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The Corroboree


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About redsmurf

  • Rank
    Day Tripper

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  • Climate or location
    Central West NSW
  1. I'll stick my hand up, can you tell me what i'll be expecting print image wise? really looking to get into some microscopy, both fungi and maybe some minerals. can you recomend a good scope or would a 60x camera attachment do? pm me and i'll let you know some details to send to
  2. redsmurf

    for microscopy 'toy' scopes ok?

    don't have an iPhone, havn't had an apple product since my 2e died, but i've seen lots of adds for USB scopes and was wondering
  3. redsmurf

    for microscopy 'toy' scopes ok?

    looking at the idea of doing some general id etc but remember Aldi offering USB scopes every now and then, or maybe something similar on ebay any advice on this, idea purely to build a cat on the comp, can't afford serrious yet, too many other bills
  4. redsmurf

    Liquid Culture Vials - Un colonised

    may of gotten my wires crossed a bit but i am talking about making sterile live culture vials that can be refridgerated and used as an intermediatry stage between spore syringe and inoculation. kind of like a mini inoculation but one that can be put on hold but not as long term as slants. I have seen the vials for sale online but am worried that they would fall foul of customs dispite containing no viable organic matter. so i looked into it a bit and its easy enough to get the vials sterile and empty now i need to look into what to use to make the liquid culture, seen many variations. hope that makes sense
  5. redsmurf

    Liquid Culture Vials - Un colonised

    yes i thought about these as a fall back i also looked at different test tube arrangments but need to do more research into media.
  6. I have seen around that there are culture vials that are not yet colonised or inoculated. does any one know where to get these in Oz as i am not sure that they would not be siezed by customs. had a short but by no means an exaustive look. think they may be the solution to summer hiatiaus periods without complete restarts
  7. redsmurf

    getting started - introduction

    well summer is not the ideal time, though right now is a heat wave so absolute no go, just wondering what are the cut off marks you use for your grows. also looking for medicinals to help with BPAD and the associated complications i suffer from it and the medication to try and regulate it. also think i know at least one person on here already but it won't let me PM them yet, is this an issue with the forum or a rule in place
  8. redsmurf

    getting started - introduction

    now i have Denis Leary in my head, carve of what i want and ride the rest home
  9. redsmurf

    getting started - introduction

    just getting started in the fun process of growing my own mushrooms, going to start with a few basic variaties working up to more exotic ones as i go. unfortunatly the local condidtions have been unfriendly with temps hovering around the the 40 mark. looking for input on how adverse this will be and ways to negate it other than waiting for it to pass which will be my default stance