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The Corroboree
Buddha Time

Why does being self sufficient feel so rewarding

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Was just having a good ole thunk on the idea,I grew up on a farm and for a good 13 years we had power from and old diesel generator and a lot*not all of it* but a lot of food came from the garden, My dad and I would build everything from new garden beds to your classic Australian sheds, growing up *I hated all the work because I was a little shit that didn't know any better* but now the feeling you get from just wanting something extra on the farm and just building it or just going out to the garden to get some lettuce for tacos,is an incredible feeling. Have no idea why I posted this but just share your stories of what you were really proud of what you managed to achieve, grow,build or even just shoot the shit about eventually doing something like this for yourselves. Peace.

Edited by Buddha Time
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