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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by Optimystic

  1. I thought I would share some pics of my new buddy! A FoaFm was able to get it shipped here from a month long trip... he's supposed to be sending me some really cool pics of some eagles and stuffs so I'll post them when I get them if anyone is interested... but meanwhile here is some of the latest cactus porn

    Collection site: A plant shop in Puente Atocongo Perú near Lima, like a block away from the bridge right next to the mall laff I know thats not what constitutes a collection site, but that's meh story and i'm sticken to it....

    A really nice rich green color... Big fuzzy aeroles.. They were grey until they got wet...

    Like a really cool grey but oh well, brown is cool too :P unfortunately they cut the spines off.....

    *** These first 2 pics maybe a little distorted in color due to the flash


    But they already had it rooting in a pot! A nice lady gave it to my cousin when he asked about San Pedro...
    They had to look around a bit, had this one and a larger one and just gifted it to him! :D
    He was so excited to tell me he had gotten a plant for me... I asked him to look for ripe fruits as part of his trip included a 16 hour bus ride to ayacucho he didn't make it out to the jungle areas but he got some pics while driving....

    (Plus its just not the season for ripened fruits down in SA)
    I was under the impression she cut it off in front of him and just stuck it in a pot! lol but nope it was already gift potted and she just straight up gave it to him! I hope he told me the truth anyhow, but he's a really good kid so I believe him.

    she said it will grow about 8 feet tall with a huge white flower! Im gonna need alot of patience


    Was looking dehydrated and so I gave him a bath... I say He cause I usually call Peruvianuses He

    but I haven't ruled anything out yet.... but I think they will be long pretty spines to match the peruvianus like aereols...

    the water beaded up like crazy...


    and within about an hour or so... it was nearly all gone! This guy is ready to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    *without flash on the left shows the true color better which is fairly dark green


    So probably easy to guess one thing I will be doing tomorrow! Shit I hate sifting perlite lol

    the labor of love eh ;) Im stuck with perlite til I can afford better but no worries I don't breathe that shyte















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  2. That fk'n bites bigred... When I first got my hoophouse I was so excited and then it blew over with the first storm and rolled over onto some yuccas! So I feel for ya but I know there will be a silver lining.... in my case it was a green lining :P I wish ya the best with your cleanup!

    @CBL, that sounds like every summer here ... when it rains in the summer I dance and get wet

    Thank You Bogfrog for noticing how happy my pereskies are... They really do fly! !! !!!

    Okay so here are some new pics from today...

    Enchanted Window Garden Enchanted Seedling compartment under EWG

    post-11432-0-79190500-1359410526_thumb.j post-11432-0-53157000-1359410541_thumb.j

    Enchanted Forest Enchanted Birdview (grafts down in the corner space)

    post-11432-0-97724600-1359433352_thumb.j post-11432-0-30510900-1359410670_thumb.j

    Just for Naja, here is my Enchanted Penis!

    :lol: yes my pereskies do the most work around here, coming second only to my penis, so they get pampered like a pharoe :P I actually have several penises... Indeed I am a wild one :devil:

    also I added a new plant to my collection last night B) but he's getting his own thread

    and I just opened some new beans:

    Ariocarpus Restusus cv Confusus

    Turbinicarpus lophophoroides

    Browningia Candelaris

    Browningia Hertlingiana

    :lol: <<< Pride in Gardening











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  3. Indeed those are some very happy looking plants @ GAF

    Thank you much Pinion! I started the seedlings in a little enclosed area with 3 24 inch t8's... but my grafting space is in a grow closet that is 5ft by 5 ft... I guess thats approx 1.5 x 1.5 meters... the light in there is much brighter @ 6 4ft High Output T5's , but even with the grafts several feet below they are still showing signs of a little too much light... Im not even sure if the ario's are supposed to be so red, but they are putting out some fuzzyness today so weeeeee lol Soon I will be pruning some of my other plants to make room for another humidity tank and I think im gonna have to give away a crap load of pereskiopsis centers lol

    My werdermannianus graft started to shrivel, so I put it back in humidity and its looking better so , whew :) All indoors for now, however I have a little window setup also for my large seedlings.. the baby seedling are actually below it and the top ledge sits right next to the window ledge and I just have to rotate it every watering to keep the plants from bending so much... They can't wait to go outside :wink:

    BTW I did 3 more grafts a week later, and then 2 days ago I did 4 more grafts, but one of them was a double graft on a two headed pereskie... A bridge and a pach B)

    Next time I post here I'll try and remember to show my little window setup and the new grafts

  4. @ Santiago, My apologies on behalf of americans everywhere for our culture of wastefulness spreading your way.. our bad!

    That's quite exactly how I see it jabez... but once you give equal education and equal opportunity, that automatically becomes a threat to powerful strongholds... it starts with mentality.... our attitudes imo...

    its about everyone beginning equally. this is the only way anything can be considered fair... Its certainly not about eliminating failure... but you can't reward ppl over others simply because of their buying power... considering the example of the race ... where a large percentage of ppl begin behind the starting line... while just a few begin with a huge head start... What is it about these priveleged folks that they deserve the head start? The damn near guarantee of a better life??? When the world has moved too far to the right, then moving to the left is the only rational option, however, there is an illusion of leftist policy can be combined with being an apologist for "Too Big To fail"...just more hope served on a silver plate... The LEFT/RIGHT paradigm is a play on our duality and is quite divisive... can we as a society forget about those who are "Too Small To Succeed" and not end up having to rationalize that without an absolute crock???

    @the lottery example.... PURELY an example of what uneducated people do with their money...

    Real Change starts with self empowerment, and empowering each other...

    @ Gtarman... what do you think about education in relation to equality??? is it okay that the best wisdom is shaped in the form of business, only affordable to those born with a head start??? Even if you opened the doors of Yale to the lower class, you would end up scaring off the upscale teachers ... so the same information needs to be widespread...

    Equal education = Equal Opportunity... then you can really blame the individual if they don't succeed in life, rather than just blowing off an entire segment of the population as an "issue"... If you want to improve the GDP of a nation, improve the education. I don't think education needs to necessarily be that which one can gain a PhD with... There is always a great demand for one skill or trade over another... The communities here are strongly in need of mentors and guides... these can be just as valuable to the success of a community as the innovators, inventors and scholars..

    and also... we need to get away from cookie cutter education, and move to a science based education which focuses on developing the individuals talents rather than trying to cram everyone into a few general choices... One suggestion I take a liking to is a personality test based system, where early education is much more like college life. where the participant is guided based on their own personalities, rather than just judged by how well they favor in a cookie cutter system... We can really go far, and acheive the very best that we humans are capable of if we just destroy the box we've been living in ... There's so much potential its ridiculous...





  5. count your blessings... this kinda shit would never happen in usa! lol maybe on facebook but not in an ethno forum lol

    A fuckin true community here that knows how to make a newbie feel welcomed <3

    so Welcome :) im pretty new at being active here too but from far away..

    and yes that is very cool art!

    • Like 3

  6. Frankly no one is gonna take us seriously until we take us seriously... fuck politicans really... t heres a few that mean well, but the business of politics is not the way to social change, its more like a thermometer

    socialism is a dogmatized word... but monopoly isn't dogmatized enough... theres not a true "Left" its only the right and far right in the usa... All the poloticians are apologists for too big to fail.. they can't lose, no one else can compete... they can hide in the shadows til we fall asleep and buy the power back each time we fall asleep... history is this story repeating itself... we need a new way and it starts with rewarding the meritorious, and taking rewards away from those born with the biggest handouts of all...

  7. It finally warmed up here enough to put my kratoms back outdoors... I actually did this yesterday... it was a relief because the day before I found the tops covered in spider mite webs... I sprayed them down right away with a real good tested remedy that has proven effective, and then yesterday when I put them out I resprayed them to make sure I got contact with all the stems...

    One was in a really dark place and had shed all of its leaves but even in the shady spot was already pumping out new leaves so the timing was great to make sure they develop right... This was a mother and 2 cuttings from the same mother... the mother stalled on my most of last year due to a late discovery of scale, and the two siblings caught up so now I've got 3 trees over 3.5 maybe 4 ft tall and also a rooted seedling that I may experiment with in the ground or something...

    also I made a fuckload of salvia cuttings for a trade that didn't work out but I needed to prune very badly, so anyhow I misted them today with kelp for a 2nd time... I sprayed them down the first time with it and they are shooting little root nodes out of the top! a few of them lost all of their leaves, but have begun growing out new leaves in just a few days.

    also I moved a bunch of other plants outdoors that are either not hardy or borderline hardy... i'm so glad to make some space so I can get on with spring propagation projects... so much work to do lol

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  8. Did anyone say Prickly Pears? For fruits and cladodes..

    also if it hasnt been mentioned, superfoods like Goji which are super tolerant of cold, even seedlings can survive sub zero temps, but I hear they don't fare we well in the heat... plus with goji's the leaves are edible for making soup..

    there is a series on youtube called "Eat the Weeds" that has a few vids on different weeds an their nutritional value and how to cook them..

    Im looking into Sea Buckthorne and Lingon Berries as well as more blueberry varieties and already got a buncha fruit trees...

    Someone said eggplants are extra hardy... must be some varieties... at least one variety I planted this year, every one of them went to crap with the first frost... I didn't pull any up so maybe they'll grow back but also these only produced deformed fruits that didn't ripen correctly so maybe a bad batch or something

    Blackberries are hella nutritous too and once established will make alot of runners for new plants... some make tea with the leaves I heard...

    and maybe consider flax (the one used for flax seed omega oils and not the plant grown for its fibrous leaves) and some wheat grass or barley for good nutrition... both for sprouts, juicing and grains... maybe some alfalfa too...

    just some thoughts!

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  9. Thanks for the tips Mr B.! And congrats on your success! :)

    I decided to wait another week on the seedling I put in the photos above and I grafted some others... at least one, the most off colored one, has its first set of tiny spines and I want to give it a chance to put out one more tiny little set and plus I have alot more pereskie tips that will be ready in a few daze... but since they maybe mutants (and I probably shouldn't wait too long) I will probably pass on attempting the bottoms except maybe put them on that pach.. its more like a tiny 1 inch pach with an etoliated offset just shy of 9 cm tall so its got a skinny little tip on it, like just over a cm thick.. When I grafted the Spachianus seedling it was just so tiny it didn't even have spines yet... it was about a month old and the seed casing was still attached leaving a dot... its looking funky as if chlorophyll is moving in from the stem but it just might be that I can see through it or something lol pics of that one are in "What did you do to your cacti today" thread

    One of my grafts I removed from humidity the other day has shriveled just a little :( I left them in the dome for about 10 days but i've heard they can recover from this so I'm being patient... besides that and the alby, all the rest look bloated so Im assuming that means growth.. :)

    double cheers from me and the happy seedlings :)

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  10. something wierd that happened to me several years ago... I had a client give me a deer leg.... I really didn't know what to do with it so it stayed in the freezer a long while... but I had a timeshare at the time, and I took an employee and his girlfriend out one weekend cause I wanted to actually use the damn thing.. and so I took the deer leg with me... I just winged it cause I had no idea how to cook it.. so it smoked in foil for several hours...

    about halway through, maybe 1/2 to 3/4 of a mile from us, a long line of deer lined up, an entire herd and they were just hanging out... it felt all ceremonial and shit...They stayed there for hours, their in the distance, across a field... there may have been a stream of water nearby... For me it was a really beautiful experience... I felt kinda bad, but I also knew I didn't kill the deer and it was like that feeling of being thankful and respectful at the same time... the deer leg didn't come out that bad either but man is that a memory i'll never forget...

    also I woke up to the craziest dream yesterday morning.. I couldn't sleep, and actually I was following a convo of two of my friends in aussie who had actually met each other in person for the first time (we have chatted over a year, some of my nicest friends) and they were posting all sorts of drunk funnies on facebook.... I finally started writing and then something seemed to make me go to sleep like at 3 or 4 am, and well i was finally tired duh, but also writers block

    The dream was so lucid... it had to do with me discovering something of enormous value, and some ppl around me guarding me and it... some other faction was interested in stealing it... at one point they did steal it, and I wasn't even aware of it, but then someone came to the door and returned it to me, letting me know what had happened... and then as the dream kinda tapered off and I woke up to that song by sparklehorse "It's a wonderful life" playing in my head loudly and clearly.. this thread is the first I ever heard of the song ... My computer was next to me and there was the vid on the screen too, like I was looking at that picture as it was playing in my head, but it started well before I opened my eyes, so I played it and I cried like a little baby just cause it was a really neat revelation to me in its own way...

    anyways I don't think i've cried in over a year so that was nice and plus it was happy tears... :lol:




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  11. I'm wondering if its worth trying to graft the butt end of a potential albino, since they are so tiny... I didn't do that when I grafted an albino Spachianus and now Im wondering if I should have... I suppose its worth a shot.. Im just a bit stressed cause I wanted to graft two peruvianus seedlings but now i've got 3 possible albinos and a couple other runts in a hybrid batch, and 2 available grafting stock that are ready to go and one other with a double tip... guess I better give the babies some help.. I'm thinking of attempting to graft their 3 little bottom ends onto a single pach and see what happens...or maybe a double branched peres for kicks and squiggles..I better decide huh... lol ... I do have a dozen more peres which will be ready in a few daze and plenty more seedlings including a runt werdermannianus

    This batch of seeds is reported to throw some albinos, and definitley has alot of runts.. they were sewn exactly 6 weeks ago today... I planted 33 and 33 came up in 14 days... but two more came up within 5 days after that :scratchhead:

    This one looks the most promising as a possible alby


    These two are both possibilities too


    And these are two other runts from the same batch that appear more normal


    Its hard as hell to find any pics around of possible albinos in their baby stage, maybe cause its hard to tell
    I hope I have found some! :P If they do turn out to be beautiful misfits then I will make sure to update with pics :)

    I did have a yellow one that was one of the first sprouts, but it suddenly greened up one day...I had actually stopped paying attention as I air them out every day, but just the other day I noticed that a few were showing some oddity... They've all had alot of time now tho so I have got a little faith in these babies, and all of the bigger ones are looking super happy... this was a group in my first sew! so im a little stokied

    Tremendous Thread Everybody! Great tips here and I'm glad I stumbled across it... Now I feel more confident about making a few more grafts today! :)







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  12. I’m not entirely convinced anyone has any real understanding of how the world economy actually works, from a practical point of view anyway.

    Just look at the last financial crisis, ya had all these economist standing around scratching there heads saying “shit, probably should have seen that coming”.

    In my real estate days... the MAJORITY of the veteran realtors, were warning all of us younging what was coming... years prior to the near bust... One of my good friends was one of the top producers... she told me that in 5 years half of these loans will be foreclosed and that is was pure insanity.... they had been through the market crash in the 80s in which the same exact process happened... frankly, the idea that the people at the top were surprised is bullshit, but ppl tend to try and link this to some conspiracy to end the dollar... these fuckers are the ones that saved the dollar to pillage for their own aims...

    IN the great depression, the newspapers were used to make certain institutions seem unstable...The elite who owned these newspapers, in turn, ended up being the same ones to buy up all these competitive banks for pennies on the dollar... they are literally following the same forumla, here is nothing hidden about it other than the fact that the poltiicians rely on human impulse to encourage that people rationalize by caving into little holes trying to protect themselves and compete with everyone else, rather than uniting to force better choices onto the scene... Its not the freemasons or the illuminati,,, its straight up greedy people and royalty who don't deserve the positions they were born into... but its time we all being to start deserving what we expect from life... this is truly where it begins.

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  13. The link I posted has some links to the meritocracy party... meritocrats believe that the world should be run not by an elite of chosen ones who are fortunate enough to make it into ivy league schools and rub shoulders with the same old tired names, but that people should have the opportunity to to lead governments, purely based on merit alone and there should be subsections of government with different leaders related to their expertise... of course there is no perfect way but if you eliminate the amount of people who get into powerfully political positions just by their merit alone, rather than how much money they have, you can level the playing field.. other concepts they mention are that someone should have to earn their right to vote... I hear in aussie that voting is mandatory.. but here its just anyone who is over 18 and not a convict... the act of voting in our leaders should be highly valued and minimally one should express a basic understanding of some things so that its known they are the less likely to fall prey to our standards of propaganda and deep psychological conditioning, particularly as it relates to the dogma that markets are driven by money schemers, rather than simply demand for products....

    They have some contraversial items on the menu such as 100% inheritance tax, but if you think about it, who benefits the most from inheritance... the inheritance of billions of dollars simply guarantess your kids will work for theirs, while you continue to pass down your measley 20,000 lump of change or a maybe a house... frankly, people who have to earn their names in life, are better people in general than people who have this handed to them.. and its ironic that ppl who inherit so many millions and billions, are so anti handouts... they are mostly the ones who benefit from being handed something... so this should be evaluated... some say this is socialism but it can also be implemented in a way to replace democray with meritocratic standards, and function alongside with a capitalist system, or in other words, social capitalism...

    ANY OF THE SYSTEMS CAN WORK RIGHT WITH THE RIGHT PPL>.. Hitler gave communism a bad name, bush gave capitalism a bad name... we are quick to judge entire systems by failed experiments.. theres simply more to it, and the fundamentals of the entire game or the monopoly of resources and control of money... how much would things change, if we broke those moonopolies... ppl wouldn't stop using oil... new companies would rise and offer a more competition based market where prices could really be mandated by demand and not market bets and gambles... Democracy is the illusion of free choice.. he with the slickest words and the most money is the winner when it comes to democracy, though i'll admit it has functioned better than most other choices before it.. .in fact, democracy is the step prior to achieving a true meritocracy..

    A friend of mine made this video... he's a little more radical than myself, but I appreciate this mans passion more than most


  14. Are oxfam really trying to say that if the $240 billion was given to starving people, that they would then have enough money to feed themselves for the rest of thier lives? and thier children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, etc on down the line?

    To say it would end poverty is silly, it may for 1 year or even one generation, but forever, no way, when peoples cultures arent weighted towards working hard/smart, then poverty will always come back no matter how much money you give them.

    You are correct in many respects... the root of the problems are cultural if anything,

    however you are not going to plug these holes when the choices in politics both amount to apologists for the monopolies...

    Some people are born with a head start... you can't deny that... there is nothing meritorious about being born rich... these people are spoiled brats who only have intentions of passing the fortune down their family lines... this is how monsters like bush came to rise to lead such wars...

    But indeed, what needs to be addresed more than anything is the poor mentality... and this starts by feeding these ppl some opportunity, fuck the hope,, they need more examples in their own communities that prove that you can rise from the ashes like a phoenix.

    You can't ignore monopoly... there is not free markets that co exist with monopoly... the real governments are corporations,, they set the tone for politics...they are not all bad... but when they use their size to create an advantage over the rest then they need to be dealt with... Some of these fuckerks make a thousand times over what it takes for a human do live a decent life... The article shows you how much worse this is getting, exacerbated by the policies of "Too Big to Fail" .. they are an abysmal failure that haven't found their day of reckoning yet.

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  15. Im a big fan of monopoly busting.. im really glad that many ppl here vibe with this....

    Here is a website I came across a year and a half ago which I vibed with and then I intereacted with these peeps on their page alot while the whole anonymous thing was taking off.. shortly after some anonymous ppl started attacking them and frankly they got rather pissed and predicted that it would die down and be "divided and conquered" so to speak... I still respect anyone that puts their face on the line for whats right.. such as Lupe Fiasco who was recently pulled off stage at an inaugaral address for going on an anti obama, anti war rant... right or wrong the guy put his morals in front of popularity and I respect that.. soemthing the world is lacking tremendously , especially here in the usa that link is www.armageddonconspiracy.co.uk.. I don't expect this to vibe with everyone and theres alot of dogma that this is charged with but if you look with an open mind you'll find some very interesting work here @ 2,000,000 + words

    I was a realtor for nearly a decade... I watched the bullshit of the banking industry snowball, and I unfortunately had to witness their ungrateful attitude towards ppl they affected with their bad gambles... I spent my last year in the business trying to help ppl caught up in bad situations cause I felt guilty.. the banks had the wrong attitude for a long time... they were willing to take a 30-60k loss rather than working somethign reasonable out with the seller, even when I brought strong buyers to the table... they didd all this bullshit horse and pony show to say they wanted to reach out and help ppl and yet they resisted until they were absolutely forced by politics to change their attitude... they ended up adjusting their practices, which was due, but at the same time they became this dark force in the market.. iwent back in and tried but my passions had all but died.. all the fees have been jacked up so high its pitiful... The whole too big to fail thing is just the left and the right cooperating to send people the message the market is your infallible god.

    FUCK WALLSTREET... there were a few banks I had respect for and still do, but the big six should have been divided into the big 33... the ideologs in in the world haven't done shit to help either...

    But anyway im ranting now... I went out of business trying to help folks... thats after 8 successful years and losing two of my own homes, not to mention most of my ffriends for being honest about what I think is right here in this fucking bible belt state... but anyways.. im glad to see many ppl here have the same feelings... I was wondering about that but i've always known the perepecitve from around the world is that this is a pretty shady place and for the most part it is... unless im just projecting.. .I've found the bullshit in every circle in which I've tried to fit in, with few exceptions and SAB is one of these places that I know I can be respected as someone who is passionate about my plants rather than which bankster I am loyal too...

    Here is a nice little tune


    Here is a funny for anyone into hip hop lol its a parody of a song called "Damn it feels good to be a Gangsta" lol.. I hope some of you can enjoy this


  16. Im gathering that there are some imposter Juuls going around... KT talks about it in the Juuls thread
    I wouldn't know cause i've never seen anything other than photos that look similar to that one, but not exactly

    and also the one on KT's site doesn't seem to match the more common ones going around as Juuls...

    That is one of the most georgous pachanoids I've seen Nitrogen... you could call that "Shit Clone #9" and i'd still drool a little

    Mira, that pic is not short of georgeous either... but from that distance, it reminds me of several photos of pachanoids i've seen down in peru. particularly from the "Triches in their native habitat" thread over at the n00k...

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  17. sounds just like my climate here Micromegas @ USDA zone 8b...
    Ours is black clay tho, and anything that gets established in it doesn't move very often in that way :P

    We are having a wetter than normal winter but the good thing is it doesn't stay below freezing for long periods of time ususally, and even when it goes a weeklong, it usually goes way above during the daytime...... I could probably put these on the higher end of the slope and not have to worry about puddling at all... but unfortunately my shade house sits in between rivers of runoff during our spring rains...

    I have alot of PC's and I was beginning to freak on having to get so much soil for pots! but ya know I think I know what I could do now with some unused raised beds that prove too shady for onions...

  18. Meanwhile, I needed some zen so I sat with my first seedling grafts

    7 out of 8 are showing obvious signs of growth :D Today marks day 12

    (I have alot of you to thank, as before I even joined, more of my searches led to SAB threads than any other forum - Recommended 9 out of 10x by cactiphiles)

    how's that for a commercial :wink:

    They are all looking a little bloated, but the good kinda bloated


    the exception being the albino spachianus, which is still very tiny

    My Ariocarpus Fissuratus look like fricken cherries on a stick

    I am tempted to eat them (stop that)


    Due to their 'cherryness' they are receiving extra shade

    they look gorgeous tho

    This is my PcPach x ss02/ss01 Monster.. he made his first growl today


    cute as a button!

    and Alby.. I can't tell if this little guy is being absorbed

    or being influenced by chlorophyll....


    whaddya think?

    I'm So Proud! I don't have to have the best window garden to find zen :P










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  19. I knew there was something of me reflected there... I think I must be OCD like a mofo, in fact im pretty sure of it but I only remember when other ppl say they are ocd... I kinda just tuck it all under the umbrella of a.d.d... eh

    I will get around to showing it... but I need to mull over it a bit ... I don't have all the decor and stuff and thus mine is not just a little but alot more bland looking.. but I will show it eventually :P

  20. Wow I had no idea they can pup at that size??? Sweet... that is a beaut!

    Bogfrog, I hafta admit from your previous post, that you have out Zen'd the hella outta my window garden... Here I was all proud and shit

    and now i'd be ashamed to post a pic of it here lolololol

    Nice Plants! That's an impressive garden you got B)

    • Like 1

  21. its tripping me out but also its quite convenient...

    I can't make it happen on purpose but when i step away from the computer and come back in a couple hours I am magically logged in...
    another wierd thing, is I usually get a prompt to save passwords and for this site alone when I login I never got that option, but I think its browser related.. Im in google chrome

    my first thought was, who the hell is logging in for me? lol

  22. I use azadirachtin... it works great but I haven't tested it under sunlight.. under fluros it poses absolutely no issues on my pereskies other than a little shiny residue that fades away... its a neem product, but way better than just plain neem...
    I started by testing one plant that had barely rooted, and since I have sprayed it on all of mine more than once... its a great product that serves many purposes.... anti feedant, anti eggs, growth regularor and repellant...

    its not the cheapest. but its OMRI listed which I think means organic or something.. its a concentrated vegetable based product and

    works tremdous for mites, thrips and its been the best thing I've found for soft brown scale and their crawlers... It doesn't kill critters immediately and you have to get every leaf top and bottom or they can settle in spots but its repels most of them for the most part.... and usually you have to do 2 or 3 applications but i've had it do the trick in one go on a light infestation... Its also safe for soil drenching and hydroponic resevoirs... But I won't even consider spraying regular cacti with it...

    I have tested this efficiently on kratom too which is supposed to be sensitive to neem and other products.. I used it on a 7 or 8 inch tall rooted cutting and it repels quite nicely...

    as for triches, sulfur powder works better than one might guess for mites and little critters as so many here have recommended, but I wouldn't know what to tell you for scale... I do think it repels scale crawlers but I am not absolutely sure... the type I had don't mess with these cacti, or it could have been cause I thought I had thrips and dusted them so I dunno... I found a few crawlers on a couple that I oringally thought were thrips, they were leaving behind tiny red dots of dung but never made any bites,, it was quite strange...... On my Sansevierias, they try to attach and then just dry up so I keep them around as a scale killer but that maybe just the one variety of brown scale...

  23. straight up ebay... unfortunately they went up to 200 bucks,,, just search greenhouse and you'll see it , but im not sure if the same vendor sells internationally... its probably better to find one there locally

    The nice thing about it is that its easy to work with but you have to make sure and anchor it real good and suppore the base with like roof shingles or something...

    Mine is 15 x 7.5 x 7 .. there is a 10 x 6 x 6 one listed for only 90 bux! not too shabby


    and this one has shelves
    Unfortunately this one doesn't list int'l shipping but its just an example..

    I recommend if buying one that looks nice make sure to find the same on if you can on amazon and read the reviews... I don't trust ebay reviews cause ppl risk retaliation for being honest about a product on there... though I do always check the percentages and read the feedbacks

    There are some really nice ones that sell for alot more but I had limited resources and needed a shade house/ rain guard
