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gee, tripi i love your pics, they are always herbalistics quality (if you know what i mean, valvoline) or even better.

i found i have to water the hostillis which are planted out quite a bit, otherwise they die or just sit ther doing nothing.

i think in the future this will be a good source, plant out and distribute the seeds we hopefully will get sooner or later and voila few years down the track ther will be hostillis bark flooding the market. i think it gets used as a dye, a very sought after natural dye!!

The Winter has been fairly mild here! Nigths seldom hostilis showing the thorn structure and the fibrous hair that secrete a resinous substance during the Summer, quite sweet to taste! Foliage has lost some colour, low dose worm juice regime to maintain vigour and soil profile.


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gee, tripi i love your pics, they are always herbalistics quality (if you know what i mean, valvoline) or even better.

a lot of pictures from people here at SAB should be sent to erowid. It's so difficult to find good pictures of those trees on the net...

Planthelper's flowering Anadenanthera pic is herbalistic material too :wub:

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it would be interesting to compare our different mimosas (with pictures) to try to identify them...

I recently germinated some seeds i received from Brian wich were correctly identified as Mimosa Hostilis (Tenuiflora) . I a m growing an unknow Mimosa, as said before on SAB forum it could be Verrucosa.

I updated some pics of it on my blog:


I was recently wondering about the role of the trichromes on the plant. Could it contains some active compound ? (Mimosa hasch :blink: ?)

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Mine are looking a bit worse for wear after winter. One got attacked by some grub or something that put a hole in the soil and damaged the roots.

They are reshooting, so soon they will look ok I imagine. I'll post photos then :P

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Or in English!

Viva la babel!

STUDY OF the EXTERNAL MORFOLOGIA OF PLANTULAS OF Calliandra gracilis, Sweet albida, Sweet sandy, Sweet camporum and Sweet tenuiflora


* Profesor Asistente en la Cátedra de Morfología Vegetal de la Facultad de Agronomía, UCV, Maracay. (Trabajo recibido para su publicación el 18-11-1983).


The descriptions and illustrations of five species of Leguminosae-Mimosoideae of Venezuela, cradles in the external morphology of plántulas of Calliandra gracilis , Sweet albida, Sweet sandy appear, Sweet camporum and Sweet tenuiflora


Seedlings of Calliandra gracilis, Sweet albida, Sweet sandy, Sweet camporum and Sweet tenuiflora belonging to the Leguminosae (Mimosoideae) of Venezuela plows described and illustrated, based on External morphology.


The Leguminosae-Mimosoideae abundantly is represented in Venezuela. Some of the species offer difficulty as far as their identification with the current methods of the taxonomy of herbario due to their noticeable external morphologic affinity. In such cases, the classic taxonomy is in favor eager of studies for this type, since aside from being able to identify only with vegetative characters, also it is desired to complete the description of the species.

The importance of the knowledge of the early stages of the service life of the species in the different branches from the Biology is ample such as the Ecology, Agronomy, the Taxonomy, etc. In the ecological field plántulas constitutes the potential of perpetuación of the species, as it bases material that are of their establishment, since it is this phase the one that represents the critical period of its service life. In this sense the knowledge of the specific composition of the communities of plántulas and the dynamics of its populations will be able to reveal much about the ecological perspective of vegetal communities. On the other hand of the selected species, four of them (Sweet albida, Sweet sandy, Sweet tenuiflora and Calliandra gracilis) have great ecological importance, or to constitute associations of appreciable magnitude (Sweet sandy, Sweet tenuiflora) or to comprise of the transicional vegetation (Sweet albida, Calliandra gracilis).

In the agronómico field these studies as far as the selection of useful plants have relevance, because some Mimosoideae is food of the goat cattle in barren zones of the country, others act like weeds, as well as Sweet camporum, that is weeds of appreciable interest and some have forest value.

In the taxonomic field plántulas offers good diagnósticas morphologic characteristics, which allows to make early and safe determinations of the same ones.

This work constitutes single a study based on five wild species (Calliandra gracilis, Sweet albida, Sweet sandy, Sweet camporum and Sweet tenuiflora) whose main target is its knowledge through the external morphology of his plántulas; besides to go away familiarizing with the morphologic complexity of this interesting ontogenética phase of the vegetal life; and to contribute partially to integral the taxonomic appreciation of the considered groups (Mimosa and Calliandra).


Of Candolle (1825) according to Cowan 5 it suggests it morphology and development of plántula can be used to classify leguminosas. The same author according to Duke,9 makes the first distinction of plántulas of leguminosas with respect to cotiledones foliados and almacenantes.

Lubbock (1892) establishes that the type of cotiledones that prevails in the order is the oblong one, but that are important modifications. One of those modifications is that cotiledones is cordados or auriculados in the base.

Compton (1912) appointment that as the seeds of the leguminosas are generally dawns, to obtain its germination is necessary to escarificar the head or to deal the seed with sulfuric acid before seeding it. It establishes the standard age of plántula in leguminosas for the epígeas species, like the end of first stage of development (plántula), being cotiledones totally expanded and plúmula not developed. In the Mimosoideae the prevaleciente germination is epígea whereas the hipógea happens in some cases. Cotiledones is extremely heavy, being in the tribe Mimoseae somewhat thin, the base of hipocótilo in hoop form or necklace having this one importance in the fixation of plántula in the ground and the liberation of the head. In thin Acacieae and Mimoseae cotiledones is something and plántula is small, hipocótilo is distendido in the base in a hoop or prominent necklace. In long Ingeae and fleshy Adenanthereae plántulas with cotiledones and often is not present the necklace in hipocótilo. It also indicated small estípula been born in pecíolo of cotiledón in some species. It registered a heavier neck for Sweet púdica, bichaenoides Leucaena glauca and Petalostylis.

Vassilczenko (1937) according to Vogel 27 in its work on germination of leguminosas (not seen), postulated that the morphology of the first leaf represents the ancestral type and according to the morphology of plántulas different strategies are assumed. Some plántulas have simple leaves as it forms ancestral, and compound like derived. In others the development is in the opposite direction.

Metcalfe and Chalk (1950) indicate sensitive movements for some members of the family, as well as the presence of glandular and nonglandular hairs.

Burkart (1952) mentions cotiledones in Mimosoideae as sagitados in its base, being radícula very short, straight or bending and plántula straight. It shows the occurrence of pulvínulos that by changes of turgencia in their cells allow the plant to change of direction to the folíolos. It establishes that plántula is constituted of: 2 cotiledones opposed, talluelo that plúmula finishes in a small called yolk, radícula and hipocótilo or region of transition between talluelo and radícula; it indicates to each other that estípula in the development of the leaf often goes ahead to much to the development of the folíolos, exerting generally functions of protection, herbaceous, lanceoladas or being subuladas, whole or teethed and free. It describes to the cylindrical or angular stems, being the first stem [ to plantular ] raised of broadcast symmetry. Pecíolo canaliculado or flattened in the adaxial face, passing the apex insensibly to raquis. The apex of raquis, located between the terminal pair of folíolos, describes it like narrow or transformed into mucrón.

The Gilberts and Leonard (1954) assure that the characteristics of plántulas of Caesalpiniaceae and Mimosaceae have generic value. They verify that:

a) Plántulas of species of a same sort presents/displays types of structures such.

B) Each one of the sorts seems to be able to be characterized by an own type of plántula.

Hipotetizan that:

a) The putting in synonymy of two sorts you sharpen could be demonstrated by the similarity of structures of his plántulas.

B) Two sorts you sharpen that they have the same type of plántulas could generically not be different.

c) Of two more a heterogenous sort or the subdivision sort could be demonstrated by the existence in each one of them of a particular type of plántulas

d) The two more type or existence of plántulas in a same sort seemed to indicate generic heterogeneity.

Whyte, Nilsson and Trumble (1955), Gate (1951) according to the previous authors observes that, apparently, all the Mimosoideas and Caesalpinioideas are epígeas.

Mayer and Poljakoff (1963) according to previous Becquerel authors (1832-1834) conclude that the seeds of Sweet glomerata have lengths periods of viability. Appointment like current in the leguminosas a seed cover dawn, raincoat to the water, resistant to the abrasion and cover of one castrates of shining wax.

Duke (1965) proposes the use of the terms to criptocotilar and to fanerocotilar. Three words facilitate the construction of their key: catáfilos, eófilos and metáfilos. It considers characters of weight to differentiate the species: the type of germination, composition of the limb to foliar of the eófilos, margin of the eófilos, type of apex of the eófilos, position of the eófilos, is present at or absence of látex, long relation: wide of cotiledones, size of pínnulas, number of pinnas in the metáfilos, characteristics of the seed, tricommas, pecíolos winged or and it is not present at or absence of glands.

Mensbbruge (1966) studies 19 species of Mimosaceas, most of which it took between 4 to 8 days to germinate after seedtime. It describes cotiledones like: very "échancrés" in the base, and turgid, often fixed to the stem by a short thickness and pedúnculo. It characterizes to plántulas by the two first leaves as far as his dimensions, position and composition of the limb to foliar; characters of hipocótilo, epicótilo and root. It observes micorrizas in the root and it says that the development in Mimosaceas probably is related to the presence of micorrizas. It indicates that the leaves that appear after the two first leaves, are not constituted in the same form that the two first leaves, since a progressive evolution takes place towards the bipinnada adult form. It characterizes to estípulas as filiform and of widened base.

Duke (1969) establishes that estípulas offers a good diagnosis of characteristics. Also cotiledones of certain plántulas, example: Caesalpiniaceae, Fabaceae, Mimosaceae and Rubiaceae present/display you stipulate obvious and some species present/display these in cotiledones. Obvious appointment as the presence of estípulas in the first eófilos of some Mimosaceae and Moringaceae. The germination that prevails in Sweet is to fanerocotilar or to criptocotilar. Of equal way it indicates that cotiledones leaves the head early after the germination. It mentions in the palms to first eófilo with constant characteristics, happening in these series of transicionales characteristic leaves between the eófilos and the adult leaves. Similars characteristic of the sequence of eófilos it happens in Mimosaceae, where first eófilo is pinnado, second bipinnado or "delayed". The sequence of eófilos it seems to be characteristic of the species, as well as many other used characteristics to distinguish plántulas.

Robbertse and VanDer Schijff (1971) use in some cases the presence or of the "espinescentes hooks" of 2ª and 3ª leaf in the stem or the entrenudo not to divide the groups in sub-groups in addition to the type of leaf and estípula. They obtain that the first leaf, in most of the cases is pinnada, the second leaf varies from pinnada, bipinnada with a pair of pinnas until bipinnada with four pairs of pinnas.

Burger (1972) makes a description general of the Leguminosae (Mimosaceae). It says that plántula differs sometimes from the adult plant because the first leaf is pinnada, rarely bipinnada and by absence of thorns when the adult plant is thorny. One elaborates nails for the different studied sorts of Mimosaceae. Cotiledones is stipulated or and filotaxis is not espiralada-alternating, some times alternating-di'stica although sometimes the first leaves are opposed.

Go'mez Pomp (1976) even reports to Sweet pudica with termorregulada germination and presenting/displaying a low percentage of germination after several treatments and a considerable time of storage. The heatings in dry increase the germination of Sweet pudica.

Bravo (1978) differentiates the subspecies from Cassia aphylla by their external morphology. It concludes that the taxonomic rank that corresponds to Cassia aphylla is the one of subspecies and nonvariety, since verifies the existence of genotípicas differences and geographic distribution.

Vogel (1980) of the types of germination that mentions in its classification only six is present in the subfamily Mimosaceae: Macaranga (type), Sloanea (subtype), Palagium (subtype), Horsfieldia (subtype), Endertia (subtype) and Chisocheton (subtype). It says that estípulas in the base of cotiledones has been reported in some Leguminosas, indicates in oraria Acacia Leguminosas (Mimosaceae) the first leaf like simply pinnada; the second double one composed with two pinnas: the third with a reduced leaf and superior leaves in form of filodio not divided. In addition it indicates that raquis main of the leaf of Mimosaceae takes hojuelas simple or pinnas, but never a mixture of the two. According to the previous author, Croker (1916) in its classification of the different types from latency indicates many leguminosas with impermeable seminal cover to the water.

Polhill ET to. (1981) they characterize plántulas of Mimosoideae like fundamentally epígeas. Cotiledones is as much foliares as reservantes of food, and persists until the eófilos that frequently are opposed, settle down. Also they write down that eófilos alternating they are almacenantes generally associate with cotiledones, and that the bipinnados metáfilos tend to be preceded by pinnados eófilos.

Smith (1981) relates the form and symmetry of cotiledón to the type of vein that presents/displays, being in Sweet of the types 5 veins, 3+(2), 3+2 and 3 veins. It establishes that the types of cotiledones in Mimosoideae are usually symmetrical or almost thus. It discusses in addition the contribution to the photosynthesis that contributes cotiledones when the germination is epígea. It says that cotiledones provides characteristics that can be used in the identification of plántulas or seeds like they have potential value to explain taxonomic or filogenéticas relations.

Duke and Polhill (1981) say that plántulas can be characterized by the ordering of their leaves. The faneroepígeas Cassieae and foliares Caesalpinieae generally have plántulas with cotiledones, the first opposite or alternating eófilos and with a more or less gradual transition towards the metáfilos. The Mimosoideae follows the general pattern of the Caesalpinieae being the metáfilos in that tribe and in no other, bipinnados, the more or less common thing it is that, the first eófilos are pinnados and the second alternating one and bipinnado with a pair of pinnas. They say in addition that plántulas frequently emits aromas.


The observations were carried out in the city of Maracay, Aragua State, 10°17 ' North latitude and 67° 37 ' of west longitude, approximately to a55 msnm, in a shed with glass ceiling (totally illuminated) pertaining to the Faculty of Agronomy of the Central University of Venezuela.

The material of herbario deposited in the Faculty of Agronomy of the Central University of Venezuela (MY) and in the National Herbario of Venezuela was reviewed (THEY SEE), Caracas, with the intention of obtaining data about: distribution, time of flowering, fruition and the familiarisation with the morphologic variability. A previous sampling was made that consisted of:

- Collection of fruits and seeds of the selected species, like first passage for the work, preparing at the same time samples of herbario to be deposited in the Herbario of the Faculty of Agronomy of the Central University of Venezuela (MY), like reference. Some of the species were collected in more than a population.

The material of seeds collected kept in bags of paper to 2.95 Wat/m2 Sg. of light (Piranómetro Moor) and a temperature average of 24°C by a lapse of 8 to 10 months, adding them to it periodically paradiclorobenceno as preventive control to the attack of insects. Part of that material was seeded, in order to become familiar with the external morphology of the group to study.

Previous to seedtime germination tests were made in capsules of Petri verifying itself the indicated thing by Compton,4 Croker (1916) according to Vogel the 27 and Go'mez Pomp about the 12 hardness and impermeability of the head and the low percentage of germination of the seed, reason by which escarificó mechanically becoming a small fluting with hojilla in the side opposed to micrópilo.

The escarificadas seeds were seeded, pregerminated by humidification, for which capsules of Petri, paper of filter and distilled water were used. The procedure that was followed was:

-- Escarificación of the seed.

- Preparation of the capsules of Petri (to place in the inferior part of the capsule the paper of filter dampened with distilled water).

- Positioning of the seeds escarificadas inside the capsule (100 seeds) covering them immediately later. The temperature average was of 24ºC and the values of 5 radiation of 2Wat/m Sg. to the dawn and dusk and 36 2Wat/m Sg. in the hours of Maxima luminosity.

It was considered germinated the seed when radícula emerged from this one. Once the apex emerged from radícula, the seeds to bags of polyethylene seeding 50 seeds of each sample at the rate of 2 seeds by stock market and to a centimeter of depth were transferred approximately; being used 250 polyethylene black bags of 22.5 cm of height and one capacity of 2.0 kg of ground; as substrate were used washed heavy sand, filling the flowerpots stand up to 2/3 parts of his capacity, they were ordered in form of blocks and they identified by means of plastic labels the sowings went away making in form staggered in the measurement in which it concluded with the taking of observations of the species under study.

Irrigation was applied daily and it was fertilized with solution of Hoagland when in plántulas symptoms of deficiency of nutrients were observed and the plagues were controlled when attacks appeared applying to them telodrín in aspersion to the 1 percent. It is to make notice that when it happened attack of plagues these came from other species under test in the shed. The control of diseases was not necessary, since there were no problems in this sense.

In order to observe the growth and the possible stages before the culmination of the phase of plántula, periodic collections of individuals were made and samples in F. To A were conserved. In some cases (sensitive species) for the preparation of herbario samples it was necessary to introduce plántula in previous hot water the assembly. Simultaneously photographies were taken and they were drawn. 5 species of Mimosoideae were studied.

For those species that studied 2 populations did not obtain important qualitative morphologic differences, reason why they treat in the results like a single population. Equal results obtained Hueck and Lamprecht 13 when not obtaining to considerable differences in the germination and youthful development of originating species of different environmental conditions.

The observations were taken daily on fresh material, and exceptionally (by time deficiency) in the samples conserved in F.A.A. and/or duplicates of there am barium. At first 10x and another one were taken in the shed by means of the aid of a field magnifying glass from from 15x, and soon in the laboratory with the aid of a stereoscopic magnifying glass when greater increases were required. These observations were made more in the developed, intermediate individuals and less developed of the population. When doubts or difficulties in the observations on some structures or appendices appeared, cuts of the samples were made and they were observed under composed microscope, in order to sharpen the same ones.

The observations included/understood aerial organs as much as underground and therefore they involved sacrifice of the muestreados individuals Each observation was made in the different organs from the studied individuals, thus, in the case of the bipinnadas leaves the observations were made in each one of pinnas of the leaf, that is to say, those that were also made in the proximal pair of pinnas did in the average pairs and distal, respectively. The same methodology for the case of raquis was fulfilled secondary, foliolulos, naked and entrenudos.

Once they were analyzed the data resembraron some species to verify data that were not clear.

Phase of plántula or phase to plantular: it was considered here like so, to that it passed from the germination of the seed to the moment at which he appeared first nomófilo with similar characteristics to the plant mother. Such conception does not have to be considered rigidly.

Advanced stage more of development: it entiéndase thus to the period that precedes the conclusion of the stage to plantular.

For certain forms the table of flat symmetrical figures of Stear 25 like for the terms was used estipuláceo and flexuoso.

When it happened the presence of any type of tricomma, the type to present tricomma was referred like indumento, clarifying itself in addition: simple (used here for that type of tricomma formed by a single hair, being able to be uni or pluricellular), hirsuto Lawrence,14 seríceo Radford; 21 for the other indumentos that are mentioned followed the criterion of Font Quer. 10

The term eófilo is coined by 26 Tomlinson and the germination to fanerocotilar by Duke.7

As far as apex, it bases, edge and it forms of the contour of the leaves was used to Rizzini. 22 the venación is referred solely to la(s) vena(s) principal(es). Being cotiledones it was necessary in some cases of bleaching these to observe the venación. In other cases the venación was observed better; once dehydrated and mounted plántula in exsiccata.

The abbreviations for the herbarios are those of "Index Herbariorum", ed. 7, Regnum Vegetabille 106, Part I, 1981.

For greater facility of understanding one includes in the discussion some terms that could be rendered to confusion.


4.1. Calliandra gracilis Klotzsch ex- Baker

Germination to fanerocotilar. Generally straight emergency. Root with off-white, more or less flexuosa axonorriza extended, of little to abundantly graft, with vellosidades or no, sometimes with small and little nodulaciones. White neck wider than the base of hipocótilo and narrower than the base by the root. Green , green-reddish or brown tetragonal cylindrical Hipocótilo to, glabro, of 4.5 - 43 mm in length (from the beginning to the conclusion of the stage to plantular); towards the thickened and dubbing in sigmoidal form, herbaceous, but in stage of more advanced development, something lignificado, fluted base and sometimes lenticelado. Herbaceous , green, green-reddish or brown, little evident Epicótilo, of 0.2 - 0.8 mm in length (from the beginning to the conclusion of the stage to plantular), glabro or with little glandular estípitados tricommas. Stem raised, with cylindrical tetragonal entrenudos from to, green or brown cinnamon, of 2 - 22 mm in length (from the beginning to the conclusion of the stage to plantular), herbaceous sometimes lenticelado, the slightly tuberous surface or without tubercles, with few or many tricommas or are vellosos, hirsutos or both and/or glandular, the last sésiles or estipitados. Knots with little glandular estipitados tricommas. Cotiledones opposed, isófilos, fleshy, obovados, glabros, subsésiles, peltados, green-yellowish, of 5 -7 mm in length by 3.9 - 5.6 nonvisible mm wide, nerves, obtuse apex, recurvo and reflexo in final stage, base auriculada and bilobed by recess, whole margin not to regulate. Deeply canaliculada adaxial surface in its central part ending in a depression, the irregularly waved abaxial. Knot to cotiledonar with glandular tricommas hialinos subsésiles. Protófilos 2, opposed, simply, with 3 - 6 5 or 6 present ones, pinnados pairs folíolos, generally in the first knot, knot with little glandular tricommas hialinos subsésiles. Estípulas 2, free narrow triangular, subuladas, equal, membranosas, persistent, green, green-reddish or reddish, envainadoras, slightly free to each other, of 0,8-2 mm in length, glabras or barely indumentadas, the edge with 2-5 subsésiles glandular hairs. Pecíolo of 3.8 - 9.5 mm in length, herbaceous, green or green-reddish, channeled by the beam, convex by envés, glabro, rare with glandular tricommas hialinos, some times slightly fluted with pulvínulo only, to basipeciolar, oblong of 0,3-1,5 mm in length. Ráquis of 5-15 mm in length, green, of cleared or elipsoidal cross-sectional section with two lateral ribs, glabro, but with glandular tricommas hialinos sésiles, in the insertion of the folíolos with apical prolongation, subulada, of 0.2 - 2 mm in length. Folíolos opposed, subsésiles, from oblong to something ovados, of 5.5 -12,9 mm in length by 1.5 - 5 mm wide, with 1 2 veins, glabras, obtuse apex and more or less acuminado, base asymmetric, whole margin and not ciliado, dark green adaxial surface and of satin aspect, abaxial green clear. Pronomófilos alternating, bipinnados with a pair of pinnas opposed, pinnas with 2 - 6 pairs of foliolulos in each pinna, generally 4 or 5, present ones of 2º to 7º naked, generally of 2º to 6º naked. Estípulas 2, envainadoras, narrow triangular, subuladas, equal, membranosas, persistent, green-reddish or reddish, free to each other, of 0.8 - 3.5 mm in length, the edge with hialinos, seríceos simple tricommas and some glandular hialinos, the apex reflexo sometimes in the leaves just developed. Pecíolo of 9.8 - 47.5 mm in length, herbaceous, green or green-reddish, channeled by the beam, convex by envés, with few simple tricommas hialinos, seríceos and hialinos, dispersed although more abundant tricommas glandular in the insertion of pinnas, the surface some times subtly foveolada, with pulvínulo only, to basipeciolar, oblong of 0.8 - 2 mm in length, green or green reddish, generally glabro. Primary Raquis completely reduced and in its place a subulada edge of 0,8-2,0 mm in length with simple tricommas seríceos hialinos and few glandular hialinos. Peciolulo of 1,5-6,8 mm in length with equal characteristics to pecíolo, pulvinululo only, to basipeciolar oblong of 0.5 - 3.0 mm in length. Secondary Raquis of 4 - 28 mm in length, green, of cleared or elipsoidal cross-sectional section with two lateral ribs, of little indumentado to indumentado with seríceos, hialinos simple tricommas, and some glandular estipitados or no, more abundant hialinos in the insertion of the foliolulos, with subulada apical prolongation of 0.6 - 2.6 mm in length. Foliolulos opposed, subsésiles, obovados, oblong or elliptical, of 3 - 21 mm in length by 1.5 -12,5 mm wide, with 1 2 veins, rare 3, generally glabro or with seríceos tricommas, in this last case more abundant by envés, or hialinos glandular tricommas, acute apex slightly and more or less acuminado, bases asymmetric, whole margin and ciliado, dark green adaxial surface and of satin aspect, abaxial green clearer; of 1° to 2º even generally anisophyllous. Nomófilos bipinnados with two present opposed pairs of pinnas of 6' naked in ahead; pinnas with 4-6 pairs of foliolulos, generally 4. You stipulate of 2.5 - 3.2 mm in length, the other equal characteristics to the pronomófilos. Peciolo of 20.849.8 mm in length, herbaceous, channeled by the beam, convex by envés, with simple tricommas hialinos seríceos and glandular little hialinos, the surface some times subtly foveolada; with pulvínulo only, to basipeciolar, oblong of 1.8 - 2 mm in length, green, green-reddish or reddish, glabro generally. Primary Raquis of 711.5 mm in length, green, channeled by the beam, convex by envés, with seríceos hialinos tricommas and glandular more abundant hialinos in the insertion of pinnas; with subulada apical prolongation of 1.3 - 2.5 mm in length. Peciolulos of 2.8 - 6 mm in length, with equal characteristics to pecíolo, pulvinululo only, to basipeciolular, oblong of 0.8 - 1.5 mm in length. Secondary Raquis of 10 - 18.3 mm in length with equal characteristics to pronomófilo, subulada apical prolongation of 1.8 - 2.6 mm in length, with simple hialinos tricommas and glandular hialinos. Foliolulos opposed of 3,5- 18.5 mm in length by 5,9- 9.0 mm wide, of 1º. to the 3er. pair generally anisophyllous, the other similar characteristics to the pronomófilos.

Examined material: Department Vargas, Naiguatá, the environs Vacacional House of Journalist 15-IX-79 in fruit, Lourdes Cardinal red 2918 (MY). Edo. Aragua, old Maracay, lands Pebble in a brick, Faculty of Agronomy UCV, 3-XII-82, in fruit, Botanical Garden (MY). Edo. Aragua, Maracay, conservatory Vegetal Physiology, Faculty of Agronomy UCV, in plántula, Pablo Parra, 17, 24, 41, 42, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 97 and 98 (MY).

4.2. Sweet albida H. ET B.

Germination to fanerocotilar. Generally straight emergency. Root with off-white, more or less flexuosa axonorriza, extended, from little to abundantly graft, without nodulaciones. Thickened , white or brown neck. Cylindrical Hipocótilo to tetragonal, with simple tricommas or glabro, green, reddish or green-reddish, rare target, 19.8 - 34 mm in length (from the beginning to the conclusion of the stage to plantular), to linear, been high and mighty towards the apex, the base doubled in sigmoidal form and with the head sometimes adhered to this one, herbaceous, fluted, látex generally present. Herbaceous , green, very short Epicótilo, of 0.3 to 0.7 mm in length (from the beginning to the conclusion of the stage to plantular), glabro or with little tricommas. Stem raised, with entrenudos from tetragonal to cylindrical, canaliculados, reddish, green or green-reddish, of 1.5 - 7.0 mm in length (from the beginning to the conclusion of the stage to plantular), herbaceous, with simple, sometimes little tricommas non-uniform, and/or glandular tricommas, látex generally present. Knots with simple, non-uniform and glandular tricommas. Cotiledones opposed, isófilos, fleshy, obovados, slightly concave, glabros, short peciolados, green, of 6.1 - 10.2 mm in length by 4.5 - 8.1 mm wide, with 1 - 3 veins, apex retuso, and slightly emarginado, base auriculada, whole margin. Pecíolo to cotiledonar of 1.1 - 1.8 mm in length, cylindrical with few simple tricommas. Knot to cotiledonar generally with estipuláceas emergencies, in one or both sides, glabro and sometimes glandular tricommas. The emergencies of white or target-reddish color, of 0,8- 1.7 mm in length, filiform, but in espiniformes stage of advanced development more, base of foliáceo aspect and sometimes with glandular tricommas, acuminado apex. Present unique Protófilo in the first knot, simply pinnado with 3 pairs of folíolos. Estípulas 2, slightly envainadoras, narrow-triangular, subuladas, equal, membranosas, persistent, green-reddish or green, free to each other, of 1.1 - 2.0 mm in length, punteagudo and nonrigid apex, base with simple tricommas, whole and ciliado margin. Pecíolo of 12.4 - 26.8 mm in length, herbaceous, green or green-reddish, channeled by the beam, convex by envés, glabro or with simple hialinos tricommas; látex generally absent, with pulvínulo only, to basipeciolar, oblong of 0.4 - 1.2 mm in length. Raquis of 1.3 - 4.5 mm in length, green or green-reddish, channeled by the convex beam by envés, little indumentado, with apical prolongation subulada of 0,6- 1 mm in generally absent length, látex. Folíolos opposed, subsésiles, obovados, oblong or elliptical, of 3 - 12 mm in length by 1.2 - 4.8 mm wide, with 1 - 2 veins, 1, generally glabros by both surfaces, obtuse apex or retuso, emarginado, base asymmetric, whole margin with simple and non-uniform tricommas, látex generally absent. Pronomófithe absentees. Nomófilos alternating, bipinnados with a pair of pinnas opposed, three pairs of foliolulos in each pinna, presents of 2º naked in ahead. Estípulas of 1.5 - 2.3 mm in length, látex generally absent, the other equal characteristics to protófilo. Pecíolo of 21,6- 30.7 mm in length, herbaceous, green or green-reddish, channeled by the beam, convex by envés, with simple tricommas hialinos, pulvínulo only, to basipeciolar, oblong of 0,8- 1.1 mm in generally absent length, látex. Primary Raquis completely reduced and in its place a subulada edge of 0,3- 1.0 mm in length. Secondary Raquis of 2.0 - 3.2 mm in length, with simple hialinos tricommas, form and color similar to protófilo, with subulada apical prolongation of 1,0- 1.3 mm in length. Peciolulos very reduced of 0.4 - 0.9 mm in length, with simple and/or non-uniform and sometimes some glandular ones tricommas. Foliolulos opposed, subsésiles, obovados, oblong or elliptical of 8 - 11.3 mm in length by 3.4 - 5 mm wide, with 1 - 2 veins, glabros, but with simple tricommas in envés, apex slightly acuminado, bases asymmetric, whole margin with simple and/or non-uniform and sometimes glandular tricommas, two the proximal pair reduced to mucrones, following the generally anisophyllous one.

Examined material: Edo. Aragua, Girardot District. Maracay-Choroní highway, 7-III-80, in fruit, Pablo Parra and G. Ferrari 8 (MY). Edo. Aragua, Maracay, Conservatory Vegetal Physiology, Faculty of Agronomy UCV, in plántula, Pablo Parra, 15, 33, 35, 37, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 87, 88 and 89 (MY).

4.3. Sweet sandy (Willd.) Poir.

Germination to fanerocotilar. Generally straight emergency. Root with off-white axonorriza, something flexuosa, extended, of little to abundant graft, with nodules. Neck slightly thickened. Cylindrical , glabro or with little simple and glandular tricommas, brown-greenish or brown Hipocótilo, of 7 - 39 mm in length (from the beginning to the conclusion of the stage to plantular), towards the base doubled in sigmoidal form, to linear been high and mighty towards the apex, herbaceous, but in stage of development more advanced something lignificado, fluted and sometimes lenticelado. Epicótilo cylindrical, canaliculado, herbaceous, green or reddish, of 0.5 - 3 mm in length (from the beginning to the conclusion of the stage to plantular), glabro or with little simple tricommas, rare glandular estipitados. Stem raised, with entrenudos from tetragonal to cylindrical, canaliculados, in first green, green-reddish or reddish, brown stage of development in advanced stage more, of 2-24 mm in length (from the beginning to the conclusion of the stage to plantular), herbaceous, but in stage of development more advanced something lignificado, sometimes lenticelado; the smooth, but covered surface of off-white dust, glabros or with little estipitados simple and glandular tricommas; aculeados or no, the acúleos generally of 6º naked in, ahead dispersed throughout the stem sometimes infrapeciolares. Glabros knots or with little estipitados glandular tricommas. Cotiledones opposed, isófilos, fleshy, from ovados to oblong, slightly concave, glabros, short peciolados, green, of 5 - 7.1 mm in length by 4.5 - 6.5 mm wide, with 5 veins, obtuse apex, bases auriculada, whole margin. Pecíolo to cotiledonar 1 mm in length. Knot to cotiledonar more generally with estipuláceas emergencies one or in one or both sides, 0.2 - 0.4 mm in length, filiform or of variable form, base foliácea, nonrigid pointed apex, glabras or barely indumentadas. Unique , present Protófilo in the first simply pinnado knot, with 3-5 pairs of folíolos, generally 4. Estípulas two, slightly envainadoras, narrow-triangular, subuladas, equal, membranosas, persistent, reddish, brown-reddish or green, free ones to each other, of 0,8-1 mm in length, glabras, rare barely indumentadas, whole and ciliado margin. Pecíolo of 7,3-11,3 mm in length, herbaceous, channeled by the beam, convex in envés, glabro or with little simple tricommas, pulvínulo only, to basipeciolar, oblong of 0,8-1 mm in length, greenish by envés, greenish or reddish by the beam. Raquis of 4 - 6 mm in length, green or reddish, channeled by the beam, convex by envés, glabro, with subulada apical prolongation of 0.3 - 0.6 mm in length. Folíolos opposed, subsésiles, oblong, of 4.2 - 7.3 mm in length by 1.9 - 3.5 acuminado apex, surface, 2 vein mm wide, with 1 glabra, bases asymmetric, whole and ciliado margin. Pronomófilos alternating, bipinnados with 1 3 opposed pairs of pinnas, with 2 -15 pairs of foliolulos in each pinna, presents of 2º-10 naked. Estípulas two, slightly envainadoras, narrow-triangular, subuladas, equal, membranosas, persistent, reddish, brown-reddish or green, free ones to each other, of 0.2 - 2.8 mm in rare length, glabras barely indumentadas, ciliado whole margin. Pecíolo of 5.5 - 31.8 mm in length, herbaceous channeled by the beam, convex by envés, glabro or with are cases simple tricommas, with pulvínulo only, to basipeciolar, oblong of 0.5 - 2 mm in length, green by envés, green or reddish by the beam. Primary Raquis of 5 32 mm in length, channeled by the beam, convex by envés, glabro or with little adpresos simple tricommas with subulada apical prolongation of 0.4 - 1.7 mm in length; estipela espiniforme of 0.2 - 1 mm in length, always present in leaves with a single pair of pinnas and in the distal pair of leaves with more of a pair of pinnas, and, in some cases also in the intermediate pairs of pinnas, in number of one by pair to pinnar generally. Raquis primary completely reduced in the pronomófilos with a pair of pinnas. Secondary Raquis of 4 - 37 mm in length, with equal characteristics to raquis primary, the subulada apical prolongation, of 0.1 - 1 mm in length. Foliólulos opposed, subsésiles, oblong, of 1.2 - 10.1 mm in length by 0.5 -3,5 mm wide, with 1 -2 veins, glabros, apex slightly acuminado, rare slightly retuso, bases asymmetric, whole margin and more or less ciliado; the proximal pair reduced to two mucrones, and in some espiniformes cases presents/displays estipulillas, the following generally anisophyllous pair. Nomófilos bipinnados with 4 opposed, present pairs of pinnas of 9º naked in ahead, pinnas with 7 - 18 pairs of foliolulos. Estípulas of 1,7-3 mm in length, the other equal characteristics to those of the pronomófilos. Pecíolo of 13 - 26 mm in length channeled by the convex beam by envés, glabro or barely indumentado, aculeado or no, with pulvinululo only to basipeciolar, oblong of 1,0- 1.6 mm in length, green or green-reddish. Primary Raquis of 17 - 42.5 mm in length, channeled by the beam, convex by envés, glabro or with little adpresos tricommas with subulada apical prolongation of 0.5 - 1.5 mm in length, estipela espiniforme of 0.2 - 1 mm in length with equal position to before said. Unique , to basipeciolar, oblong Peciólulos reduced with pulvinululo. Secondary Raquis of 5 - 35 mm in length, with equal characteristics to raquis primary, the subulada apical prolongation of 0.5 - 1 mm in length. Foliolulos opposed, of 0.3 - 6.9 mm in length by 0.05 - 2.1 similar mm wide, the other characteristics to those of the pronomófilos.

Examined material: Edo. Miranda Guaicaipuro District, the Lemon, Morocha Door, 29-VI-79 in fruit, Pablo Parra 2 and 3 (MY). Federal district, regional freeway of the center, slope of Bowl 17-VI-79, in fruit, Pablo Parra 4 (MY); Edo. Aragua, Maracay, conservatory Vegetal Physiology, Faculty of Agronomy, UCV, in plántula, Pablo Parra, 11, 12, 13, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 28, 29, 64, 67, 68 69 and 72 (MY).

4.4. Sweet camporum Benth.

Germination to fanerocotilar. Generally straight emergency. Root with off-white and flexuosa, abundantly graft axonorriza, with little nodules. White neck, thickened. Cylindrical Hipocótilo to tetragonal with simple tricommas, green or reddish, of 20 - 35 mm in length (from the beginning to the conclusion of the stage to plantular), to linear been high and mighty towards the apex, the base with the cover of the adhered seed, sometimes herbaceous, but in stage of development more advanced something lignificado fluted with canaliculado appearance of. Nonevident Epicótilo. Raised stem, with tetragonal, cylindrical, green or generally green-reddish entrenudos of cylindrical to, of 1 - 16.5 mm in length (from the beginning to the conclusion of the stage to plantular), the first and second always less than 1 mm in length, herbaceous, with simple tricommas or are long, short, or both, setoso-non-uniform and/or glandular, the glandular adpresos, brown hialinos or, rare armed, when that 5° naked in ahead. Knots with simple and/or glandular and/or setoso-non-uniform tricommas. Cotiledones opposed, isófilos, fleshy, oblong, slightly concave, glabros, short peciolados, green, of 4 - 6.7 mm in length by 2.9 - 4.8 mm wide with 3 veins apex of obtuse to slightly cleared or retuso, bases slightly auriculada and truncated, whole margin, and more or less undulated. Pecíolo to cotiledonar of 1 - 1.7 mm in length, cylindrical, green, with simple tricommas. Knot to cotiledonar tuberous, with estipulácea emergency one in one or both sides, of 0,8-1,3 mm in length, filiform, foliácea by wide base, brown, persistent white or interpeciolar sometimes with little tricommas, or is glandular, simple or both. Unique , present Protófilo in the first knot, simply pinnado, with 6 pairs of folíolos. Estípulas two, narrow triangular, subuladas, equal, membranosas, persistent, green, green-reddish or reddish, free ones to each other, of 1-1,8 mm in length with a vein sometimes with brown glandular tricommas, whole and ciliado edge. Pecíolo of 7.7 -13,1 mm in length, herbaceous, cylindrical or channeled by the beam, convex by envés, with little to many tricommas simple short and/or long, with pulvínulo only to basipeciolar, oblong of 0.8 - 1 mm in length, green or green-reddish with simple tricommas or is short, long or both, little sometimes glandular. Raquis of 6 - 8.9 mm in length, green, pear-shaped with the acute adaxial face and the cleared abaxial, with little or many brown simple and glandular tricommas, the glandular ones in greater amount in the insertion of the folíolos, with subulada apical prolongation of 0,1- 0.5 mm in length. Folíolos opposed, subsésiles, oblong, of 2.5 - 7 mm in length by 1 2 mm wide, with 1 3 veins, mamilosa surface sometimes slightly, rare indumentada, the one of folíolo basal always with simple tricommas by envés, acute-obtuse apex, base asymmetric, whole and ciliado margin. Pronomófilos alternating, bipinnados with a pair of pinnas opposed, 6 - 14 pairs of foliolulos in each pinna, presents of 2º to 6º naked. First apparently been against protófilo. Estípulas two, from narrow triangular to wide triangular, asymmetric, equal, membranosas, persistent, green, green-reddish, free to each other, with 3 -13 veins of 1.3 - 3.7 mm in length, whole edge and with simple tricommas or is long, short or both, and/or glandular and/or setoso-escrabosos. Pecíolo of 9 - 30 mm in length, herbaceous, more or less with certain channeled in its superior, convex third by envés, inner rare armed to me, with simple and/or setoso-non-uniform and/or glandular tricommas the last brown adpresos, with pulvínulo only, to basipeciolar, oblong of 0.5 - 2 mm in length, green, green-reddish, with simple tricommas, or is long, short or both, setoso-non-uniform and little glandular. Rare estipela espiniforme of 0.2 mm in length by the beam of 4º - 6º leaf. Primary Raquis completely reduced and in its place a subulada edge of 0,3-1,5 mm in length. Peciolulo of 1,3-3 mm in length with equal characteristics to pecíolo. Secondary Raquis of 3,5-21,5 mm in length, green, with simple tricommas or is long, short or both, setoso-non-uniform and/or glandular in greater amount where the folíolos are inserted, with subulada apical prolongation of 0,3- 1.2 mm in length. Foliolulos opposed, subsésiles, oblong, of 2.1 - 10 mm in length by 0.8 - 2.5 mm wide, with 1 - 6 veins surface glabra except the one of the basal pair with envés with simple tricommas, apex of slightly acute to cleared, bases asymmetric, whole margin with tricommas or is simple short, setoso-non-uniform lengths and or both, of 1º to 5º even anisophyllous, generally of 1° to 3º. Nomófilos bipinnados with two opposed, present pairs of pinnas of the 60 knot in ahead, pinnas with 10-16 pairs of foliolulos. Estípulas of 3-3,9 mm in length, with 13 - 16 equal veins, the other characteristics to those of the pronomófilos. Pecíolo of 14.3 - 33.5 mm in length, tending to channeled by the beam, convex by envés, with simple tricommas or are, lengths, short or both, and/or setoso-non-uniform and/or glandular adpresos, sometimes armed and with pulvínulo only, to basipeciolar, oblong, 1 - 2 mm in length, green, green-reddish or reddish. Mario Raquispri of 5.5 - 11.8 mm in length, green-reddish, in pear-shaped cross-sectional section with cleared acute and abaxial adaxial face, with simple tricommas or are long, short or both, and/or setosos-non-uniform, and/or glandular adpresos, with subulada apical prolongation of 1 - 1.3 mm in length, in its espiniforme adaxial face estipela 0.2 mm in length, the one of pinna proximal evident or very little absent. Peciolulos of 1,1-2,6 mm in length with equal characteristics to pecíolo. Secondary Raquis of 8.7 - 20.7 mm in length with similar characteristics to raquis primary, although increases the amount of glandular tricommas in the union with foliolulos, with subulada apical prolongation of 0,8- 1.5 mm in length like the one of raquis primary. Foliolulos opposed, of 2 - 7.7 mm in length by 0.5 - 1.8 equal mm wide, the other characteristics to those of the pronomófilos.

Examined material: Edo. Bolivar, City Bolivar, Stroll Bolivar 08-IX-80 in fruit, Pablo Parra and R. Warnock 51 (MY). Edo. Aragua, Maracay, conservatory Vegetal Physiology, Faculty of Agronomy, UCV. in plántula, Pablo Parra 73. 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 84 and 86 (MY).Agronomía, UCV, in plántula, Pablo Parra, 73, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 84 and 85 (MY).

4.5 Sweet tenuiflora Benth.

Germination to fanerocotilar, covered seminal accompanies by short time cotiledones. Straight emergency. Root with target-yellowish, little flexuosa axonorriza, extended, of little to abundant graft, without nodules. Reddish white neck, from equal to wider than the base of hipocótilo and narrower than the base by the root, to annul in stage more advanced Hipocótilo from cylindrical to tetragonal, with simple and/or glandular tricommas estipitados hialinos and brown, green, green-reddish or brown, of 13 - 20 mm in length (from the beginning to the conclusion of the stage to plantular), towards the base to linear been high and mighty, doubled in sigmoidal form and with the sometimes adhered seminal cover, towards the apex to linear been high and mighty, herbaceous, but in stage of development more advanced something lignificado, fluted. Cylindrical , herbaceous, green Epicótilo, 0,8-4 mm in length (from the beginning to the conclusion of the stage to plantular), with estipitados simple and/or glandular tricommas, the glandular brown hialinos and. Raised stem, with entrenudos of nonhomogenous cross-sectional section, tending to cylindrical tetragonal sometimes canaliculados in the first stage of development, green, brown in advanced stage more, 2-19 mm in length (from the beginning to the conclusion of the stage to plantular), herbaceous, but in stage of development more advanced something lignificado, with simple and/or glandular tricommas estipitados, the glandular brown hialinos or, aculeados or no, the acúleos generally of 6º naked in ahead, opposed or been against, or dispersed throughout the stem or sometimes infrapeciolares. Knots with tricommas or simple, glandular are estipitados, or both. Cotiledones opposed, isófilos, fleshy oblong, slightly concave, with estipitados glandular tricommas; mamilosos, very short towards the margin, short peciolados, green, of 6.8 - 9 mm in length by 5 - 6 mm wide, with 3 veins, the developed power station more than the lateral ones, apex retuso, and slightly emarginado, base more or less truncated, whole margin, pronouncing and with glandular hairs, pecíolo to cotiledonar 1 2 mm in length, green, with estipitados simple and/or glandular tricommas. Knot to cotiledonar with glandular tricommas to each side of pecíolo, with estipuláceas emergencies in one or both sides, filiform, narrow triangular, blanquecinas, interpeciolares. Present unique Protófilo in the first knot, simply pinnado with 3 - 6 pairs of folíolos, generally. Estípulas two, slightly envainadoras, narrow-triangular, subuladas, equal, membranosas, persistent, free ones to each other, of 1 2 mm in length, with glandular tricommas, apex finished off in estipitado glandular hair. Pecíolo of 5,6- 11.1 mm in length, herbaceous, green, you do convex in the center and slightly channeled towards the sides, envés convex, with tricommas or glandular is estipitados simple or both, pulvínulo only, to basipeciolar, oblong of 0,6- 1.1 mm in length. Raquis of 6 -15 mm in length, green, channeled by the convex beam and in envés, with tricommas or simple, glandular is estipitados, or both, with subulada apical prolongation of 0,5-1 mm in length. Folíolos opposed, subsésiles, oblong to obovados, of 4.9 - 5.5 mm in length by 1.2 - 2.2 mm wide, with 1 3 veins surface with glandular and/or simple tricommas, finished off obtuse and acuminado apex in estipitado glandular hair, base asymmetric, whole margin, ciliado and with glandular hairs. Pronomófilos alternating, bipinnados with 1 - 3 opposed pairs of pinnas, with 3 - 17 pairs of foliolulos in each pinna, presents of 2 - 14 knot. Estípulas two envainadoras narrow-triangular, slightly subuladas, equal, membranosas, persistent, green, brown-reddish or target-reddish, free to each other, of 0.7 - 4 mm in length, with tricommas or glandular is estipitados, simple or both, apiculiforme apex. Pecíolo of 9 28.5 mm in length, herbaceous, green, you do convex in the center and slightly channeled towards the sides, envés convex, with tricommas or glandular is estipitados hialinos or brown, simple or both, with pulvínulo only, to basipeciolar, oblong of 0, ó2 mm of length. Primary Raquis of 4.5 - 19 mm in length, channeled by the convex beam by envés with tricommas or glandular are estipitados, simple or both with subulada apical prolongation of 0.3 - 2.3 mm in length, estipela espiniforme of 0.5 - 1.8 mm in always present length in leaves with a single pair of pinnas and in the distal pair of leaves with more of a pair of pinnas, in some present cases also in the intermediate pairs, generally in number of rare 1 2, raquis primary completely reduced in the pronomófilos with a pair of pinnas. Secondary Raquis of 3.2 -30 mm in length, with equal characteristics to raquis primary, with subulada apical prolongation of 0,5- 1.5 mm in hopeless length or not in glandular hair. Foliolulos opposite subsésiles, oblong, of 2 - 8.1 mm in length by 0.2 -2,7 mm wide, with 1 - 5 veins, surface by the beam glabra, envés with tricommas or glandular is estipitados generally, simple or both, finished off obtuse and acuminado apex in glandular hair, bases asymmetric, whole margin and with tricommas or is glandular, simple or both, two the proximal pair reduced to mucrones appearing very rarely estipulilla espiniforme, the following generally anisophyllous pair. Nomófilos bipinnados with 4 opposed, present pairs of pinnas of the 10 knot in ahead, pinnas with 7 - 18 pairs of foliolulos. Estípulas of 2.53 mm in length, the other equal characteristics to those of the pronomófilos. Primary Raquis of 17 - 26 mm in length, channeled by the convex beam by envés with tricommas or are glandular, simple or both, with subulada apical prolongation of 1.7 - 2.1 mm in length, estipela espiniforme of 1 - 1.5 mm in length with equal position to the one of pronomófilo. Peciolulos reduced, with pulvinululo unique, to basipeciolar, oblong. Secondary Raquis of 11 - 31 mm in length, the other equal characteristics to those of raquis primary, with apical prolongation subulada 0.7 - 1.7 mm in hopeless length or not in glandular hair. Foliolulos opposed, of 2.9 - 7.1 mm in length by 1.0 - 1.9 nonevident mm wide, anisófilia, the other similar characteristics to pronomófilos.

Examined material: Edo. Aragua, Ricaurte District, regional freeway of the center between km 84 and 85 to 5 km after passing the toll of the Victory, 29-VI-79 in fruit, Pablo Parra 1 (MY). Edo. Guárico, highway Sombrero-Dos Ways 30-VI-79 in fruit, Pablo Parra, 6 (MY). State Aragua, Maracay, Vegetal conservatory, Faculty of Agronomy, UCV, in plántula, Pablo Parra, 9, 10, 18, 19, 32, 39, 40 (MY).

Lamina 1. Calliandra gracilis. Biotipo, Pablo Parra, col. Nº 95 (MY).

Lamina 2. Calliandra gracilis. to insertion of cotiledón, alive material; b. cotiledón, you do (b1) and envés (b2), material alive c. protófilo (the other has been cut), Pablo Parra col. N° 41 (MY); d. hipocótilo-radícula showing sigmoidal doblez (d1), Pablo Parra col. N° 93 (MY).

Lamina 3. Calliandra gracilis. to pronomófilo, Pablo Parra col. N° 98 (MY); b. distal part of pronomófilo showing apical edge (b1), and bases of pinnas (b2), Pablo Parra col. 98 (MY); c. cross section of pecíolo, Pablo Parra col. N° 98 (MY); d. leaves from pecíolo, Pablo Parra col. 98 (MY); and estípulas, Pablo Parra col. 93 (MY).

Lamina 4. Sweet albida. Biotipo, Pablo Parra col. Nº 60 (MY).

Lamina 5. Sweet albida. to cotiledones, material preserved in F.A. To, b. estipulacea emergency between the pecíolos cotiledonares (b1), Pablo Parra col. N° 60 (MY); c. cotiledones and protófilo, material preserved in F.A.A.; d. folíolo of protófilo, you do; and and basal f. foliolulo of nomófilo envés (e) and you do (f), Pablo Parra col. N° 62 (MY); g. divides distal of nomófilo showing apical edge (g1), proximal pair of mucroniformes foliolulos (g2), material preserved in F.A.A.; h. cross section of pecíolo, material preserved in F.A.A.; i. leaves from pecíolo, material preserved in F.A.A. ; j. part of a stem showing estípulas narrow-triangular (j1); pulvínulo to basipeciolar oblong (j2), material preserved in F.A.A., k and l axis hipocotilo-radícula showing to sigmoidal doblez (k1 and l1) and accidental roots (12), material preserved in F.A.A.

Lamina 6. Sweet sandy. Biotipo, Pablo Parra col. N° 23 (MY).

Lamina 7. Sweet sandy. to cotiledones, material preserved in F.A.A.; b. estipulacea emergency between the pecíolos cotiledonares, material preserved in F.A.A.; c. cotiledón and protófilo, Pablo Parra col. N° 11 (MY); d. envés of folíolo of protófilo, Pablo Parra col. N° 11 (MY); and it leaves from a root with nodulaciones, material preserved in F.A.A.; f. axis hipocotilo-radícula showing to sigmoidal doblez (F1) and accidental roots (F2), Pablo Parra col. Nº 28 (MY).

Lamina 8. Sweet sandy. to pronomófilo, aculeos in the stem, Pablo Parra col. N° 22 (MY); b. distal part of pronomófilo showing apical edge (b1), proximal pair of directed mucroniformes foliolulos towards the base of pinnas (b2), in the middle of the two is one estipulilla (b3), estipela (b4): Pablo Parra col. N° 20 (MY); c. cross section of pecíolo, material preserved in F.A.A.; d. leaves from pecíolo, material preserved in F.A.A.; and it leaves from envainadoras a narrow-triangular stem showing estípulas slightly (e1), pulvínulo to basipeciolar oblong (e2), axillary yolk (e3), fluted, material stem preserved in F.A.A.

Lamina 9. Sweet camporun. Biotipo, Pablo Parra col. N° 81 (MY).

Lamina 10. Sweet camporum. to cotiledones and protófilos, Pablo Parra col. Nº 75 (MY); b. estipulácea emergency between the pecíolos cotiledonares (b1); Pablo Parra col. N, 75 (MY); c. scar of cotiledón (c1); estipuláceas emergencies (c2), base of protófilo (c3) and of first pronomófilo been against with his estípulas (c4), it bases of the second pronomófilo with his estípulas (c5), Pablo Parra col. Nº 81 (MY); d. leaves from the root showing nodules, material preserved in F.A.A.

Lamina 11. Sweet camporum. to pronomófilo, Pablo Parra col. Nº 75 (MY); b. nomófilo showing emergencies aculeiforme in pecíolo, Pablo Parra col. Nº 81 (MY); c. pronomófilos foliolulos you do (c1) and envés (c2), Pablo Parra col. 81 (MY); d. divides distal of pronomófilo showing apical edge, Pablo Parra cols. Us. 81 (MY) and 82 (MY): and cross section pecíolo, Pablo Parra col. 82 (MY); f. leaves from pecíolo, Pablo Parra col. Nº 82 (MY).

Lamina 12. Sweet tenuiflora. Biotipo, Pablo Parra

Lamina 13. Sweet tenuiflora. to cotiledones and protófilo, Pablo Parra col. Nº 9 (MY) ; b. folíolo of protófilo, Pablo Parra col. Nº 9 (MY); c. estipulácea emergency between pecíolos cotiledonares (c1), Pablo Parra col. Nº 9 (MY) ; d. leaves from the root showing nodules, material preserved in F.A.A.; and radícula showing sigmoidal doblez (e1), Pablo Parra col. Nº 19 (MY).

Lamina 14. Sweet tenuiflora. to pronomófilo, aculeo in the stem, Pablo Parra cols. Us. 18 and 19 (MY); b. foliolulo of pronomófilo, material preserved in F.A.A.; c. divides distal of pronomófilo showing apical edge (c1), proximal pair of perpendicular mucroniformes foliolulos to raquis (c2), estipela (c3). Pablo Parra cols. Us. 18 and 19 (MY); d. cross section of pecíolo, material preserved in F.A.A.; and it leaves from pecíolo, material preserved in F.A.A.; f. part of a stem showing estípulas (F1), pulvínulo to basipeciolar oblong (F2), aculeos (f3), fluted stem, Pablo Parra cols. Us. 18 and 19 (MY).


The phase definition to plantular adopted in this work, establishes the superior limit of the stage to plantular like that moment at which he appears first nomófilo with similar characteristics to the one of the plant mother. Nevertheless, in the studied species, ligneous that they have a long period of phase to plantular they present/display characteristics such as: lignificación of the stem, is present at of lenticelas, loosening of the epidérmico weave, and until ramification, which makes think that plantular is a stage subsequent to; whereas in the herbaceous ones it limits established was reached without disadvantage. Therefore a single parameter cannot be established to determine the conclusion of the stage to plantular of an arbitrary way, but that there is to take very into account the biotipos of the group whereupon are working. This agrees partly with the exposed thing by Vogel 27 when it indicates the disadvantages of establishing a precise definition.

Also it happens to the first few leaves of plántula with expanded green lamina denominated eófilo (Tomlinson, 1960). In the Mimosoideae studied, a distinction as far as the composition of the limb exists in the youthful leaves to foliar, the first leaf to form after cotiledones has the limb to foliar simply divided (pinnada leaf) that is the same one mentioned by Duke,8 Polhill ET al.,20 Robbertse and Van Der 23 Schijff and Vassilczenko according to Vogel;27 soon there is the appearance of a group of leaves in which the limb to foliar doubly is divided (pinnada leaf), that, depending on the species whereupon it is working can happen variation in the number of pinnas present, soon to appear first nomófilo. This diversity to foliar has been indicated by Burger,2 Duke,8 and 9 Polhill ET to.20 and Robbertse and VanDer Schijff 23 (to see Graph 1). As it is observed, it happens a tendency to an increase in the number of folíolos and foliolulos that appear in the leaf, equal annotation does Duke,8 17 Mensbbruge and Robbertse and Van Der Schijff.23 It is obvious that two types of leaves are observed (after cotiledones and before the nomófilos) and that each one of those types will be able to characterize a particular stage of plántula. Basing to us on this division of the limb to foliar we propose to denominate to the first leaf after cotiledones like Protófilo (s) (of the gr. phyllon: leaf, with the area code protos, first, first of all), being understood by these to eófilo (s) following to cotiledones of composition and forms different from possible youthful leaves or adult phase. Being eófilos bipinnados, first or the first eófilos after cotiledones, of composition simply pinnada and the morphology of the leaves that appear between that protófilo and the first true leaf (nomófilo) to which we propose to denominate Pronomófilo (s) (of the gr. pro, ahead, previously), eófilo (s) that is anticipated or that arises before nomófilos. being species with bipinnados eófilos, those located between

Figure 15 studied Species

protófilo (s) and the nomófilos, being different itself from these last ones mainly by smaller number of pinnas (Graphical 1). The eófilos in general are alternating as they indicate Burger to it,2 9 Duke, Polhill and Mensbbruge.the 17 seeds of the studied species present/display latency, thus were escarificaron and imbibieron being obtained a good percentage of germination, equal result obtains Mayer and Poljakoff.16 Nevertheless, Mensbbruge,17 speak of which the germination process happens of 4 - 9 days after seedtime. In our case the seeds did not germinate or germinated in a very low percentage, if they were not escarificadas. On the other hand the germination is to fanerocotilar in the studied species. In addition the first structure in emerging is radícula, despite in some cases emerges first plúmula, which already before had been indicated by Mayer and Poljakoff 16 when they say that there is no general rule as far as which part of the embryo it crosses the first head; in some seeds the one is the piston rod that first emerges. In this work those cases were not taken in consideration because they were exceptional.

Cotiledón that prevails presents/displays a piano of symmetry in longitudinal sense, oblong, whole and of auriculada base, equal results report Lubbock 16 and the Smiths 24 similarly all are short, peciolados or subsésiles as she indicates Lubbock to 15 and Mensbbruge.17 On the other hand, in cotiledones of the species of the Sweet sort they were observed 1 3, 3 and 5 main veins what agrees with the mentioned thing by Smith.24

As far as the duration of the leaves cotiledonares, falls early in most of the studied species, but without before to have developed at least the first pronomófilos, not being able to consider plántula then like "established". Equal results report Burkart,3 Compton,4 Duke,8 Mensbbruge,17 Polhill ET to.20 and Gate according to Whyte ET to.28

In relation to the duration of the protófilos and pronomófilos they are persistent in the phase to plantular, although there are cases where it happens absición of some of them. The eófilos in general are alternating, which agrees with Burger,2 15 Lubbock and Mensbbruge.17 Metcalfe and Chalk 18 report sensitive movements of the leaves for certain members of the family; this happens in some species. Of equal way in all the studied species there are changes of direction of the folíolos and of the leaves in greater or smaller degree depending on the luminance intensity, this must to the presence of pulvinulos and pulvinululos; the mentioned phenomenon agrees with the reported thing by Burkart.3 In the pecíolos of the eófilos the form canaliculada by the convex beam and by envés prevails in the studied species, which demonstrates the existence of a dorsiventralidad in these. Similarly in all the species it happens as much in raquis primary as in secondary an prolongation in edge form apicalmente; equal observation makes Burkart.3 In plántulas in which the pronomófilos are present, pinnas is arranged in opposite pairs and each even one presents/displays equal number of foliolulos generally. Nevertheless, sometimes it happens different number of foliolulos in a certain pair.

The radical system in general is of axonomorfo type, happening very little variation as far as its development and ramification between the species; of equal way it happens little or null nodulación. When hipocótilo contacted with the substratum they formed accidental roots.

In some plántulas (Sweet albida and Sweet camporum), the neck was observed with thickened form; equal results report Compton;4 in others (Calliandra gracilis, Sweet tenuiflora) are wider than the base of hipocótilo and narrower than the base by the Sweet root and in sandy slightly it is thickened.

The stem of plántulas that they always studied is raised, varying from cylindrical to tetragonal and of broadcast symmetry, equal observations indicate Burkart 3 for adult individuals of the Mimosaceae, which makes think that these vegetative characteristics of the adult already are reflected in plántula.


Edited by Tripitaka

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In general estípulas species are present in all and they characterize by to be (with the exception of Sweet camporum where they can be from narrow to wide triangular), narrow triangular, subuladas, free to each other and membranosas. Equal observations make Burkart.3 For estípulas the protection function has been indicated (Burkart), this observation we could the present verify it in study. The presence of estípulas in cotiledones indicates Burger,2 Compton,4 Duke 8 and Vogel,27 nevertheless, in this study certain structures were observed that we will denominate estipuláceas emergencies, since we do not dare to assure that they are estípulas because it was not possible to be verified anatomically. Duke 8 mentions as obvious the presence of estipela in the first eófilos of some Mimosaceae; of the species that we studied single in Sweet sandy and Sweet tenuiflora they observed in some pronomófilos.

The Gilberts and Leonard 11 verify that in plántulas of species of a same sort types of structure appear such, which could be stated for the studied species of the Sweet sort.

In plántulas of Calliandra gracilis the neck presents/displays a certain widening towards the base of hipocótilo; even though Compton 4 indicates the neck that characterizes to the Ingeae with form of hoop or necklace, this form was not observed. The same author characterizes cotiledón that prevails like fleshy, equal characteristics present/display cotiledones of the species already indicated. The protófilos are opposed, character that already has been indicated by Burger,2 15 Lubbock and Mensbbruge 17 in some species of the subfamily. Pinnas of the pronomófilos generally is geniculated, happening in addition much variation in the form to the foliolulos. The number of individuals was very little in which it was observed foliolulos with simple tricommas (velloso) by both surfaces, this was observed in the leaves 4ª, 5ª and 6ª and was necessary to use a very great increase of 50x x 10x. Raquis primary always is completely reduced. Estípulas which they accompany the leaves developing is wide-triangular.

Sometimes it happens ramification. In the lateral branch the first leaf that is developed is bipinnada with a pair of pinnas with similar characteristics to the one of the pronomófilos already described.

In the young parts or just formed there are abundant tricommas simple or glandular, these last sésiles or estipitados.

Plántulas of Calliandra gracilis gives off scent to Acacia macracanta (Cují hediondo) when they are started; equal observations make Duke and Polhill D in some members of the family.

In plántulas of Sweet albida the proximal pair of two foliolulos was observed reduced to mucrones, being one of them very reduced, also could be observed in these (pinnas), pecíolo with greater amount of indumento towards the distal end. Sometimes the apex of estípulas was attenuated. In the young parts or just formed (plúmula, new leaves, etc.) there are abundant simple and non-uniform tricommas, happening a reddish coloration in pinnas just developed. The presence of látex was constant.

In plántulas of Sweet sandy they are pinnas almost always distales those that have greater number of foliolulos. The mucroniformes foliolulos are always oriented towards raquis primary or the adaxial face of pecíolo in absence of first, forming these a smaller or equal angle to 45° with raquis secondary; being able to both have the same size or one to be developed more. Estipulilla located between the mucroniformes foliolulos was observed more easily in the the 60 leaves that form of knot in ahead. The leaves developing present/display great amount of adpresos tricommas having estípulas of these a foliáceo aspect in their base and the aristado apex. In addition it was possible to be observed glandular hairs in the new parts or just formed (plúmula, etc.). When there are several emergencies in the knot to cotiledonar, they appear grouped in plume form. Raquis of pronomófilo and pecíolo can present/display acúleos.

The changes that happened in the limb to foliar in the course of the development to plantular of this species were the following ones:

The ordinal leaf Nº 1 always was pinnada, the ordinal leaves Us. 2 and 3 were bipinnadas with a pair of pinnas, but already from 4' leaf was no certainty in the composition of the limb to foliar, but there is a tendency to the progressive increase of the number of pinnas. Nevertheless, a regression in the number of them can happen soon to return to the normal pattern of development.

In plántulas of Sweet camporum the eófilos are generally sensitive. It happens an increase in the number of foliolulos in the pronomófilos in the measurement in which it is aparaciendo new pronomófilo. Even though the tendency is to a progressive increase in the number of pinnas of the leaves, could be observed in a case the ordinal leaves Us. 1 and 2 pinnadas ones. As they are formed new pronomófilos, in estípulas of these they are increasing the number of veins thus also when estípula is young is when better the glandular tricommas are observed. Sometimes it happens ramification; in the lateral branch the mentioned characteristics for the other species stay already (Calliandra gracilis, Sweet albida, Sweet sandy, etc.). In the parts just formed (plúmula, etc.) there are abundant simple, setoso-non-uniform and glandular tricommas. Some plántulas present/display structures at level of pecíolo and some entrenudos, which by means of anatomical study evidence which they are aculeiformes emergencies by being of subepidérmico origin.

In plántulas of Sweet tenuiflora the sensitive and geniculated leaves are something. The mucroniformes foliolulos are always perpendicular to raquis secondary, or can be oriented towards the distal end of this one forming a smaller angle of 90°; being able to have the same size both or to be developed one more than the other. In estípulas a doblez in form of average moon was observed 1/2 of its length, although in bajeras leaves the doblez is smaller. Also they can give the appearance of being foliáceas in its base.

The changes that happened in the limb to foliar in the course of the development to plantular of this species were the following ones.

The ordinal leaf N° 1 always was pinnada, the ordinal leaves Us. 2 and 3 were bipinnadas with a pair of pinnas, but already from the leaf Nº 4 it did not happen certainty as far as the ordinal composition of the limb to foliar, although leaves Us. 6 and 7 were obtained always bipinnadas with two pairs of pinnas. It is clear that there is a tendency to the progressive increase of the number of pinnas. Nevertheless, a regression in the number of them can happen soon to return to the normal pattern of development. Sometimes it happens ramification. In the lateral branch the first and second leaf that is developed is bipinnadas with a pair of pinnas with similar characteristics to the one of the pronomófilos already described.

Accidental roots formed when hipocótilo contacted with the substratum.


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thanks, Tripitaka !

I am actually in my "Mimosa phase" !

I am going to invest in a botany book because the botanic vocabulary looks a little bit esoteric for me.

The drawings provided with the text are pretty clear though.

I'm still unsure of the botanical identification of my Mimosa but they looks exactly like the drawings with the thorns trichromes and all...but since i don't have the identification keys of the other Jurema (Verrucosa) i don't want to jump on any conclusion yet...

For exemple i don't know what color the Verrucosa flower is.

By the way, how long to wait till flowering occurs in Mimosa ?

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I spent some time today rubing my fingers on the resin covered branches. The smell is great, kind of fresh and "healthy" like a sort of skin moisturiser cream...

I think i'll try to make a sort of "haschish" with this resin...do any gnomes know about such a thing ?

Edited by mauve

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hail. and lots of thanks for all i have read here within the recent year.

a bit of a question for those who knows...

i have a 5 months old mimosa plant (maybe hostilis, maybe not, i am not sure after reading some posts on the subject).

she grows well despite she never have seen the sun and haven't had any special conditions created for her. only fluorescent lamp and radiator heat in the room.

the question is, am i to pinch her top now or not... she tends to grow higher and higher (now about 25 cm tall), but her stem doesn't seem to become any thicker.

here she is:




Edited by stone_s

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Looks to me like she is strethcing for the light because it is insufficient.

2 ways to fix the prob move ur light closer with fluros I like to keep about 4 cm from light or get another or better light.

Welcome to the forum, Russia hey jeez we get them from all over.

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just bend the shoot down using thin wire (one end around the plant tip, the other bend as a hook secured at the rim of your pot), so it runs parallel with your lights.

this mimosa dies down over winter in my climat, and starts sending out new shoots in spring again, it would be interressting to see if yours stays ever green, because kept indoors under lights.

woof, you live very tropical, do yours die down over winter?

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