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Posts posted by ergoamide

  1. well id have 2 say ti would be hard to be younger than me at only 18 plently of years yet to use these wonderful ethno plants :P

    [ 11. May 2005, 13:48: Message edited by: ergoamide ]

  2. a friend of mine would like to know wot the flower or seed dose for a d. stramonium or ferox would be. no it is not me i have advised my friend not to do it but he wont listen so i thought at least i can make sure hes doin it safer sein as there is rally no safe with this plant.

  3. thanks auxin for the link will be doin some research of my own. i find it very strange that S.divinorum is the only producer of salvinorun a is there no otha producer of this chemical in any other plants or is it similar in that respect 2 thc which solely produced by C. sativa isnt it not 2 sure correct me if im wrong

  4. i have heaps of hylocerus undatus that i need to get rid of would be very willing to trade. just pm with wot you have to trade. if anyone is willing to part with a A. colubrina seeds or mimosa hostilis seeds or plant that would be great.

  5. y is it that smoking a whole datura flower compared to ingesting a whole datura flower vary so much in effect is it due 2 some of the alkaloids being destroyed by the heat or activated better when ingested . could anyone shed some light on this subject for me please.

  6. i was wonderin if other members of the salvia family are ethnogenic in any way smokin and extract or straight etc. i have heaps growin and i would like 2 do sumtin with it if anything good could come of it.

  7. a friend of a friend of a friend ofmine was wondering if the seeds sold here would be safe to extract from keep in mind this is only hypothetical as if it werent it would be illegal

  8. recently on a biology excursion i stung myself quite purposfully with the plant as i was interested in ti antidote. yes that right it does have an antidote. my teacher called it the kunjyvoy plant i think it looks very similar to the aram lilly any way. the sting was more intense than the stinging nettle i had just moments earlier put on my nipples( had to put salad fingers to the test but it failed no white milk was found though quite sensitive nipples were) i rubbed the crushed stem of the kunjyvoy plant on my stings and it was very soothing and after about 1/2 hr the pain from my stings was completely gone( except for very tender nipples)

    it was a very nasty sting though and i wouldnt recomend doin it unless ur a complete nut :P

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  9. every time i have tried sceletium i have been disapointed in it. the 1st time i tried it i had herbalistics buzz powder i had 2 good sized lines which did nothin but burn my nose the next time i tried it i had a half a gram of tortuosum powder ingestedand still nuthin. am i havin enough or do i need to have more than i am. and looking into the extracting where would i find chloroform or dcm

  10. being a supporter of aussie hip hop 4 ages now american hip-hop just simply doesn't cut it any more. rappers like eminem r just plain shit and r all comercialised most aussie artists dont choose the commercial path if their music leads them there so be it but they dont mc about crap to get famous most oz hi hop tells a story which is wot i love most about it.
