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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by PsychMaster

  1. Need some Amazonian spore prints...will do a trade...!

    Or just general Cubensis...:).

    Hit me up...PM me.

    Modalert...;), please put this in the right category if its in the wrong section...I'm just in a bit of a rush.

    Thanks guys...all feedback is welcomed!


    Psych Master.

  2. Now, as Spring is coming upon us, I can't stress it enough that people don't go out there, rape a tree of it's bark and it's essential right to live its life as a tree autonomously (:D), to get some DMT.

    Please go for the unhealthy ones, if you are going to be a tree rapist.

    I know that this message was short, but the point is, I'm sick and tired of seeing dead A. Maidenii's around my neighbourhood.

    Show a little respect...and that respect might treat you to some good times...catch the cold August wind drifts?



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  3. it doesnt even need to be raining guys. As long as the humidity is right (95-100%), well then your sweet to go out looking.

    Of course rain does help and it's prolly the better out of the two and I can't imagine just how many mushrooms are growing on cow fields atm in queensland/northern rivers.....(prolly about 100 kilograms of fresh material)...so theres plenty to go around, just dont be selfish and be a fuckhead bout picking, otherwise youll get fucked on.

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  4. yeah dude. i mean, only noobs put that shit in honey, your best bet is to invest in some 00 size gel capsules which can carry about 2 grams of dried up cubensis, sotre that with a moisture evaroparater (found in burrito packets)...cuz man, honey is fucking disgusting and gross, not to mention it takes away the flavour of the mushroom, which is all part of the experience brother. i think i know who this is...

  5. Thanks, everyone!

    Still got:

    1 x pachanoi X Terscheckii

    2 x Pachanoi X Peruvianus

    2 x Super Pedro (open pollination)

    - if anyone's interested.



    Hey man, I'm down for the 2 x Super Pedro (open pollination) or 1 of them. Will PM you.

  6. Ive made several trips to the coast, already. I foun dno cubes, several other types popped their head up, and Im fairly sure I saw a blue meaning along the road at Nimbin. :( Camera forgotten !


    Chances are that hippies beat you too it man. It's disappointing when you travel all the way down there to look for shrooms and you either get A. Chased off a farm by an angry farmer or B. Find that the fields been raped. But yeah man, I suggest that you go to Casino. Casino has fuckloads of secluded private farms filled with cow pies and is part of the Northern Rivers sector.


  7. Have you any knowledge if they are spraying Glyphosphate (Roundup) to control weeds? or is it something else?


    I don't know what the pesticide is brother. But yeah, someone told me that they saw someone spray fungicides and pesticides all over the area. it should still be safe though. I'm just suggesting that he washes them water before consuming the Viking shroom.


  8. went for a ride on a dirt bike up at mt nebo and found a few fly agaric on my travels and some field mushrooms

    with pink gills cant remember the name but they are delicious


    be careful about mt. nebo bro.

    they've sprayed pesticide all over the area around there, so yeah, good chance that you might get poisoned. just go bushwhacking after it rains to get the viking mushrooms.

  9. My big pach has already lost its buds due to someone throwing a rock over my fence and breaking of the top 30cm.

    What a fucking asshole whoever did this man. Are you sure some cheeky bugger came across and stole 30 cm for a trip?

    Anyway, I love your set up there brother. It's fucking amazing. I myself have recently potted 3 x t. bridgesii (achuma) and 5 x t. peruvianus (subspecies unknown, i think yowie).

    Any tips on getting them as big as these mothers?

    They range from about 10 cm to 30 cm in length.
