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The Corroboree

mr me

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Posts posted by mr me

  1. There were problems with Russia's harvest as well which caused them to halt grain exports. Canada's harvests are also down quite significantly to excess rain. Prices keep going up with more mouths to feed and developing nations having more wealth.

  2. @dwork - that ticket thing between the OHS and cop is an old myth that has made the rounds for years. The only difference is the name of the place is different.

    A policeman can pretty much ignore any law they want to if they are carrying out their duties. An example would be chasing a speeding driver, they can also speed to effect an arrest. They have to obey Workplace Health and Safety Act but they can get around it as they are carrying out duties as a police officer. There are lots of grey areas were they could get into trouble but the brotherhood will stick together.

  3. Could be a coincidence but BP are still bastards and deserved to be keel-hauled through the very waters that they have ruined. Currently, I would be more worried about all the oil that was "broken down" with the oil dispersant that has now entered the food chain. As far as the floods go in Queensland they had worse ones in the past.

    Quite an interesting link, thanks.

  4. I've had major snail problems in my garden and letterbox as well so putting the little suckers to some use would be good.

    Ways to repel or kill them them are;


    iron phosphate

    chickens and ducks

    diatomaceous earth

    beer or soapy water in a cup that has been submerged in the earth

    Quassia chips

    dog food will lure them away

    If anyone knows how to deal with the eggs that would be awesome info.

    Apparently ammonia does a good job but it is rather restricted.

  5. I just bought some insecticide today that said don't spray when bees are active. I did not notice until I got home, I'll have to take it back. My garden is getting nailed by lots of bugs this year so I'll have to keep working away with more natural remedies. Even if Australia does have some of the healthiest bee colonies I don't want to contribute to their possible demise.

  6. If they can invent life in a test tube then I say it belongs to the company. Since they are borrowing from nature then I don't really see how they can claim exclusive rights. I would have issue and so would the company if you did take their efforts and try to pass it off as your own. I highly doubt they will care if you are playing around with cultures in your back shed.

  7. How much do you want for your calamus oil.


    I was probably looking at $275 for product and postage. It comes in a nice metal container.

    what is the source too?


    The source is from F.P.I Oceania. I might have mistakenly told some people EPI was the source.

  8. It is very popular in sub continent. Used for cosmetics and in traditional medicine and in the treatment of a wide range of afflictions. It is apparently useful as a skincream for skin problems. It is not used in preparing food afaik.

  9. I have 280ml of calamus oil for sale. It is a few years old now but it has been kept sealed up and stored in cool and dry conditions. When I opened the container to check the contents out my nose and the room was immediately filled with a good strong odour.

    Feel free to pm an offer. I might be interested in trades, but I might be moving soon... This retails on SAB for about $1.30 a ml.
