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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by endorfinder

  1. endorfinder

    Bee Keeping

    @bigred this property backs onto wetlands, there is plenty of path for bees to get around. i'm at the edge of town definitely not suburbia. second big question - i'm likely to travel quite a bit this year, how easily can others maintain a setup for me while i'm away? i can give you a map ref for my property if you're curious, i think you can get a reasonable idea of what's going on.
  2. endorfinder

    Source for Good Sauce Containers - No-Pour Agar

    How does it compare to malt extract? I would guess it similar?
  3. endorfinder

    Plant drive after east coast wrecks

    Bump. I'll put an Anadenanthera colubrina live plant up as well, plus various acacia and nicotinia species. I've received a couple of very generous offers from other members by PM. cheers guys
  4. endorfinder

    Plant drive after east coast wrecks

    It seems quite a few members have recently lost much of their gardens to the weather along the east coast. I'd like to organise a plant drive. We need both the weather struck and donors to volunteer. PM me and post here if you like to show your support or request a revival. One plant per donor hooked up with one recipient, first come first served. I will do it based on username so no personal info will go through me. Thoughts? I'll put up a baby nexus, PM me and I'll make a list EDIT: I will coordinate seeds centrally myself and distribute them in a few weeks once we've gathered a decent stock. If you have seed to offer please PM me to get my postal address, cheers. All plant trades will be one-to-one with users. I'll record everything down here offered as part of the drive, so please post again if you are no longer able to gift something! cheers and thanks guys
  5. endorfinder

    Bee Keeping

    My biggest question as someone who's seriously considered beekeeping but never dived in: in practice, how much will maintaining a small hive affect my neighbours (and others I live with for that matter)?
  6. endorfinder

    Source for Good Sauce Containers - No-Pour Agar

    how much do you use personally bigred?
  7. endorfinder

    Lotus plant Nelumbo sp

    thanks ph good idea... for 100% germination in 24hrs it's worth it.
  8. endorfinder


    Stillman I'd be in for that. I might need more pere stock in the months to come though.. lots of seedlings growing. Noticed new lophs growing after 5 days last night!
  9. I think you would enjoy doing some org chem and pharmacology study part time or externally... are you close to a university?
  10. endorfinder

    Source for Good Sauce Containers - No-Pour Agar

    Find a PC-able bottle that's nice to pour from... seriously, liquor bottles are usually pretty crap at their intended purpose. Any bottle neck up to the size of a filter disk (90mm usually?) is equally convenient. If you're using tyvek or something it's even more flexible I imagine.
  11. endorfinder

    addicted to Coke

    I loooove soda water. So damn refreshing. Much more interesting than water, but physiologically ultimately the same thing, zero colaries and goes great with a little lemon/lime juice added. THAT would be the biggest reason I'd want a soda fountain. (Bulbs are for kids and candy ravers ) Soda lime and bitters is a nice compromise with some sugar from the lime cordial but not the full soft drink blast of lemonade. I've thought about even paying retail for a cheap soda stream @bigred, but you've reminded me I'd be much better off spending some time at garage/estate sales.. -ef
  12. endorfinder

    Synsepalum dulcificum (miracle berry

    They do OK, although they don't seem to deal with full sun up here so well. However a friend had a much larger plant established up here which did wonderfully. They are grown commercially in florida fwiw.
  13. endorfinder

    Lotus plant Nelumbo sp

    All mine have been transplanted outside except one, which i'm growing deliberately short for a friend to try in his fish tank. These things grow QUICKLY - after 6 days the biggest is unfolding a leaf at the top of the water in a large plastic tub.. EDIT: will try and post piccies tonight, i have a few things i'd like to share now that i finally found my lost phone!!
  14. endorfinder

    Everything must go Sale

    Can you list the rarities pls? Kind of hard to make out in that pic
  15. endorfinder

    Source for Good Sauce Containers - No-Pour Agar

    Mmm I won't give up on my injection ported takeaway containers yet then
  16. endorfinder

    Synsepalum dulcificum (miracle berry

    They're quite common in nurseries around here at the moment. I can probably buy you a plant tomorrow and pass it on... although is that cool to WA?
  17. endorfinder

    Liquid Culture Vials - Un colonised

    good point, even an eppendorf tube would work if you have concentrated solution.
  18. endorfinder

    Source for Good Sauce Containers - No-Pour Agar

    Watch RR's video on the topic... make the agar in a bottle with a filter lid, and pour your plates in a flow hood. Edit: #11 scalpels have always been my favourite, although that predates doing work with agar... I just find the sharp crisp shape manoeuvrable.
  19. endorfinder

    "Melbourne-Hardy" Ethnos?

    You might have luck with Anadenhantera columbrina if you grow it up in a greenhouse or even indoors first. Worth the effort.
  20. endorfinder

    Up for Auction: "Bechette"...Tabernaemontana undulata

    I'm not experienced with these auctions.. is it not a long time frame to leave the bidding open? Edit: k. I guess bidding will slow down pretty quickly at this rate...!
  21. endorfinder

    Plant drive after east coast wrecks

    I can start collecting seed as soon as people are ready, and give it to better established members in SEQ/NNSW to distribute from there, although I haven't approached anyone yet. PM me for my address, anything is appreciated, thanks in_spirit Seeds will be a lot easier to collect and distribute, and I can donate a decent quantity myself... live plants are obviously more work but still most welcome of course!
  22. endorfinder

    Source for Good Sauce Containers - No-Pour Agar

    @Therefore do you notice a higher rate of contams with the clip on lid containers? I've found them somewhat unpredictable.
  23. endorfinder

    Liquid Culture Vials - Un colonised

    i was thinking about using hot candle wax to seal barrels so you don't have to send sharps... anyone tried anything similar?
  24. endorfinder

    Help a klepto

    I don't know how affordable mental health is in NZ but it's often useful to talk to a shrink to understand and help with the conditions of sick people in your life, even if you don't have any major "issues" yourself. Best of luck bogfrog, I don't envy your situation. If only it was about $ it would be so easy to deal with... the most common story you hear of middle aged female kleptos is that it's almost a kind of revenge for feeling ignored by society, a way to take back control more than anything. Can't pretend I can come close to understanding it though.