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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by Being



    So then. You want to really annoy the conservative warmongering powers that be? Work your ass off to pump up the vibration. It's deeply personal. It's hard work. It means re-evaluating what you do and how you do it and how you treat others, the planet, what you buy and what you eat. It means learning. And it also means loving harder, more raw and real, minimal BS, minimal waste, figuring out true messy ugly slippery gorgeous divinity for yourself, on your own terms, and then sharing it with the world.

    Indeed, the hardest work there is! What I have found particularly difficult is maintaining this positive vibration while commenting on and analysing the war-mongers and greedy corporations etc, and harder still, to to be able to maintain the view that



    The world consists of energy, billions of swirling masses of it contained in living vessels -- that's you -- and aimed out to the world, often radiating at random, intermingling, interacting, often uncontrolled and unaware, an enormous dizzying gorgeous complex kaleidoscopic organism of human interaction and interplay. We are abuzz. We are electric. We possess actual psychic and electromagnetic force. Duh. It's a fact.

    And that.. george bush and britney spears and the rest of them are all part of that swirling mass, part of you and me, you can’t talk about loving your fellow brother and sister and not include them too. It seems that the anti-war movement, while against the American view of “us versus them” has created its own version of what is good and what is evil.

    What is even more difficult still, is viewing these destructive forces with compassion, and the very positive view we strive for. These guys aren’t evil innately. If it wasn’t them it would be someone else, they are simply playing out a force, a negative force, which exists in the heart of humanity itself.

    Political activism doesn’t HAVE to be fuelled by anger (one of the most negative and counterproductive forces out there), one can be aware and critical and active, without the negativity. But… so very very difficult. We see injustice and we are outraged, we can’t stand it, we feel helpless. Anger and fear is a product of this feeling of helplessness, but, as the first post suggests, we are not helpless, and if we do the hard work, the really hard work, I believe we will make a significant difference.

  2. Oh I've also experienced great bursts of creativity after a salvia experience. It also seems to give me the patience to actually finish a work, as with detailed drawings (which the salvia seems to initiate) I can usually never finish repetitive textures etc. I can just sit there for hours sketching, getting a backache and being totally transfixed by the work.

    I've got a drawing I did just after one of my first experiences. I can scan it in and post it in the psychedelic expressions forum, if anyone's interested, and also, if anyone can tell me how I can put a large pic on here smile.gif ?

  3. Originally posted by Adrian:

    Rotating or spiraling like part of an atom that is part of a molecule as part of a cell....of a mind....of a body.....of a being....of a planet....of a system (solar).....of a uni(one)verse......of light (energy) within our (greater) conciousness.



    I really dig this description, Adrian. It expresses the rotating feeling beautifully.

    In regards to the spiral that seems so common among salvia reports - I'm actually unsure if this is what I am experiencing. It's not that the descriptions aren't enough, it's just not the image or concept that comes to mind for me. I really need to try it again soon to figure it all out...

    spiralfire, the voice that muttered "it's coming" was it easily distinguished as english, or was it this alien chanting that you could understand to mean "it's coming" ? That's how I feel with the chanting during the actual experience, it's more like a song than a statement though, and I can understand it at the time. Afterwards however, my memory can't access what was being sung.

    [This message has been edited by Being (edited 22 January 2002).]

  4. Adrian,

    I can relate to a lot of what you said. I'm interested in the 'voices', are you talking about hearing actual audio? The savlia experience for me always brought about this alien chanting that would climb and become more intense as the experience peaked. Last night I can't recall any voices at all come to think of it...

  5. Well, eccles, when the time is right for me to try Salvia again, I shall have to make sure there is nothing else in my system and we shall see eek.gif

    Anyone have any experience with salvia being effected in this way by psilocybin?

    [This message has been edited by Being (edited 20 January 2002).]

  6. I had a salvia 'breakthrough' last night. People kept telling me I needed to smoke it 15-20 more times before I got anywhere with it and I didn't believe them. Every time was the same and I didn't seem to be making any progress from the dragging/splitting into a million cold pieces of rotating metal/alien entities chanting in my ears/ Alice In Wonderland Syndrome trip, and I was just putting myself through five minutes of hell every time so I stopped trying for a few months.

    Last night was incredible though, I didn't feel the same mischievous, forceful personality I think I may have projected onto Salvia. I felt the heartbeat of the planet, I felt the ancient spirits, it was bliss.

  7. Strangely enough, just now I'm reading an article about DXM, Altered states and Paranormal Experiences (http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/dxm/faq/dxm_paranormal.shtml) which discusses 'The Dissociative Spiral'. It's a term borrowed from PIHKAL (which i've actually, just starting reading recently) which "describes a particular set of characteristic sensations or internal states that seem to occur as a result of some sort of abnormal temporal lobe functioning". The first two phases seem pretty familiar to a set of both of our experiences:

    Supernova. Ann Shulgin refers to this as "macrocosm-microcosm". There is a sensation that one's "core" is rapidly shrinking, growing ever smaller and smaller, down to the size of a subatomic particle. Accompanying this shrinking sensation is a feeling of one's "outer shell" expanding equally rapidly, until it fills the entire universe. This is generally considered as a pleasant sensation, with a slight characteristic of free-fall.

    Lilliputian Hallucinations. After shrinking down to a proton, the Lilliputian Hallucinations begin. Everything that one imagines or recalls seems grossly distorted in size. Human figures alternate between tall and thin and stretched out like taffy, and shrunken and rounded. Many people see long, thin ribbons of multicolored energy.

    There is a disturbing sense of Infinity with these hallucinations. Most find this phase extremely grating on the soul, mentally painful, perhaps because one is perceiving objects to have totally opposite characteristics at once. Some people are familar with Lilliputian hallucinations from fevers.

    It's also interesting to note that Ann experienced this 'sprial' just before the onset of sleep, like some of my AIWS episodes, and when she was 'younger'..

    The salvia I've used, as you might have guessed has all been 5x extract. Next time I'm going to try using non enhanced natural leaf, perhaps even using the quid method.

  8. Caldeye,

    Even though I haven't experienced those particular aspects of what definitely sounds like AIWS, it brought on a very familiar feeling.

    At the moment I'm actually too scared to venture back into Salvia land. I recently had a particularly nasty experience with "them" and promised myself I wasn't going to do it again until the circumstances in which I take it have changed. I'll keep your back trick in my thoughts for when I eventually do try it again though.

    I'm still interested in these ecstatic body postures. When I saw the book I was reminded of something I believe Terence Mckenna said about some traditions (such as certain meditations, yoga etc) which have survived without the traditional use of certain psychedelics taken to accompany them. So people are participating in these traditions either for traditions sake, or doing them and not getting what is fully intended out of them. I remember reading a few reports about similar salvia-induced dreams. Once I dreamt about these ancient Mexican soldiers after salvia...

  9. One thousand apologies if this has been discussed in another thread. I've done a search and found nothing.

    I need to know if Hypericum Perforatum (St John's Wort), Ginko Biloba, Tyrosine, Glutamine, or Magnesium Oxide is a MAOI inhibitor?

    Any help appreciated smile.gif

  10. No problem, Caldeye. I’ll paste in a portion of an email I sent to an expert in the condition. Keep in mind though this is purely a description of my own personal experience and I have found it to differ slightly with descriptions of classic AIWS. (The most notable symptom I haven’t experienced is feeling bigger or smaller than my surroundings while fully conscious, e.g. Walking down a street and feeling as though the cars that line the sidewalk are miniature models and so forth..)

    “As a child I was often troubled by a recurring nightmare where I experienced an incredible, intense, physical feeling of heaviness. Opposing magnets and thousands of mattresses, impossible slow-motion races, being trapped under frozen ice, my skeleton being made of a very heavy metallic substance, and, not surprisingly, intense anxiety were often involved in the dreams. There was an almost claustrophobic feeling of being too big or small for the particular surroundings. Gravity felt distorted, usually to the point where it was overwhelming, like being caught in a tornado.. Two very different textures, specifically hard and soft, were usually involved also. My entire body, particularly my teeth, always seemed to weigh a ton.

    Sometimes I will get a sense of this feeling when dealing with two very different textures, i.e. Once I experienced it while pulling silk through a metal sculpture. The feeling gives me a weakness in my bones, like when you (or even think about) pull your fingernails back. On three separate occasions, two during childhood and once recently {this was a salvia experience} the experience became so intense I became paralysed.”

    Salvia seems to manipulate my sense of balance. This usually leads me to get overwhelmed by the pulling feeling I experience (as “them”. ...Whoever “they” are, they are doing something to me during the trip. I’ve also heard them sing twice) and I spend about five minutes in limbo between balancing and falling. The reason I think AIWS comes on during salvia is the distortion of gravity (I can even have the sensation of loosing balance while lying down, the distortion of gravity is so strong), this is a very similar feeling to the dreams and so perhaps that’s what brings it on? …like a flashback? It’s certainly not the same thing, as I’m fully conscious.

    Do you think it was actually the crack in your back that stopped the tilting, or your mental awareness of it? Or otherwise, what do you think caused this from simply a manipulation of your spine? Also, your experience during a fever would make sense, I have found a report which says “this syndrome also occurs in association with mononucleosis. So I suspect it may happen more often than is suspected, probably due to other viral infections. Anything that can cause sufficient irritation or dysfunction of neurons in the brain could conceivably cause strange sensations or distortions such as this. So it is not out of the question that a child with a recent or current viral or perhaps streptococcal infection could have complaints of distorted visual images and be 1) telling the truth, and 2) not emotionally disturbed.”

  11. Trypt, the name of the book is 'Ecstatic Body Postures: An Alternative Reality Workbook' by Belinda Gore smile.gif

    Wira, I've found interesting results from both meditation and yoga but never combined them with.. those lovely legal substances! considering it now though..

    During a salvia trip I'll usually find my 'alice in wonderland syndrome' to return (I suffered from this often as a child during dreaming or just before the onset of deep sleep) depending on my position, I'm pretty sure this has to do with blood flow?

  12. Yesterday I came across a book detailing different shamanic body postures which apparently bring about altered states in consciousness. While I'm unsure about this being brought on simply by applying these positions alone, I am interested in them within the context of the psychedelic experience. Does anyone have any experience with this?

  13. I've been taking St John's for about.. two months now. I remember quite pleasing and pronounced results after about a week or so. I felt a definite mood lift and a feeling of overall wellbeing, this was greatly heightened by events which would usually make me happy, to the point where if something went really right, I'd be nearly ecstatic. This has warn off now and everything's really leveled. I believe after taking it for this amount of time, one can't quite remember what their mental state felt like before taking it, so 'the norm' doesn't seem particularly significant, I think it is though and I'd encourage anyone to at least try st johns if they're having any mood/relaxation probs.

    Personally I have some iron problems -I never feel particularly energetic and am pretty dead by the end of the day anyway, so I can't say if it makes me feel tired or not, sorry.

    A little off topic, but on the subject of dopamine and seratonin, I've been wondering for a while now if the high rates of suicide and chocolate consumption in this country are related? Possibly having something to do with over exposure to sunlight? I have little idea what I'm talking about, it just strikes me as odd..

  14. Hey Torsten, thanks yes I've been meaning to look into that part of the WWOOF page but for some reason (probably just my puter settings) the text is way too small for me to read on the entire website, noticed that at all yourself?

    I think combining WWOOF with communes is more than I could have hoped for, I'll definitely be more partial to looking them up than the non communal hosts.

    Promise I won't email you ..yet! smile.gif

  15. Does everyone agree America has the opportunity right now to show TRUE power and TRUE strength by not giving into the easy option of vengeance? It is distressing to constantly hear the term ‘War’ used by US officials.

    America recognizing this as a clear sign that it needs to seriously review its foreign policies is also essential. It is clear America could not continue to refuse to think globally, yet still have a global impact for long without suffering consequences. Hopefully this will prove to be a great opportunity for real change.

    I am deeply saddened by this as all global citizens should be. We all have a responsibility to make sure that people of middle eastern origins in particular, living in this country feel safe and protected, as it must be a terrifying time for them right now.

    Michael Moore has some very valid points, especially concerning Airline safety, in his latest message which I received via email yesterday, you can read it here http://www.michaelmoore.com/2001_0912.html

    My auntie actually lives and works quite close to the Pentagon and has spent the past few days in a bomb shelter. One of her close friends works in the World Trade Center and could be among those injured or killed. My heart goes out to anyone directly affected by this tragedy.

  16. Well, after much thought, I am seriously considering going WWOOFing early next year! Possibly directly after EB2002. Quite excited smile.gif

    While things here haven't changed and at every turn consumerism troubles me, at least now there are happier times on the horizon, something to look forward to..

    Even still I'd prefer not to go alone, if anyone is interested in the next few months, let me know

    Thanks for the suggestion and info, you guys are invaluable smile.gif

  17. Wow, thanks for the input, guys. I've gotten the impression that perhaps the decision to join a commune is not something one should rush into. It's surprising to hear so many left bitter after the experience, a little disheartening these things don't actually work all the time. (Since having them 'work' seems to me part of the reason for them in the first place)

    It's also sad to hear about the people who spend their time growing MJ and not being able to feed themselves -what happens when they meet Sgt. Mun Cheeee!

    I am interested in the Eart Star Tribe, do you know where I could get a little more info?

    Many people seem to have very different reasons for wanting to join a commune. Some pretty negative. My personal reasons are to escape a society I feel is incredibly destructive and ignorant, to have a more direct involvement in caring for my own and others basic needs ie food, shelter etc, to have more time to do things I feel are very important to my own day to day life (because I work different times/hrs, day/night etc every week, it's almost impossible to have a satisfying spiritual routine), I'd also like to meet and enjoy the company of like-minded people, as I don't really know any here in bris, and mostly because I feel my current way of living is incredibly unnatural -I may as well have been born with clothes on and a remote in my hand.

    WWOOFing sounds great, fractal, and it is something I'll remain open to, however it sounds more like something for a couple or a group of people to try together? It does sound good on one level though, as for the past year I have been working full time saving up to go backpacking through the UK, and I'm thinking perhaps starting off going around Australia would be better. However I don't think I'll ever have the courage to work in such a job for another year when I am ready for the UK, so I may never get there.. Thanks for the links also smile.gif

    I've been meaning to give Aldous Huxley's novels some attention, what was the book about the utopian society called? Island?

    Well, I'll keep looking, thanks for all the advice. I know there's somewhere here in Australia where I can find some happiness smile.gif!

  18. This year, well, the last few years -for me- has been building up to something - culture overload. It's happening, I need to get out. I haven't yet left my parents home, but wish to now ASAP. I have been wistfully thinking of commune life for the past few months and today decided to see what I could find out online. I found this site http://www.creativeideasforyou.com/commune_land.html

    There are many many Australian links, most of them don't work though. This surprised me greatly, these places exist!

    Does anyone here have any information on any particular communes in Australia? Perhaps point me in the right direction? Are there communes with a basis on the use of entheogenic plants? And is anyone else here interested in this also?

    Any info would be greatly appreciated. I don't know how much longer I can sustain existence within the cola-guzzling, who wants to be a millionaire-watching society. too much.

  19. Thanks everyone very much for their help. Thank you Whiterabbit for the offer also smile.gif I’m calling around a few places today, wish me luck!

    Oh and on the subject of tripping music I most definitely recommend ‘Felt Mountain’ by Goldfrapp

  20. Hi there everyone

    I'm in the Brisbane area, and am wondering if there is anywhere I can get my hands on some Shpongle. Any other way than ordering online?

    Also, has anyone heard the score by Tomoyasu Hotei and Ray Cooper for the Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas soundtrack? It's incredible! Does anyone know if they've done anything like this before and where to get it?

    Any help very much appreciated smile.gif
