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Happy Cadaver

Zornia diphylla

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Anyone have some info on this plant? The only ref. i have is plants of tthe gods which states the dried leaves are smoked as an hallucinogenic subsitute for cannabis. Maconha Brava means false marihuana. Found some plants and was wondering if they are relatively safe to test.

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Medicinal herbs of Chhattisgarh, India having less known traditional uses. 102. Chari Van (Zornia diphylla, family Papilionaceae).

As the cattle feed on this herb and consume it with taste, the natives of Chhattisgarh Plains have named this wasteland herb as Chari Van. Aware of its high nutritive value, many cattle owners add this herb or its seeds in small amount with the diet of sick cattle or pregnant cows. They are aware that over dose can cause harmful effects. The herb collectors of Bhopalpatnam region informed me about unique observation. They claimed that many herbivores feed on this herb but at specific days and time. Their observation clearly indicates that these herbivores are aware of its specific medicinal properties and uses. With the help of these herb collectors, I am trying hard to get some solid information. Chari Van occurs as wasteland herb in different parts of Chhattisgarh. The traditional healers of Chhattisgarh specialized in treatment of Mirgi (Epilepsy) and other related troubles frequently use this herb. They also use it in treatment of insanity. According to them, in small doses this herb reduces the symptom of over excitement in patients having insanity. This is a matter of surprise that very few traditional healers of Chhattisgarh are aware of its medicinal uses and most of them are senior healers having age over 80 years. It is a matter of investigation that why the healers of young generation are not taking interest in this herb. The presence of other promising alternatives for these troubles may be the reason, but many senior traditional healers informed about its specific action and effect, that are not possible with the so called promising alternatives. In reference literatures, the use of Chari Van roots to induce the sleep in Children is mentioned. The traditional healers of Chhattisgarh are not aware of this use.

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kingherb.com sells 3X extract and standardised extract



Scientific name/Synonym:

Zornia diphylla Pers

Country name:

Ding Kui Cao

Other name:

Renzicao, Kudizheng, Pudijian, Wushengyicao

Part used in traditional medicine:


Diagnostic features of identification:

Major areas of occurrence:

Distributed in Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Sichuan and Yunnan.

Collection and processing:

Collection:Gather in Summer


Chemical constituents:

Flavone glycoside, phenols, amino acid

Symptoms and diseases:

Sysmptoms:Clearing away heat, detoxicating and removing blood stasis

Diseases:Catching cold, intense heat and convulsion, diarrhea, icterus, bloody flux, abdominal mass, laryngalgia, conjunctival congestion, boil pyogenic infection, mastitis


Found this weird one:


ALBUQUERQUE is now interested in medicinal weeds, including the following Leguminosae: Cassia occidentalis, C. tora, Mimosa pudica, and Zornia diphylla. He needs bibliographic information about weedy Leguminosae with medicinal properties, and offers information about Amazonian plants.

Who the fuck is Albequerque?

Maybe leave a comment here asking? http://www.rbgkew.org.uk/herbarium/legumes/comments.html


Found this paper


Spasmolytic activity of some plants used by the Otomi Indians of Queretaro (Mexico) for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders.

The present study was performed to investigate the effect of chloroform-methanol (1:1) extracts derived from Baccharis heterophylla H. B. K (Asteraceae), Desmodium grahami Gray (Leguminosae), Dyssodia pinnata var. pinnata Rob. (Asteraceae), Gentiana spathacea H. B. K. (Gentianaceae), Loeselia mexicana Brand. (Polemoniaceae), Selaginella pallescens Spring. (Selaginellaceae) and Zornia diphylla Pers. (Fabaceae) on the spontaneous contractions of isolated rat ileum. The concentration-response curves and IC50 values were obtained and the respective relaxant potencies were compared with that of the CHCl3-MeOH (1:1) extract of Datura lanosa. The data showed that all the extracts produce a concentration-dependent inhibition of spontaneous ileum contractions. In addition, the antimicrobial activity of the extracts against pathogenic enterobacteria was tested. The pharmacological actions shown by the extracts of the selected species tend to support ethnomedical use of the plants for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders.


http://www.omnicopia.com/herbage/files/H1528.htm#2 has some of its own links

Hmmm just scrolled down a little and found this

Zornia latifolia


Range: Brazil

Websites: CPD: South America, Site SA19, Caatinga of North-eastern Brazil, Brazil, Fabaceae Specimens in the Species of Eastern Brazil Database of The New York Botanical Garden, HortiPlex Plant Database, Local Flora: Herbs, Lycaeum > Leda > Fabaceae (Leguminosae), Lycaeum > Leda > Zornia, pgrdoc.ipgri.cgiar.org/taxcheck/grin/userguide.html, SysTax-pictures, U.S.D.A. PLANTS Database Links

Comments: The seeds are smoked in Brazil for their hallucinogenic effects.

Zornia gibbosa

Family: fabaceae

Range: New Guinea

Use: witchcraft

Websites: Chinese Herb Dictionary, kingherb, Famille Total FF, flowering calendar2, TABLE OF CONTENTS, www.rrlbhu.res.in/envis/Coastal_Biodiversity.htm

EMPHASIS MINE. But I think that's just a comment from your own ref.


Might wanna look around for "Hierba de la vibora"


I did one search and google came up with this but I'm not sure if it's right 'cos I can't get to the file

Medicinal Plants of the Guianas (Guyana, Surinam, French Guiana)

File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat

CHEM: Contains the flavone pigment cosmosine; root contains myricyclic alcohol,

... Zornia latifolia JE Smith var. latifolia (Zornia diphylla sensu auct., ...


Might want to try that one later, because the whole mnh.si.edu site seems to be offline.


Try this paper?

Jutzi, S.C. & Nosberger, J. 1984. Seed production and growth of the tropical pasture legume Zornia latifolia Accession CIAT 728. Trop. Grassl., 18: 138-148.

latifolia and diphylla seem to be synonyms.


I can also tell you Zornia latifolia has 11 chromosomes.


Try this paper

Ranjan, Vinay (1999) - Exotic medicinal plants of district Lalitpur, Uttar Pradesh, Bulletin of Medico-Ethno-Botanical Research 20, 1-4, 54-65. [70 plants, not indigenous to India, are enumerated, together with the area of their origin and their biological actions: Abrus precatorius Linn., Achyranthes aspera Linn., Aeschynomene indica Linn., Ageratum conyzoides Linn., Albizia lebbeck (Linn.) Benth., Alternanthera sessilis (Linn.) R.Br., Amaranthus spinosus Linn., Annona squamosa Linn., Argemone mexicana Linn., Barleria cristata Linn., Biophytum sensitivum (Linn.) DC., Boerhavia diffusa Linn., Cardiospermum halicacabum Linn., Carissa carandas Linn., Cascabela thevetia (Linn.) Lippold = Thevetia neriifolia Juss. ex Steud., Cassia siamea Lam., Cassia tora Linn., Cataranthus roseus (Linn.) G.Don, Celosia argentea Linn., Chenopodium album Linn., Cleome viscosa Linn., Convolvulus arvensis Linn., Corchorus aestuans Linn., Corchorus olitorius Linn., Croton bonplandianum Baill., Datura metel Linn., Desmodium triflorum (Linn.) DC., Digera muricata (Linn.) Mart., Dodonaea viscosa (Linn.) Jacq., Eclipta prostrata (Linn.) Linn. = E. alba (Linn.) Hassk., Emilia sochifolia (Linn.) DC., Euphorbia hirta Linn., Hyptis suaveolens (Linn.) Poit., Indigofera linnaei Ali, Ipomoea carnea Jacq., Ipomoea eriocarpa R.Br., Ipomoea pes-tigridis Linn., Jatropha curcas Linn., Jatropha gossypifolia Linn., Lantana camara Linn., Lawsonia inermis Linn., Limonia acidissima Linn. = Feronia limonia (Linn.) Swingle, Malvastrum coromandelianum (Linn.) Garcke, Martynia annua Linn., Melia azedarach Linn., Moringa oleifera Lam., Nicotiana plumbaginifolia Viv., Parkinsonia aculeata Linn., Parthenium hysterophorus Linn., Physalis minima Linn., Pithecellobium dulce Benth., Polyalthia longifolia Thwaites, Portulaca oleracea Linn., Rauvolfia tetraphylla Linn., Rhynchosia minima (Linn.) DC., Ricinus communis Linn., Salvia plebeia R.Br., Scoparia dulcis Linn., Sida cordata (Burm.f.) Borss. Waalk., Solanum virginianum Linn. = S. surattense Burm.f., Sonchus oleraceus Linn., Stellaria media (Linn.) Vill., Tamarindus indica Linn., Tephrosia purpurea (Linn.) Pers., Teramnus labialis (Linn.f.) Spreng., Tribulus terrestris Linn., Tridax procumbens Linn., Vernonia cinerea Less., Xanthium strumarium Linn., Zornia gibbosa Span.]


That's about all i have time for. Hope that helps. Sorry I couldn't hunt down anything more specific.

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latifolia and diphylla seem to be synonyms.


I can also tell you Zornia latifolia has 11 chromosomes.


This Site says that in Zornia diphylla "The chromosome number is 2n = 20" and synonyms include "Z. reticulata Sm.; Z. gracilis DC; Z. havensis A. Rich."

A few sources say several plants have been misidentified as Zornia diphylla in the past (possible explination as why its listed as native to both south america and tropical asia) so if you do a bioassay and have a live plant try and post some good close-up pics of the plant tested.

Zornia latifolia


Range: Brazil


Comments: The seeds are smoked in Brazil for their hallucinogenic effects.

So which should be tested? diphylla or latifolia? lol

Zornia latifolia

Maconha Brava

"The dried seeds are smoked as a hallucinogenic substitute for Cannabis"

--Plants of the Gods

Habitat South America


What the :huh: does plants of the gods say latifolia or diphylla?

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plants of the gods mentions latifolia and then starts on diphylla :huh:

here's some pics I took today. I noticed there may be other species in australia, so I'll do some research and see which it is. I have latifolia seeds anyway, plus some proper id'd diphylla seedlings.



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You can thank me by puttin that shit in your pipe and smokin it!


I'm extremely curious, the last one like this to come around was teos "NT Weed" or somesuch which only lasted a quarter of an hour or so, but effects were alright.

Smooooooooke ;)

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LOL, I'll harvest some today and give it a try. I wonder what time of day to harvest? The cows seem to know...

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Any update on that bioassay? :)

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No, nothing yet :wink: I'm pretty sure what I found is Zornia dyctiocarpa, not diphylla, so I'm not sure about that one. Will do some more research. I will have diphylla material in a few months once my plants are big enough.

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Updates? Can I get some propagation material for the traditionally used one off you?

Need someone to do any bioassays?

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send me a SSAE and i'll post your some leaves :)

sorry, not enough material for propagation as of yet.

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I'm extremely curious, the last one like this to come around was teos "NT Weed" or somesuch which only lasted a quarter of an hour or so, but effects were alright.

Smooooooooke ;)

its actually really interesting when you mix mj with it as a tobacco substitute. if it was plentiful i'd be using that instead of tobacco.

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Got around to doing a small assay of some Z. diphylla seeds and leaves last night. 3 seeds and a pinch of leaves were added to a cigarette, taste is slightly harsh but ok, in a grass type of way. Roughly 3-5 minutes after coming back inside, i notice an increase (or at least a feeling of) in heartrate and an anticipation, sort of like being at the edge ofan experience. I have to get up for a minute or so to walk this off and it tapers off into a dopey type of sedation. Sleep is deep and good, slight hangover feeling today but nothing unpleasant. I get the feeling there may be more to this herb at a dose of 5 seeds and a good pinch of leaves.

i have a decent amount left Apo, will get some off to you, not that you ever bother testing anything, just looking for a handout.

Edited by Happy Cadaver

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Maconha brava is one of upto 9 active ingredients in the NZ smoking blend 'Spice'. This blend has an effect very similar (slightly milder but basically identical to) Cannabis. How much Maconha brava plays a part in this is anyones guess, but having tried most of the other ingredients indivudally I am guessing it may be a key ingredient.

I have searched extensively online for info on this, including translating many Brazillian pages. The very limited info available suggests it is definetly active.

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I knew I should have grown those two species this year- lol

Keep up the bioassays darcy :D

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I believe there is definently something to this species.

Edited by Torsten

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how's that material going Apothecary? Tried it yet?

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Sorry darcy, I've been workin my ass off at uni, most nights they kick me out of the computer labs 'cos I'm there so late...handed in my last assignment today though, then after exams I'm free...expect many many bioassays, smoking mixes, free seeds, trip reports and other novel goodies (hope to finally start the urban ethnobotany thread and probably try and organise another sydney meet) to be posted in about 2 weeks :)

Group experiments with the other herbs you sent me went extremely well and I will be posting all the notes on that too.

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I saw that herbalistics is selling a mix of Z. diphylla and Salvia splendens, was some synergy found or is it to counterbalance the "increase ... in heartrate and an anticipation"?

I also noticed that that mix is selling by the gram, just how potent is this stuff?

I think I'll try to grow out both Z. diphylla and latifolia next year :)

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Sorry I never got around to bioassaying this plant, totally my fault, I still have the stuff you sent me sitting next to me.

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oh shit that reminds me about that torres straight weed lol, there are some plants around here i might collect some more if people are keen, will try extracts as well.

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Has anyone bio-assayed Zornia diphylla via another method than smoking?

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There's other methods of ingesting things? :P


Edited by apothecary

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