would have been false positives. I'm assuming some other dodgy people on the net use akamai (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akamai_Technologies) for their hosting, so it leads some filters to block the whole domain..

    I've always found it pretty prohibitive to browse forums where attachments cannot be viewed without an account.. Usually makes someone turn away at first contact when threads show up in google results (as they often do)

    Was late for the flower by about a week- you can see a shriveled up purple bloom to the right, if that helps. I'll get a few more pictures today when I visit the greenhouse.

  2. It was sold as a pachanoi, definitely not a scop. Resembles pachanoi entirely - all of my pachanoi are from a 40-branch, 5 metre tall cactus up north. Many of the cuttings come from very large older stem sections, so spines fall off over the years. Seems the seller clipped off a few spines for shipping too. Any new growth has the normal amount of spines.

  3. The cacti at bunnings can be a sad sight. I've seen BEAUTIFUL grafted cacti there, only to arrive two weeks later to see those same ones with blackspot or numerous other issues regarding overwatering. Five minutes later, an employee will walk over with a watering can and torture them even more! Cacti planted in pure peat, sitting inside a poorly lit warehouse being watered every two days. Makes me cringe.

    • Like 1

  4. Sorry for the wall of text - the forum ignores my line breaks. I'll try to keep the post short because of it. ||||||

    Here I have three cacti to ID. Two opuntiads and one columnar cactus. ||||||

    The columnar cactus is about 90cm tall and has grown 1.5 inches this season (last 3 months). ||||||

    The small opuntiad is an incredibly fast grower, both of the new pads have grown entirely in the last 5 weeks. Plant was a cutting bought mid 2013. ||||||

    The large opuntiad is still a fast grower, but only grows at about half the speed of the small one. It has yet to send new offsets this season, new growth going to the smaller branches at the front of the picture. 70cm tall. ||||||

    No flower info available for any of them, unfortunately, as I have only owned them for half a year or so.










  5. Browsed this site for a long time. Now I'm finally actually posting.

    Had the rude surprise that the forum will completely ignore any line breaks I make, leaving all my beautifully formatted posts as nothing but a massive wall of text. I cannot edit such posts, attempting to hit "save" pumps out the error TypeError: ipb.textEditor.getEditor(...) is undefined Hope someone can help me with this, it makes things pretty much unusable.

  6. The editor seems to ignore all my line breaks and wont let me edit my posts.. Lets see if this fixes it...

    Few things about NZ customs:

    -When it comes to flora, fauna and animals travelling in OR out of the country, they are VERY strict. Importing seeds generally requires permits to do so for just about anything.

    -All members of the loph genus are considered prohibited plants under the Misuse of Drugs Act, carrying the same charges as cannabis plants. Seeds, cuttings, pollen, flowers; any part of the plant falls into this category.

    -Importer is held responsible, not the shipper.

    -A few years ago (2008 and earlier), importing cannabis seeds wasn't too hard. Now the siezure rates are so high, many seed companies refuse to ship to NZ. I known of several people who have had cops come to their house with a warrant following parcel seizure of cannabis seeds.

    -NZ has a somewhat delicate ecosystem - there's no snakes here, no native land mammals (all of them are introduced and considered pests) and many species of birds/plants only found in NZ.

    Over 30% of our GDP comes from the dairy/lamb industry.

    Some introduced mite or disease could seriously fuck up the country. It's already happening now, with the varroa mite destroying honey bee populations. (Honey was $5/kg in 2010. Now it's $18/kg)

    Due to this, such laws are taken very seriously and are not at all punished with a slap on the wrist - if the intent of wrongdoing is there, expect persicutors to want to make an example of any offender.

    To sum it up, dont fuck with NZ customs.

  7. Few things about NZ customs:

    -When it comes to flora, fauna and animals travelling in OR out of the country, they are VERY strict. Importing seeds generally requires permits to do so for just about anything.

    -All members of the loph genus are considered prohibited plants under the Misuse of Drugs Act, carrying the same charges as cannabis plants. Seeds, cuttings, pollen, flowers; any part of the plant falls into this category.

    -Importer is held responsible, not the shipper.

    -A few years ago (2008 and earlier), importing cannabis seeds wasn't too hard. Now the siezure rates are so high, many seed companies refuse to ship to NZ. I known of several people who have had cops come to their house with a warrant following parcel seizure of cannabis seeds.

    -NZ has a somewhat delicate ecosystem - there's no snakes here, no native land mammals (all of them are introduced and considered pests) and many species of birds/plants only found in NZ.

    Over 30% of our GDP comes from the dairy/lamb industry.

    Some introduced mite or disease could seriously fuck up the country. It's already happening now, with the varroa mite destroying honey bee populations. (Honey was $5/kg in 2010. Now it's $18/kg)

    Due to this, such laws are taken very seriously and are not at all punished with a slap on the wrist - if the intent of wrongdoing is there, expect persicutors to want to make an example of any offender.

    To sum it up, dont fuck with NZ customs.

    • Like 1

  8. Was sold this cactus about half a year ago. It's seed grown, and according to the previous owner, at least 18 years old. It has never flowered either. 45cm tall.

    Photo0198, Photo0207, Photo0209

    Also another...

    Small cactus, fast growing. Entire new offset (7cm high) has formed in the past 6 weeks. Body of cactus is ball shaped. Ants seem to love this cactus (ugh). Looks very much like an opuntia, except there's no glochids. Photo0259, Photo0263

    Sorry for the blurry photos!

















