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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by dionysus

  1. dionysus

    Post a random picture thread

    this is probably the coolest living thing ive ever seen, i want one in a tank that i can just watch, i would probably do that to the detriment of my eating and drinking, they are too awesome
  2. dionysus

    Just bought a bunch of cacti and succulents...

    you could just about start a botanical gardens with this haul EG, that is an amazing purchase! i can only dream of my astro's being that old and wise. also, hitting yourself in the lips with an opuntia is one of the funniest things ive heard this morning, i feel pretty sorry for you on that one
  3. dionysus

    Useful ethnobotanicals in Indonesia?

    wiki tells psychotria colorata and a few others also contain this hodgkinsine, apparently active as a mu-opiod agonist and NMDA antagonist, which makes it seem to me as if it would be a pretty good analgesic (and reportedly is). potentialy used traditionaly for this effect, again as far as wikipedia tells me. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hodgkinsine these psychotrias are making pretty cool structures with the indole skeleton, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychotridine i wouldn't mind growing psychotria colorata now if anyone has some seed / a cutting to take
  4. dionysus

    Post your best UFO footage

    a few of the bits of footage in zen peddlers second video are funny, someone squatting in a bush in a U.S testing facility or something lol. i like the one at around 9 minutes in, looks somewhat like a flying dipole, perhaps for latency free communication between 2 other high speed aircraft?
  5. dionysus

    Post your track of the day

    since when were computers, decks and mixers not real instruments? does a prson not manipulate them to create sound?
  6. dionysus

    Some extremely epic art derived from maths

    bluntmuffin, thanks so much for sharing that, awesome
  7. dionysus

    500 posts. Truth or Dare!

    i dare you to do what tipz said, plus whatever your winner said. boyle videos are too gnarley to pass up the oppurtunity to make!
  8. dionysus


    ^rue will have similar afforementioned interactions with opiumfreaks meds
  9. dionysus

    x x

    ^ "now son, where did the bad man touch you...?"
  10. dionysus

    Hoodies in service stations

    dis, i was under the impression $6 gold and $4 silver. a low threshhold, but i know i wouldnt want to count $5 in 5 cent pieces during rush hour. they make the threshhold so low that it comes down to attendee discretion. (i learned this from aunties 'can we help' series about 2 years ago, possibly out of date) this means you can spend coins up to the equal amount of the second lowest denomination note, you should not theoretically ever need to use any more change.
  11. dionysus

    Desert cacti and rain.

    they donmt need so much light over winter anyway ihb, no need to photosynthesize much whilst dormant
  12. dionysus

    Hoodies in service stations

  13. dionysus

    Desert cacti and rain.

    i keep mine up on a veranda, i think a common manoeuvre. being elevated a little, under a roof edge and next to a wall generally keeps them safe from wetness, frost, cold (mild heat radiates from warm inner house) and damaging winds. a good spot.
  14. dionysus

    Hoodies in service stations

    despite going to the same servo almost every day for the last 15 years (since i was able to walk to a shop on my own accord) they still don't open the door for me if i have a hood on and it is past 10 pm, regardless of the fact that i went to primary school with around half of the attendees and know the other half on a first name, friendly basis. if someones boss says "we do this now" they generally start to do that... perhaps they're just trying to get me back for all the red skins and loose change ive made them count over the years. i really do like those red skins, makes me feel guilty supporting such a discriminatory product lol
  15. long story, but i've been bullied / threatened out of this for my morally righteous attitude.
  16. dionysus

    Police step up magic mushroom patrols in Donnybrook

    yeah, like other peoples faces
  17. dionysus

    Finding out your ex-fiance is having a kid to another man.

    perhaps shrinks would better respond to the term 'designer drug' is that seems to have been what 'research chemical' replaced. i know i would preffer the ample money i spend on a doctor to go towards being treated, not explaining what 25t-nBOME is i can't offer much specific help, but as others have said, if you need any indescriminate support feel free to drop a PM
  18. solid mix man, nice one
  19. dionysus


    you mention passionflower being out of the question due to medication you are already on, is this an SSRI? if so, there may be a problem with the dosage you have been perscribed or the time of day you dose compaired to the time of night you sleep, i have a friend who for a while was getting terrible panic attacks at night, spoke to his doctor and his doctor split his dosing to morning and evening so that he would not withdraw from whichever SSRI he was taking right before he went to sleep. as hard as it may be, take the suggestions to cut down on cannabis if you do smoke and coffee seriously, because they are known to be huge contributors to anxious symptoms
  20. dionysus

    Police step up magic mushroom patrols in Donnybrook

    "man, my stash is so secret, only me and the police know about it, best stash ever"
  21. i wonder why the misconception that pain killers or tranquilizers detrimentaly interupt the psychedelic experience persists, i have heard of few people using various perscriptions' as a safety net for their session and then when the session inevitable becomes overwhealming due to their percieved need for a safety net it turns out the diazepam or what have you doesn't effectively normalise them, leading to more problems. i think this guy has a few misconcieved ideas, and i would be interested in reading 'article x' that he keeps reffering, as that sounds somewhat informative (the first paragraph he uses as an example is particularly interesting*, relating to the global preference in chemical induced 'highs' shifting with the zeitgeist) edit: *interesting because i don't really agree and would be interested to read his reference
  22. dionysus

    Snu's Cacti Stolen

    auxin, perhaps we should all plant some nice looking pach's in front of our other cacti and treat them regularly with systemic pesticides that'll teach the buggers
  23. dionysus

    Police step up magic mushroom patrols in Donnybrook

    ^ if that question is to see if you can go there for a pick, that has got to be the worst question i have ever seen asked...
  24. i'm pretty new to the whole particle physics thing, and don't really have any one else to ask about such things, so i will post my questions here lol, i hope no one minds. so, from what i can make out, it is theorised that the universe is made up of all of these infininte, '3' dimensional grids, or 'fields', that intersect or interfere with eachother at different points to create disruptions percievable in the fourth dimension (time) as mass/gravity/electromagnetricity what have you? does this imply that all events percievable happen at intersections of this grid, and the transitional spaces are between time (similar to what someone suggested earier) ? are they reckoning that this boson may be the higgs because the particles they did see originating from that point are those theorised to colide on said grids into the percievable mass? this is all pretty interesting, not sure why i waited until now to become interested edit: spelling