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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by Being

  1. EDIT: ah drama... sorry if this post doesn't make sense anymore, but my sense of consensus reality is back and it was on holidays when i wrote this. Peace

  2. I find this really interesting and overall very positive! The reason i am here today is by seeing Tori Amos talk on the Rosanne Barr show about her Ayahuasca experience on a tape from '96.. I was 17, but led a pretty sheltered existence and never even knew psychedelics existed! The Roseanne show = total revelation!! who woulda thunk it..

    All people need is the inspiration and then they go on to do their own research..

    The only issue i can see, is this encourages sham shamans taking advantage of the gringos, giving the whole experience a bad name.. but then sham shamans have always been around, a little research and good intuition will steer you clear of those, and mainstream info such as this on Aya has been available for quite some time anyway, and nothing is 'ruined'..

    Personally, i don't feel Aya can be perverted.. anyone who has the real deal (especially with the vine) is going to experience deep healing and transformation.

    It's great to see this info cracking into the larger Australian consciousness.. there's some weird inexplainable connection between Australia and Peru (perhaps because it was once part of the same land mass?) It's like (in the Aya experience and the different plants used in both countries) Peru is the roots and Australia is the top of the tree.

    'Aya' - is you want any tips for your Peru trip let me know, there's a lot of interesting stuff going on in June this year if you're going around that time also.

  3. I can send a cd if being can not, just let me know where :wink:

    Hey Ronny, that would be great. I've already promised my last spare to someone here -i could burn a copy before i hit the road (..if i had any cdrs) but apoth deserves the whole printed cd for his contribution of the server space for all that time i reckon.. so have forwarded details check your pm :) muchos gracias!

  4. I have a bunch of new servers now, if you want Being, I can hook you up another upload account?

    ummmm yeah i'm into it.. but currently have no home therefor no stable internet connection. hopefully i'll have found somewhere within three weeks, but where i'm looking is mega tricky this time of year..

    so maybe if anyone else has some extra time and enthusiasm + a copy of the cd they'd like to upload them?

  5. Yeah would love if someone could let me know where else we can download the talks from this years EGA or whne this site is back up.

    I can see how this thread is now confusing.. so i've changed the title.. this is from EGA two years ago.. the '05 talks were hosted on apoth's server but has been long gone for some time now apparently..

    I think Ronny ran out of the '05 cd's you could buy ages ago - but if you don't mind waiting till after new years i have about three extra cds in storage somewhere i could dig out and send to anyone still interested. PM me if so..

    in terms of EGA '06 & '07 talks they were bothed filmed and it's all up to CS to edit etc, so we may be waiting a while yet.

  6. jono,

    thanks for the kind words..

    yeah 2007 :wacko: ... somewhat like a collective sapo trial...

    ..at the time i thought i was the only one, but have heard too many reports from other people going through it this year to think that way anymore... glad to hear you made it through too..

    for sure we'll catch up!

    send my luv to the rest of the crew 'round there

  7. Well i've been out of the loop all things enthno for some time, having had many months of some pretty full on personal issues to deal with, some here are aware of... but in that time i've undergone a major transformation / healing and am feeling pretty awesome! :)

    So i'm happy to say i'll be in attendance at this years EGA.. looking forward to catching up with some dear friends and no doubt meeting some new interesting folk!

    You and the crew have already done an outstanding job putting all this together, Ronny, well done.. just make sure to allocate some chill / fun time for yourself this year!

  8. Listen, Little Man - Only you yourself can be your liberator!

    Wilhelm Reich, 1948


    They call you 'Little Man', 'Common Man'; they say a new era has begun, the 'Era of the Common Man'. It isn't you who says so, Little Man. It is they, the Vice Presidents of great nations, promoted labour leaders, repentant sons of bourgeois families, statesman and philosophers. They give you your future but don't ask about your past.

    You are heir to a dreadful past. Your heritage is a burning diamond in your hand. that is what I tell you.

    Every physician, shoemaker, mechanic or educator must know his shortcomings if he is to do his work and make his living. For some decades, you have begun to play a governing role on this earth. Iris on your thinking and your actions that the future of humanity depends. But your teachers and masters do not tell you how you really think and are; nobody dares to voice the one criticism of you which could make you capable of governing your own fate. You are 'free' only in one sense: free from education in governing your life yourself, free from self-criticism.

    I have never heard you complain: 'You promote me to be the future master of myself and the world, but you don't tell me how one is to be the master of oneself, and you don't tell me the mistakes in my thinking and my actions.

    You let men in power assume power 'for the Little Man'. But you yourself remain silent. You give men in power or impotent people with evil intentions the power to represent you. Only too late do you realize that again and again you are being defrauded...

    See yourself as you really are. Listen to what none of your leaders and representatives dares tell you: You are a "little, common man." Understand the double meaning of these words: "little" and "common."

    Don't run. Have the courage to look at yourself!

    "What right do you have to tell me things?" I can see this question in your apprehensive look. I hear this question from your impertinent mouth, Little Man. You are afraid to look at yourself, you are afraid of criticism, Little Man, just as you are afraid of the power they promise you. You would not know how to use this power. You dare not think that you ever might experience your self differently: free instead of cowed; open instead of tactical; loving openly instead of like a thief in the night. You despise yourself Little Man. You say: "Who am I to have an opinion of my own, to determine my own life and to declare the world to be mine?" You are right: Who are you to make a claim to your life?

    You are different from the really great man in only one thing: The great man, at one time, also was a very little man, but he developed one important ability: he learned to see where he was small in his thinking, and actions. Under the pressure of some task which was dear to him he learned better and better to sense the threat that comes from his smallness and pettiness. The great man, then, knows when and in what he is a little man.

    The Little Man does not know that he is little, and he is afraid of knowing it. He covers up his smallness and narrowness with illusions of strength and greatness, of others' strength and greatness. He is proud of his great generals but not proud of himself. He admires thought which he did not have and not the thought he did have. He believes in things all the more thoroughly the less he comprehends them, and does not believe in the correctness of those ideas which he comprehends most easily....

    Your liberators tell you that that your suppressors are Wilhelm, Nikolaus, Pope Gregory the Twenty Eighth, Morgan, Krupp or Ford. And your 'liberators' are called Mussolini, Napolean, Hitler and Stalin.

    I tell you: Only you yourself can be your liberator!"

    This sentence makes me hesitate. I contend to be a fighter for pureness and truth. I hesitate, because I am afraid of you and your attitude towards truth. To say the truth about you is dangerous to life. The truth is also life-saving, but it becomes the loot of every gang. If that were not so, you would not be what you are and where you are.

    My intellect tells me: 'Tell the truth at any cost.' The Little Man in me says: 'It is stupid to expose oneself to the little man, to put oneself at his mercy. The Little Man does not want to hear the truth about himself. He does not want the great responsibility which is his. He wants to remain a Little Man. He wants to remain a Little Man, or wants to become a little great man. He wants to become rich, or a party leader, or commander of a legion, or secretary of the society for the abolition of vice. But he does not want to assume responsibility for his work...

    I shall tell you who you are:

    You are afflicted with the emotional plague. You are sick, very sick, Little Man. It is not your fault. But it is your responsibility to rid yourself of this sickness.

    What is important is not individual treatment but the prevention of mental disorders. You have locked up the crazy people, and the normal people manage this world. Who, then, is to blame for all the misery?

    You give impotent people with evil intentions the power to represent you. Only too late do you realize that again and again you are being defrauded. You must come to realize that you make your little men your own oppressors, and that you made martyrs out of your truly great men.

    For you are afraid of life, Little Man, deadly afraid. You will murder it in the belief of doing it for the sake of "socialism," or "the state," or "national honor," or "the glory of God."

    I recognized the deadly fear of the living in you, a fear which always makes you set out correctly and end wrongly. You had the happiness of humanity in your hands, and you have gambled it away. You had the world in your hands, and at the end you dropped your atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Through the centuries, you will shed blood where life should be protected, and will believe that you achieve freedom with the help of the hangman; thus you will find yourself again and again in the same morass.

    You yourself create all your misery, hour after hour, day after day. You think the goal justifies the means. You are wrong: The goal is in the path on which you arrive at it. Every step of today is your life of tomorrow. You stand on your head and you believe yourself dancing into the realm of freedom.

    You could have long since become the master of your existence, if only your thinking were in the direction of truth. You are cowardly in your thinking, Little Man, because real thinking is accompanied by bodily feelings, and you are afraid of your body. Many great men have told you: Go back to your origin - listen to your inner voice - follow your true feelings - cherish love.

    ...slowly and gropingly I found what makes you a slave: You are your own slave driver. Nobody else - nobody except yourself carries the responsibility for your slavery. . . I have ceased to be willing to die for your freedom to be anybody's slave. I tell you: Only you yourself can be your liberator!

    The truly great man takes your freedom deadly seriously. In order to establish it in a practical way, he has to surround himself with many little men, helpers and errand boys, because he cannot do the gigantic job by himself. Furthermore, you would not understand him, and would let him fall by the wayside, if he had not surrounded himself with little great persons. Surrounded by many little great persons, he conquers power for you, or a piece of the truth, or a new, better belief.

    He writes gospels, freedom laws, etc., and counts on your help and seriousness. He pulls you out of your social morass. In order to keep together the many little great persons, in order not to lose your confidence, the truly great man has to sacrifice piece after piece of his greatness, which he was able to attain only in the deepest intellectual loneliness, far from you and your everyday noise, and yet in close contact with your life. In order to be able to lead you he has to tolerate your transforming him into an inaccessible God. You would have no confidence in him if he had remained the simple man that he was. . .

    In this way, you yourself produce your new master. Promoted to the role of new master, the great man loses his greatness because this greatness consisted in his straightforwardness, simplicity, courage, and real contact with life....

    ...Those who are truly alive are kindly and unsuspecting in their human relationships and consequently endangered under present conditions. They assume that others think and act generously, kindly, and helpfully, in accordance with the laws of life. This natural attitude, fundamental to healthy children as well as to primitive man, inevitably represents a great danger in the struggle for a rational way of life as long as the emotional plague subsists, because the plague-ridden impute their own manner of thinking and acting to their fellow men. A kindly man believes that all men are kindly, while one infected with the plague believes that all men lie and cheat and are hungry for power. In such a situation the living are at an obvious disadvantage. When they give to the plague-ridden, they are sucked dry, then ridiculed or betrayed...

    ...It is high time for the living to get tough, for toughness is indispensable in the struggle to safeguard and develop the life-force; this will not detract from their goodness, as long as they stand courageously by the truth. . . .

    The kindly individual believes that all people are kindly and act accordingly. The plague individual believes that all people lie, swindle, steal and crave power. Clearly, then, the living is at a disadvantage and in danger.

    There is only one antidote to the germs of the emotional plague in the mass individual: his own feeling of living life. The living does not ask for power but for its proper role in human life. It is based on the three pillars of love, work and knowledge.

    You beg for happiness in life, but security is more important to you, even if it costs you your spine or your life. Your life will be good and secure when aliveness will mean more to you than security; love more than money; your freedom more than party line or public opinion; when your thinking will be in harmony with your feelings; when the teachers of your children will be better paid than the politicians; when you will have more respect for the love between man and woman than for a marriage license.

    You will no longer believe that you "don't count." You will know and advocate your knowledge that you are the bearer of human society. Don't run away. Don't be afraid. It is not so terrible to be the responsible bearer of human society. Inflated leaders would have no soldiers and no arms if you clearly knew, and stood up for your knowledge, that a field has to yield wheat and a factory furniture or shoes, and not arms. All you have to do is to continue what you have always done and always want to do: to do your work, to let your children grow up happily, to love your mate.

    You are Great, Little Man, when you are not small and petty. You are great when you carry on your trade lovingly, when you enjoy carving and building and painting and decorating and sowing, when you enjoy the blue sky and the deer and the dew and music and dancing, your growing children and the beautiful body of your woman or your man, when you learn to understand and think about life. You are great when you hold your grandchildren on your knees and tell them about times long past, when you look into an uncertain future with their trusting childlike curiosity, when you lull your newborn to sleep, when you sing the good old folk songs.

    Follow the voice of your heart, even if it leads you off the path of timid souls. Do not become hard and embittered, even if life tortures you at times. There is only one thing that counts: to live one's life well and happily...

  9. Hey everyone hello again!

    Yeah okay so it's actually been available for at least a month! but Ronny hasn't had time to write anything up, and i've just come back onto the forums after a massively transitional, transformational, crazy.. crazy month away from the net, and realised you guys may not know.. so here's a very late announcement: :)


    The EGA 2005 mp3 CD is NOW AVAILABLE

    :excl:@ http://www.entheo.net/notices.htm







    Talks from Entheogenesis Australis 2005 and original, entheogenically inspired music by members of this forum!

    1 EGA Intro 1 - botanika

    2. DMT in Australia: are we shamanising yet? - Des Tramacchi

    3. EGA Intro 2 - Prier

    4. Psychobiology & Sociobiology of Phenethylamines in the 21st Century - Tim

    5. further revelations from beyond the compost heap - Spiders of Zen

    6. Shamanism, Neo-Shamanism and the Doof Phenomena - Matt Soltau

    7. retro 1 - Spiders of Zen

    8. Trance Dance, Rave Culture & the Psychedelic Shamanic Experience - Krusty

    9. EGA Intro 3 - ballzac

    10. Secrets from the Dancefloor - Darren Smith

    11. fingeroo - Julian Palmer

    12. Human / Plant Orientations - Julian Palmer

    13. Blackwood Forest People - Spiders of Zen

    14. Mushrooms in OZ - Michael Bock

    15. Spice Trader - beneaththestorm

    16. Relationships Between Psychedelics And Archetypes In Western Art - Santillan de Pinto

    17. EGA Intro 4 - botanika

    18. Lagochilus: the intoxicating mint of Central Asia - Carl Turney

    19. Erin's 16th Dream - Spiders of Zen

    20. Native Australian Tobbacco Species - Michael Bock

    21. EGA Intro 5 - Pelinster

    22. Drugs and Demonisation - Des Tramacchi

    23. Cyanese Triangles - Spiders of Zen

    Ronny says there's only about 15 or so left, but if the response is good more can be reprinted in about a month's time.

    All proceeds go toward making EGA bigger and brighter next year!

  10. Hey a bit late, but am finally in the desert and have just now managed to find internet...

    So EGA Wow what an intense weekend!!! The first night while laying in bed, totally straight i was having the most intense and intricate visuals for about half an hour. :blink:

    It was a very intense time energetically to hold the conference, i think everyone was really going through it to different degrees, but that made it a very transformative time.. and i will never be the same again that's for sure, in a good way, and am so grateful for that.

    Had the Best time on Sunday night with some old friends in the tree house watching the matrix reloaded, blue planet and 'the trip' on that amazing cinema screen... it was Perfect and Hilarious.

    I really would have liked to meet more of you from the boards, but it's tricky when you don't know someone and don't know what to look for. However it was excellent to meet you and your girlfriend, Pelinster, and awesome to hang out with you, Bacchant (that soup was amazing!!!) ^_^

    And sorry to anyone who was hanging out for my talk, it will defintely go ahead in full glory next year (with some performance art thrown in!), but it was at least interesting to show the ayahuasca moon footage.. and we discovered a whole new layer to it by viewing it blown up on the projector.. that footage will go up on the web in a few weeks.

    Super thanks to everyone involved, you've all done a great service to consciousness. :worship::worship:

  11. Hey welcome, TIHKAL..

    There's some invisible barrier i've never been able to overcome to any real degree on the ayahuasca.com forums.. but i have occasionally posted and read it over the years, and have noticed some great stuff coming from you there. Glad to have you here.

    if you heading down in the future there are some other very important gatherings to look out for;

    Ethnobotanica 06 - http://www.ethnobotanica.org/

    Techgnosis - http://www.techgnosis.muchfree.org/zone-euphorika.html

    Intra Cortex - http://www.grooven.org/exodus/info.htm

    re - Intra Cortex.. i spoke to the organizers the other week, and it will no longer be a part of the Exodus festival. Exodus as you may or may not know has changed organizers and is now affiliated with a Japanese company which does not want to be in any way connected to "illegal drugs"..

    as well as the fact that a significant enough amount of money was put in to setting up intra cortex at this years festival and due to lack of organization, didn't happen at all...

    So it may be resurrected in some other form / fashion but for now is dead -_-

  12. Hey i''ve thought for a while now it could be great to have a little drum circle go down during EGA.. Not! in a hippy way..! :P you know what i mean... it can be really good to journey with a drum or say a dozen sometimes :wink: well i'll be bringing mine anyway if anyone wants to join in...

    thanks to a very savvy dude deciding to simply set up his full drum kit in the chai tent at Exodus this year, with about ten other drums random people started playing and some singing and rapping, there was some very awesome sounds coming out of that little tent..

    i was also thinking if when talks aren't on, the main lecture hall could be turned into a spontaneous music space, utilizing the mics and having some on the fly setup for live laptop music making!

  13. Heh... :blush: yeah well i did leave the other night, but am back now ..till Friday due to automobile issues .. :wacko::wacko::wacko:

    so yeah, sure prier, track listing:

    1 EGA Intro 1 - botanika

    2. DMT in Australia: are we shamanising yet? - Des Tramacchi

    3. EGA Intro 2 - prier

    4. Psychobiology & Sociobiology of Phenethylamines in the 21st Century - Tim

    5. further revelations from beyond the compost heap - Spiders of Zen

    6. Shamanism, Neo-Shamanism and the Doof Phenomena - Matt Soltau

    7. retro 1 - Spiders of Zen

    8. Trance Dance, Rave Culture & the Psychedelic Shamanic Experience - Krusty

    9. EGA Intro 3 - ballzac

    10. Secrets from the Dancefloor - Darren Smith

    11. fingeroo - Julian Palmer

    12. Human / Plant Orientations - Julian Palmer

    13. Blackwood Forest People - Spiders of Zen

    14. Mushrooms in OZ - Michael Bock

    15. Spice Trader - beneaththestorm

    16. Relationships Between Psychedelics And Archetypes In Western Art - Santillan de Pinto

    17. EGA Intro 4 - botanika

    18. Lagochilus: the intoxicating mint of Central Asia - Carl Turney

    19. Erin's 16th Dream - Spiders of Zen

    20. Native Australian Tobbacco Species - Michael Bock

    21. EGA Intro 5 - Pelinster

    22. Drugs and Demonisation - Des Tramacchi

    23. Cyanese Triangles - Spiders of Zen

    I managed to fit it all onto One cd, and i think it is much better this way.. the talks are still much better quality than the web versions and i didn't need to really compress any of the songs..

    *Edit: i cut three talks due to the loss of the originals and i think its better for the content of the cd to be even slightly tighter.. the talks are still available on the web and i've pointed people in that direction for them if they wish via a readme file on the cd.. so..yeah apologies for that!

    Btw, being, the cover of the cd looks like a (in)famous lunchbox i have seen floating around melbourne.. look out for it, and the crazy masculine viking "PANDORA" whom clutches it so tightly....

    LOL wow i've tapped into some kind of colourful viking lunchbox consciousness while doing the cover! cool... i will keep an eye out, i think i already want one!

    thanks for the kind words guys ^_^

  14. Well it's 1:30 in the morning, and i finally have everything wrapped up, literally.. i am moving out of the most amazing house i've ever been in, (but with great and surprising acceptance..) and am hitting the road tomorrow morning and heading to the desert for two weeks, then onto pre ega stuff down south. I won't be back on the forums properly for about five / maybe six weeks so i wanted to take this oppertunity to give a huge thanks to everyone involved in the EGA 2005 mp3 cd.. this project has grown way beyond what i initially conceived when i made that first post about it asking for plant pics and thats all thanks to you guys!

    The music that has been submitted to the cd is of such great quality and creativity, i'm so happy to know the works of these artists within our community will be heard. And of course sharing the wisdom and knowledge of the speakers with even more people is a reward in itself.

    Unfortunetly out of the plant pics submitted, only those from one member really worked with the design i was doing, for various reasons.. but even still big thanks to all those who did go to the trouble of getting some pics to me.

    The cds will hopefully be printed this week or next week, Ronny will let you know when it's ready, it will be available to purchase at EGA O6 and also via the website.

    Here's a sneak preview of the front cover:


    May catch some of you katz at the conference next month! And as this is my last post before the conference can i just take one last opportunity to talk it up and say EGA 06 will be a totally kick-ass event! the kicking of oneself for not attending after one reads the feedback on these forums will be a hard kick indeed, a painful kick. Avoid pain, go to EGA 06!!!! :D



  15. If god were insane then what would we be? :unsure: Assuming of course that we are creations of that insane god...

    Sometimes I feel that if there is a god then he is cruel and enjoys our suffering. But i think that is a very narrow minded approach.

    But yeah thats a whole nother thread i think :P

    Well my experience of God is the One, the everything i am God and You and the Trees and Towers and the Goddess and Satan and even that lot on 'Big Brother' are God.. ohh man.. i actually watched that tonight and by the end i felt as though channel ten, via some very sophisticated technology, had given me a digital lobotomy.. i'm completely serious, i felt so 'gone' and 'altered' i was genuinely worried this had occurred.. frantically put on some Hendrix and it was a successful antidote :D

    anyway... yeah God.. what devance said affected me because i've always felt really confused as to why everything or 'God' is the way it is / we are.. as if i have memory of existing in a very different mode of being and this doesn't make any sense... still getting used to space / time :rolleyes::P

    And so it was realy something to think ah maybe its like this because Gods crazy, or at least we are existing as the expression of some unintegrated schizo aspect of God... and in some ways it's true.. i think Ayahuasca is God self medicating ^_^
