I often come up with nice scenes of cacti as ornamentals and as part of the landscape in films, from time to time, but haven't taken notes.  There are several fims that take place or are filmed in texas, arizona, mexico that feature cacti at least in some landscape "photographic" passing through the desert scene.    I thought it might be a cool idea to note here cacti references, appearances and even more exciting cacti in film's plots. But lets leave major spoilers out, will we?    Todays's entry, now that's its fresh, is Criminal minds episode 7.18 : It takes place in Arizona apart from some landscape shots , we got a significant character that owns a nursery in which we see her, in one scene to load a biggy Pachycereus pringlei to a truck.    Another film that features rather an Oreocereus or Eulychnia, is the japanese Naked blood (1996) . This is a sci-fi splatter horror film, which is significant cacti-wise as they play a minor role in the plot too. This is an interesting low-budget shocker that is recommended for the horror completist.    I am quite sure that Breaking Bad series had a couple episodes with cacti in the desert. at least one with some very nice scenes, I think I remember, but that was years ago.   So, chime in if you find interesting this game, and lets make a list