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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Happyconcacti

  1. Happyconcacti

    wanted acacia obtusifola and courtii plants

    Can anyone attest to the ID of these seeds? Or have inside information confirming the ID? Thanks, Hcc
  2. Happyconcacti

    What did you do to your cacti today?

    I did some seedling grafts: various crosses and a couple lophs
  3. Happyconcacti

    Cactus of the 4 winds

    T. scopulicola or cordobensis, not sure which. The grower calls it scopulicola, internet people suggest it may be cordobensis. Either way, it has 4 ribs.
  4. Happyconcacti

    Post a random picture thread

    Sunrise and sunset from the same day Sunrise: Sunset:
  5. Happyconcacti

    beware of verne

    Well, on another note, "when something is too good to be true it probably is". I bought a flat of bridgesii cuts from him in my novice days, for a reasonable $55 or so. I was so happy when they arrived, 6-7 big cuts of bridgesii. Upon unwrapping them I noticed (as he put it) "small signs of black rot" were actually huge spots of fungal or bacterial infection that somehow all managed to be on the backside during the photographing of the cuttings. There were huge black rings all over the cuttings. It get's worse. After about 2 weeks I started noticing serious scarring on all the tips. I got out a magnifying glass and sure enough, RED SPIDER MITES. It was too late, they spread to most of my rooting cacti and took weeks of thorough care to eradicate. BUYING FROM VERNE WAS AN ABSOLUTE DISASTER! AVOID LIKE THE PLAGuE BECAUSE IT WILL PLAGUE YOUR OTHER CACTI! "If something seems too good to be true, it probably is"
  6. Happyconcacti

    SG open - WORLDWIDE trich seed giveaway

    #8 (I'm on moderator queue so please feel free to adjust the number as necessary) Thank You!