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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Gunter

  1. Gunter

    Surely somebody knows

    I would ask Kamm.
  2. Gunter

    Sterilitily and grafting

    I clean the blade but don't worry about it being sterile. Never had an issue.
  3. Gunter

    Cactus ID request

    Looks right, but might be a hybrid of path and Peru or even be a pach selection. Nice plant.
  4. Gunter

    Most Beautiful Non Mutated Cacti

  5. Gunter

    Does this sound good for cacti?

    Sounds just fine.
  6. Gunter

    Planning an outdoor cactus garden

    That Terra rossa sounds ideal actually and many of the San Pedro forms come from areas with modest winter rainfall and occasional frost. You should be fine. Also some hybrids seem a little more cold hardy according to anecdote.
  7. Gunter

    Planning an outdoor cactus garden

    Some trichocereus should do okay, but not all. It is worth planting several and seeing how it goes. A raised bed that drains well will help.
  8. Some seed producers think cacti in the same genus do not cross breed and thus sell seeds as the species of the mother plant and take no precautions to prevent cross pollination, this may be the result of this oversight.
  9. Gunter

    grafted seeds

    Most grafted scions breed true. A few, and it is extremely rare may not. Genetic alteration in grafts is virtually unknown though remotely possible. It is like being stuck by light night twice as you win a lottery and levitate
  10. Gunter

    grafted seeds

    Grafting does in some rare cases affect genes but that is statistically rare. The polyploid combination is typically termed a chimera and rarely is stable when breeding, though it is not unknown in vascular plants it is unknown thus far in the cacti we favor. Ideally chloroplast DNA from a vigous stock would be transmitted through cytoplasmic inherantance to seed and result in unusual vigor in F1 crosses of the plants. Thus far it has not been obseverved formally though some examples of it may exist undetected. It is not a major issue, but is possible though very unlikely. Those articles are wonderfully fascinating.
  11. Gunter

    grafted seeds

    Fruit tree grafts don't breed true because they are hybrids.
  12. Gunter

    Another paper is now online

    Good read there. Thanks!
  13. Gunter

    Wanted: Horehound seeds

    It grows where I am but will not have seeds for over six months. If you cannot find it by then PM me.
  14. Gunter

    truffles contain 'bliss' molecule

    I find that parsimony is often flawed. I saw a study of viral evolution, wherein they took phages and cultured them in multiple locations and sequenced them regularly. Parsimony stated the simplest changed that explained the end result are the most likely, but the study found otherwise, the attenuation was marked by complex variation and changes. This study cast serious doubt upon certain bioinformatic methods. I took it to heart, for it demonstrated that the simplistic answer was often the least likely. As for evolution, its lack of intention may be what produces the amazing results. In regards to certain fungi, a defensive role is indicated as only one facet of their chemstry, many animals which have dung that they grow upon do eat them.
  15. Gunter

    truffles contain 'bliss' molecule

    The idea that all alkaloids are defensive is overly simplistic. Many have such roles, but they may in many cases have several roles. Many for example are subtle variations on amino acids, such variations may entirely lack defensive roles and could arise through simple mutations. This could provide a trait for further alterations and selection towards defensive roles. Consider also that several pigments are alkaloids. The idea that they are defensive is overly simplistic. One might not consider the sun to be a predator, thus a protective role of a pigment is not defensive in a formal manner. Many active components of various life forms are also defensive, or not, but are not alkaloids but belong to some other molecular category. In many cases molecules clearly promote symbiosis and propagation, consider the sugars of fruit, and the colors of flowers, these molecular traits play important biological roles that are not defensive or protective. One interesting plant is the Kentucky Coffee tree, which contains a caffeine analog. It is believed to have been largely distributed by North American megafauna like mastodons. The methylxanthines in this species evidently did not deter the animals. It is possible that a molecular trait could protect a species and at the same time act as an attractant to a symbiotic organism. This is quite evident in plants which produce food for insects, as many acacias exemplify. These species often produce alkaloids which while capable of catering herbivory of some species also do not deter others. Needless to say the biological roles of so called secondary metabolites including but not limited to alkaloids, is multifaceted and not easily understood through a simplistic claim. That being said, it is true many tryptamine based alkaloids can reduce survivability in species which ingest them, including our own.
  16. Gunter

    Hydroponic Lophs

    Coir chunks give positive results when used in conjunction with a complete nute solution. It also allows for dry rest periods.
  17. Gunter

    Juul´s x Huancabamba.

    That appears to be valid in some respects but overly simplistic. Both are considered pachanoi but are not the same per say.
  18. ID is possible but very complicated. You essentially need to observe the variations the form can have under different conditions and in different environments. Trouts book does illustrate the phenoplastic range that different genotypes can exhibit.
  19. Also, a lot of people in the psychedelic community make their money by exploiting ignorance. McKenna, Hancock, Pinchbeck etc. If not for dumb people these men would have been working at a gas station. Dumb people are an important component of the psychedelic financial ecosystem. Don't resent them... exploit them!
  20. Anecdote based observations presented as claims should be considered potentially viable regardless of independent verification. One should be open minded, that doesn't entail innate belief or disbelief. Being gullible is in many ways more desirable than being overly skeptical. One must consider that most people alive are not particularly intelligent. It is perhaps expecting too much to hold them to a high standard. Consider how many religious people there are, often people believe for emotional reasons because people tend to have stronger emotions than they do intelligence. If people were actually intelligent there would be no religion, but that does not mean religious people should be discriminated against just because they are on the dumb list. Be kind to stupid people, they outnumber you.
  21. Gunter

    How are your wounds...

    No pic but years ago a spine went right through my fingernail into my finger. I had to cut off a lot of my nail to remove it. It was mild torture.
  22. Gunter

    reusing seedling mix

    Yes. Though i often leach it before reusing.
  23. Gunter

    Another ID request thanks

    1 tarma peruvianoid 2 pach
  24. Gunter

    What do you think?

    Reminds me a little of huanucoensis...