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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by Stillman

  1. Not sure if this is allowable on this forum but am curious about traditional Huachuma mesa ceremonies. I've found alot of information on the net etc but curious if any of you have any good information/ links book you think I should read? I I understand the process for making Huachuma am mainly interested in how a ceremony proceeds. Anyhow just curious. Mods if this is not OK topic I apologise now.


  2. I am an impatient man and so have been dabbling with grafting Trichocereus seedling to pereskiopsis, They take and respond to it really well. Anyhow while having a look about the net regarding this I came across the Trichocereus forestry service same people who do Pereskiopsis forestry blog. Pretty out there but some of it was very interesting. I like messing around with Hydroponic techniques and peres is so forgiving I wouldn't mind building a little aeroponics set up and giving some grafts a pump.Anyone considered doing this as an experiment?

    Heres the link anyways http://trichocereusforestryservice.blogspot.com.au/2008/07/trichocereus-pereskiopsis-grafting.html

  3. its a curious story I have learnt quite a bit today, regarding the origin of super Pedro and Psycho0. If every thing goes to plan I should a have a few of my own growing soon to document. I think I am going to have to get my hands on Trouts notes on San Pedro anyone read it? Its relatively cheap so might get it and have a read I like too much information.

    Quarterfish do you grow other Bridigesii, I am in south east QLD and I find they dislike our humid summers being a cross bridgesii maybe psycho0 won't do as well up here as down in Vic? I guess I will have to wait and see?

  4. So I was extremely fortunate to purchase some hybridised seeds of various Trichocereus sp from PD recently and after looking at my list I realised I know nothing about most of what I got. I am hoping to squeeze a bit of information out of you guys and girls. I know there is quite a bit of info on the net regarding Psycho0 and Super pedro but most from commercial sellers. Basically I am curious as to how fast they grow and maybe a pic of a semi mature plant.

    So anyone growing Super pedro or Psycho0 based hybrids?

    From some of my reading Super pedro may be a cross of T scop and T pach pc? Not sure if this is based in fact or just from looking at plant structure?

    As far as psycho goes all I know is it is a very fast growing T Bridgesii?

    And this I am not even 100% lol.

    So any pics advice, the seeds will be raised in artificial conditions for the first year (18h light 4000lumen 26-30 deg day light temp) then planted out and put in the cacti house for the second hopefully by the third the biggest specimens will be put in the ground. I will put pics up in this thread as I go through various stages in development. Mainly as a visual record for me and anyone who may be interested. Cheeers for any advice or pics in advance.

  5. I picked a couple under ripe fruit from a plant I came across thinking it may ripen but it never did, I forgot about them leaving them on some potting mix, they struck roots and shot little pups.. even the fruit is a pest lol. small seedlings are excellent for grafting in my experience.

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  6. I used to use canna products but have found Triple boast a product found at bunnings is easily as good and cheap as, I feed half strength with every watering and get pumping results. In saying that under lights all my peres grafts are fed canna cocco nutes and they grow like spastic, so different horses for different courses.

  7. chef check out comp from previous years, peres bloats the scion alot so some look like small tennis ball sized jabba the hut LW some good pics in the archives. Eventually the peres will go woody and the scion will have to be de-grafted or re-grafted to permanent stock like trichocereus etc.

  8. I too recommend eating the caterpillar. and possibly you tubing it like Bear Grylls and the Rhino beetle larvae.. lol

    But seriously probably look at buying at least a mini greenhouse so you can contain and control the environment a bit. My favourite babies live under light inside.

  9. was it too much humidity? When I do peres I put the fresh grafts in a sealed airtight clear bucket out of direct light, I find I lose more to no humidity then too much nothing worse than thinking a scion has taken only to look at it a few hours later shrivelled up. I had some that looked like they were getting orange rot but once I was sure the graft had bonded and I took them out of the high humidity and put them under lights it healed up pretty quick.

  10. Heres a pic of some mature damsii plants in flower these guys, as it gets hotter get the reddish burnt look, the seedlings almost have a variegated look if they get too much sun. I have a cultivar that has black were you normally see red, its pretty cool only just got it will try and take a pic later if your interested. thats a 25cm pot I think, big plants.


  11. that size space I would look at a 60 watt CFL I have grown alot of different plants under that light in that size cupboard. I found 60 watt cfl at bunnings 5500 lumens which is enough for vegative growth and even moderate flowering growth, and won't do the electricity bill in.. or put two in there if your going to provide some ventilation, It still may get a bit too hot for some things though.

    And as far at hydroponic set ups Canna cocco all the way.
