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The Corroboree
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Lifes little hidden secrets

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Love that nature...

It just has to be said, here in SE QLD we are having the best weather for us plant lovers. A little water at night (if it doesn't rain) and sunshine all day. Got rid of my "scale" infestation (thanks guys!!! ) and things are booming. *Happy Gardening*

Shroomie the Shaman

Shroomie the Shaman

Anybody here have a "MySpace" page?

Greetings all, Just trying to close my computer world a little, and wondering, does anybody reading this have a "MySpace" page? If so, that would be cool-"You can't have too many friends"-Me. So if you do, just add me at http://www.myspace.com/shamanicsounds and let me know where your from! (i.e: The Corroboree) Just trying to get all my "chat buddies" in the one place. Dave.

Shroomie the Shaman

Shroomie the Shaman

Spring is here!!!

I've been waiting for this all winter, and here it comes...SPRING! The best time of year as your days get more sunny and alive, so does your garden. I just grafted a few more cacti and aloe, but I will take some photos near the end of spring, it'll look good then...until then, HAPPY GARDENING!!!

Shroomie the Shaman

Shroomie the Shaman

Technology makes a small world smaller...

Well, here I am in Sydney for the weekend...just made my first (hopefully first of many) swapsies with a "stranger" I met through this site (lol...all legal, grafts ect...) and it has really made me think. How long would it have taken me to met this person without this site? I dare say maybe never considering location, but this all just adds to the light I was sent last night. I lay there thinking of how giving gives you more than taking, This person proved themselves so I provided a couple o' g

Thanking all for this site!

I have been ordering the odd thing or two from "Shaman Australis" for a while now, but just recently have started to contribute to the forums. Once I did, it took about 48 hours for me to turn from a soul that thought he was either looking at everything sideways, an outcast from all society..."Why am I the only one that thinks like this?" and the rest of the world was mad...to a openly practicing Shaman, standing tall and proud while finding like minded people taking me seriously, even to the po

Shroomie the Shaman

Shroomie the Shaman

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