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space cadet swami

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Posts posted by space cadet swami

  1. I'm in Nth Qld & I would say forget about the lophs, they'll just rot in the tropics...it's too humid. If you want lophs...graft to trichs. Just keep in mind that if you graft & they get a lot of water they'll more then likely split from growing too quick. My trich's sat outside during the wet with no probs...just make sure the mix drains really well. I add a fair bit of perlite or coarse sand in my cactus mix (I prefer perlite). I would definately do as "gtarman" said & ditch the greenhouse...too humid. Because most of the rain up here is during summer it's not too bad, but if you had a wet winter I'd put them under cover for the duration

    Anyway, good luck with it... :wink:

  2. if you do try to use a chainsaw you would want to change the chain & put on a chain that has a square shoulder for length cuts as opposed to a std chain that is used for cross cuts.

    My terminology might be incorrect but the chainsaw shop would know what I'm talking about.

  3. Howdy SABers…as it reads I have 2 x Iboga pods to trade.

    1 is orange & not too far off & the other is not far from changing colour & ripening up also (2-4 weeks max).

    I was hoping to get some "bridgesii" cuts as trades…1 pod = 1 cut.

    I currently have "regular", "monstrose" & "eileen" variations of T. bridgesii.

    Cheers spacey...

    • Like 2

  4. Pictures mean jack shit...plant material needs to be analysed, it's that simple.

    Come on guys, where's the love LOL.

    Let it cool down then we'll talk about it.

    totally agree HD....how very sad for all involved :( .

    What happened to community..? :wub::wub::wub:

    • Like 3

  5. "merbau" also known as "kwila" is a hardwood, it is relatively cheap due to the fact it doesn't need curing like all other hardwoods. So the decking will still have a certain amount of tannins (resins in softwoods)in it...the timber will bleed for a while longer yet. I'd let it bleed for a few months, clean it with a deck cleaner & then oil it every 6mths...like you said above. Otherwise within 5yrs it will start to split, rot &/or warp. Alice is right regarding the oiling cycle...the other option is to put a roof over it.

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  6. So that would be really humid?

    No...prol 70% humidity...reasonably well ventilated.

    It would be in the 30 - 40 c in there I guess

    They seem to like low 30's

    keeping them on the dry side mostly in the shade...................

    I don't even have saucers under them....& filtered light if possible, but yeah shady.

    Good luck man... :)

    EDIT: I did have them in the hothouse for a while, but they didn't seem to like it there, so I moved them from there to where they are now.

  7. I have 2 I've grown through from seed. Mine are in a very well drained mix ... extra coarse sand in the mix. They took ages to settle in & start to grow. They both currently reside on the floor of the greenhouse, under 30% s/cloth & getting a fair amount of shade from the other plants & ferns in their as well. I water in the shadehouse every 2nd day & usually I'll miss them every 2nd watering, except through late spring through to early autumn. This is when they tend to kick on & need the extra water.

    • Like 2

  8. Campbell Newman is helping QLD live up to one of its great number plate slogans "QLD the Smart State".

    People wanted change, so they voted in change via Newman.

    This guy is setting the benchmark for stupidity, I think the other states are in real trouble. Our dickhead (Newman) is "un-toppable". I can see the politicians in the other states trying & maybe even thinking they are capable of topping ol' Campbell, but this guy is only just starting to warm to his potential. The real truth will be available after the next QLD state election..."Are QLDers really this stupid ?".

    So the real question is, "Can you other states even come close to having such incredible leadership as we in QLD have ?"...I think not, you could only wish.

    Mind you, after looking at our more recent Federal election I do have my doubts about the Australian peoples abilities as a whole. People are not willing to think outside the boxes they are presented with & so here we are, dominated by this "2 party preference system".

  9. This is a sign of what is/could potentially happen with our newly elected federal govt.

    When you choose to elect a party over the presiding govt, thinking that change is better then leaving it as it is, you take the risk of the change not necessarily being the type of change that you wanted.

    Change isn't necessarily always for the better...as I'm sure the govt employees who were layed off as soon as Newman came into power would attest to.

    The problem is the fools that put themselves forward for consideration to become our leaders are exactly that....FOOLS.

    Tools for manipulation, via big business. The power needs to be taken away from big business & given back to the individual....where it belongs.

    MC's are nothing but petty criminals in comparison to big business.

    • Like 1

  10. I watched an interesting doco on the ABC yesterday...soon to be sold off, thx to mr. abbott. The person was addressing a sitting of younger gen X people. What he stated was, "democracy should be a case of the few serving the majority, but instead it is a case of the majority serving the few".

    These are sad times we live in....I think "how sad", the people will realise only when it is too late.

    Sadly most of the "fools" I've talked with regarding the recent election were mainly concerned with "turning the boat people back". If this shows anything, it points out a lack of compassion & a concern only for ones own self interest...still just a pack of racist fucks at heart. You'll get what you deserve Australia, the problem is we (the members of this forum) will have to pay for your stupidity also.

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  11. Who can we believe in this war of misinformation...weapons of mass destruction :scratchhead: , chemical weapons used on their own people :scratchhead: .

    Control the information & you'll eventually control the world.

    What was it that Libya was supposed to have done again..? Either you get in bed with the US or you end up dead.

    USA (govt)...bunch of lying, deceitful fucks.

    I think we have all seen how the truth can be twisted & distorted to suite a specific purpose (e.g. CH7 & there attempt at unbiased reporting with regards to entheogenic plants) & that's just a TV station, nothing in comparison to the biggest war monger on the planet.

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