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The Corroboree


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About doklikit

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  1. doklikit

    improving memory

    Another vote here for Ginko Biloba.Having tried things like "royal jelly" which was a momentary in- thing in the seventies or eighties, various vitamin combinations and even vit B shots recently, the only one with a noticeable positive improvement was Ginko Biloba.Is there a cheaper source of this than the local pharmacy? As far as memory goes mine seems very good with figures and numbers ( ridiculously good the more useless the figures!)but absolutely lousy with faces and names ,especially greater than ten years ago.
  2. This appeared in the Ayahuasca forums recently. Apologies if it's been discussed earlier here but if you havn't read it (especialy Torsten) it's very unusual. http://forums.ayahuasca.com/iB/ikonboard.c...ct=ST;f=5;t=694
  3. doklikit

    merry christmas ! happy new year !

    Ditto as above to everyone. It's time to regroup and hopefully plan 2003 to run semi smoothly at least.It's also time to slow down and do not much of anything for a few days. We don't celebrate the commercial Xmas either ( cards, useless presents, too much food,endless rellie visits....all finished with) . It's amusing how many people seem to 'suffer ' at this time of year because the media tells them so. regards to everyone. Dok.
  4. doklikit

    A list of american Indian herbs .

    Whoops. "Devance". That's a fraudian slip if ever there was one.!
  5. doklikit

    A list of american Indian herbs .

    Thanks Deviance. With respect to the 'chroming' post I find this far more interesting!
  6. doklikit


    Since we are taking a liberal interpretation of moderation here: "A little sunlight is the best disinfectant." "... the old janitor on his deathbed Who demands to see the breasts of his wife for the one last time is the greatest poet who ever lived.” "They create a desolation and call it peace" "I believe in God, only I spell it Nature."
  7. doklikit


    or its as active as a monkey on roller blades juggling razors in a hurricane.
  8. doklikit


  9. "And yes drugs such as DMT, LSD, etc etc may help to "open your mind" but to do that arent they just using the latent faculties that must already exist within your mind?!? for if your mind didnt already have these faculties you wouldnt be able to use them when in drug induced states. So therefore wouldnt it be better to awaken these parts of your mind without outside influence, just by looking inside of yourself and awakening them naturally? Im not trying to condemn shamanism and say its wrong at all, just mislead. I know of many plants you NEED to do white magic properly, not for ingestion purposes but for use of their 'spirit' or internal elemental." D/F what if drugs simply provide a key to allow us a momentary tapping into a universal store of knowledge and experiences that lies within and around us possibly in higher dimensions.To me even in dreams there are things that happen that are far more powerful and show a much higher level of comprehension of everything than I am know I am capable of.As a 'wet computer' designer wouldn't it make sense to have a facility to allow the many PC's to tap back to base to the great grand daddy supercomputer, rather than have each pc store universal knowledge?Perhaps drugs(I hate that word) provide that link for a moment. "and yes your right, plants can be a great tool when you know what your doing but HONESTLY how many people really do? especially in this day and age. Naturally there are plants that will heal and plants that will harm, no matter on the dosage" D/F believe it or not that's why most of us are here.To learn We sure ain't going to get practical knowledge like this from the weekend papers and it seems any texts that openly discuss these issues are illegal in Australia! PS I would like a "mythomanical "T shirt to thanks Rev....great word!
  10. doklikit

    drugs v meditation

    "...was a chat with a person, while on a coctail of chems... All he said was, "Everything is energy" (treat everything like you want to be treated, with unconitional love and understanding.)" Brian very interesting! Near Death Experiencers universally report the following: "...that they are never judged by the beings of light,but feel only love and acceptance in their prescence.The only judgement that ever takes place is self-judgement and arises solely out of the NDEer's own feelings of guilt and repentance.....NDEer's stress the message they receive is that we must learn to replace anger with love,learn to love more,learn to forgive and love everyone unconditionally,and learn that we in turn are loved........That is why we have been placed here on earth say the beings,to learn to love is the key. Even children return from the near - death realm with this message firmly impressed in their thoughts. .......The second thing the beings emphasise is knowledge." page 250 "The Holographic Universe"Michael Talbot. by
  11. doklikit

    Novel Ayahuasca analogues- just add yours!

    Mandihuasca....meet a topless waitress, fall in love, hook up with two of her Irish mates and add one two and then loose count mandrax to a shitload of Irish beer, drive home , wake up in the morning to a vomit smelling new friend , find car covered in vomit that somehow got bogged on a empty block about a k from home , realise that whoever broke in and stole the radio must have been desperate enough to deserve it. Americanhuasca....travel to the States ,drink so long at the 1st bar that the barmaid takes pity and invites you and your mate home too her dads place ...he is away,top off with Tequila and cocaine ,wake up in the morning to a smouldering pile on the front lawn that included dads golf clubs and the door,never see the barmaid again. Nevaenufhuasca......take a seventies window pane strong enough for four people , when nothing happens after some time think you must have accidentlly missed swallowing it ,take another, 30 seconds later when the 1st kicks in like a mule panic, suffer the consequences of your stupidity.
  12. doklikit

    What is happening with this world?

    I am writing from the first country in the world to make the use of Salvia a jailable offence. A country where we don't even have the right as far as I know to peruse our true beliefs in such churches and religions of which you speak.Seems every time just about anything that might encourage thinking outside T H E I R square arises , they squash it. I am reading a book about a guy named Giordano Bruno , a book described as a medieval "Beautiful Mind".Back in the 1500's the Catholic church made an art form of murdering anyone brave enough to speak their mind against the Church's doctrines.Future generations will read of the start of the 21st century and shake their heads in disbelief at a time in history when Governments of the world ran roughshod over their people like never before.Why are western governments so scared of a person quietly taking mushrooms or LSD or perhaps even Ayahuasca? Could it be because what some here are experiencing is indeed absolutely correct?Does this mean that we the people might rise up with our cudgels against the might of the technological warrior of the western nation?Are they afraid we will tear down their cement and steel castles by inciting the common man in the street ?There are too many inconsistencies in this Animal Farm we call Western society.We are faced with spin doctors ,a bought media, brainwashed neighbours ,and rules that bend on command.Unfortunately we now need men of the calibre of Francis Bacon or Copernicus to throw some reason in the face of irrationality.It's David verses Goliath.
  13. It seems the American Govt. are about to make Ayahuasca illegal.For a starter I can't see how they could be ahead of Australia given our amazing laws ! This is a post from someone in the States . "I use this medicine just like everyone else and I can not help but see my rights eroding away. Why can't I do this alone anymore? I'm not hurting anyone. Is there some history that shows that this is a dangerous "drug"? Has someone been hurt by it? Is it addictive? Who says it's dangerous and why do they say that? What are they afraid of anyway? They want to tell me that unless I belong to a church I can't continue with what I have been doing for the last 25 years? 5 or 6 times a year I have a group over. We respect these times. I just don't get it. Who is out there in "raves" playing with this? Can you buy it on the street? Are the teenagers raping their girlfriends while under the influence? What is happening here in this country? Is there some dealer lurking near the entrance to a disco, whispering "ayahuasca, ayahuasca"? Why can't we purchase this, prepare it and praise it in all it's wonders and glories? DMT? DMT is a powder that was made illegal. Comparing a glass of ayahuasca to that experience is like preparing a cup of coca tea to cocaine. We all know that coca tea is available in shops all over the US and the World. Who is trying to do this to us and why? For what? What do they get out of it anyway? Okay, okay, set up the churches, but there will never be enough. There will never be a branch near where I live. So I will have to break the law. The individual. I will to seek my God in the way that I chose to, regardless of what "they" tell me to do. "They" have no right to do this. "
  14. doklikit


    "He hadn't done anything really interesting since he got busted for his part in Oz magazine in the 60's".... Darklight if you haven't read it "The Life and Crimes of Charles Sobhraj' was very good (just my opinion). bluemeanie..."I think that his portrail of the new post-modern religious need to consume at all costs in order to be 'happy' is so very fucking true". Yes ...he says that we are told and taught by repeated propaganda that 'net' worth equates to self worth.The society that has allowed the wealthy to use their dollar worth ( or even "borrowed" dollar worth) to subtly position themselves in the people pecking order may one day change .I thought the Gordon Gecko image might have shifted thinking against the "accumulate at all costs" mentality , but it's got a long way to go yet.As Neville says "real life value is unlocked doors and laughter in the house". I've too always thought that the media manipulators should be far more accountable ..but that's another story! Do we really have to rely so much on oil still? Wind, waves, solar,battery power .....seems there isn't room at the ball for the Cinderella's. As Neville says "Thin on the ground are the antihero's...the mystics and maverics that hold in contempt the obsessive wealth accumulation, amongst the rest of the bullshit we are expected to swallow.. We are witnessing America's wholesale theft of the future". Despite this post I try hard not to get into "the anti American rant "as waterdragon calls it . Auxin you sound a bit like a great (Californian) mate of mine ...one of the best dudes I know . Like a lot of people I am genuinely worried about the cavalier Bush attitude to the planet. I'm sure anyone that becomes a president must be smart but try as I may there seems to be no logic for Bush's actions, other than greed and the need for power .I wonder if those sins are mentioned at his Sunday church service, so readily used to accentuate the moral and righteous image .
  15. Have just read a short book by Richard Neville on the United States.Following are a few of the interesting facts the politicians forget to tell us. At the Earth summit in 1992 the elder Bush clearly stated that he was prepared to talk about the environment but "THE AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE IS NOT NEGOTIABLE"This needs to be burned into the brains of six billion earthlings because the American way of life is now diminishing the life of everyone else. It's emission record is the worlds worst, spewing a massive quarter of the world's total greenhouse gasses alone(Australia is second). The U.S . consumes a quarter of the world's oil,a third of it's paper,and 40% of its beef and veal.All G.W. (Global Warming ) Bush has to say is that "Emission controls do not apply to the developing world".$2.million from Exonn Mobil helped the Bush election coffers.His administration is awash with oil executives. Four companies control America's beef. Four control 84% of it's cereal,two control 80 % of the worlds grain trade. From these elite are drawn the presidents puppeteers. Gates has more wealth than 120 million Americans combined. Of all the prisons in the world one quarter of the prisoners are in the States.