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EBA login prob?


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the site recently got hacked...so you may experience some wierdness when logging in.

i also get taken to a blank page just after i log in, but if i hit my bookmark to get back to the front page...i'm all logged in and ready to post. same deal when logging out.

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Personally I wouldn't enter your username and password into the login form until you know it's safe to.

I have my login set to remember so I can hit the site without ever typing my password.

For all you/I know the reason it goes to a blank page now is because your username/pass is being dumped somewhere for the hackers to use later.

You might be thinking "so what, they have my user and pass, nothing important on EBA", but what if your pass is the same as your email account? Then they have access to your email (in your profile!), and from there can use the "Forgot your password?" link on ANY site they want to get your pass emailed to them :/

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Like I said benz, if it's malicious, shit can get bad <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_sad.png

I think eccles or Chem should disable the logging in themselves (it's probably too late for that now though) until the issue is discovered.

In fact, I'll PM him right now.

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Hi Everyone.

There is a problem with eba, not much can be done because i only have admin rights to the forum and not the actual server, several things have to be patched up, I have notified eccles about these but havnt heard back. Apothecary is right and it does sound like password dumping. All i can suggest for now is change your passwords to temp passwords immediatly just incase, alot of people use the same password for everything and thats why malicious minded people have it all handed to them on a plate.

Sorry to everyone but my hands are tied.

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I've just spoken to Chem.

He reckons just as much as I do that u/p dumping is probably going on.

I am going to try and get onto eccles and see if we can't fix this up ASAP.

For now, can I recommend everyone who has logged in using the login form change ALL their usernames and passwords that are the same as their EBA logins.

EDIT: lol disregard those first 2 lines, <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_tongue.png

[ 14. September 2005, 05:39: Message edited by: apothecary ]

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Good practice anyway is to change passwords regulary, and use different passwords for differnt things. It can be a bit much to remember but after a while it isnt. Using upper and lower case and numbers is a good practice. A Brute forcing program can go through a dictionary or 2 quite quickly these days with todays computing power.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven´t logged in since i know that the EBA Board has been hacked. Nevertheless someone seems to have my account Password and uses my account on EBA for writing PM´s n stuff under my name. So Better be warned; every mail or post on the EBA Board under my Nickname is definately not from me. Strange things are going on there.

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I was wondering the same thing myself - even in the week or two preceeding the site going down no-one answered my pm's - hope to hell no-one's been using my username/pass for bad reasons :confused: . Regular password changes from now on for me I think.

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Are you serious Evil Genius?

Someone was really sending PM's and making posts with your account while pretending to be you?

What were they saying, I think this could be very telling of the hackers/crackers intents.

If Eccles doesnt know its gone that far, I think he probabaly should but then again Im really paranoid..

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I received a PM on this Board because of something i mentioned in a earlier topic. I wrote that i haven´t logged in since months on the EBA Board. The User who wrote the PM told me that he received some PM´s from me in the last few weeks on EBA and felt suspicious because i wrote that i don´t log in there at the moment because the well known security problems. I am definately sure that i haven´t sent ANY PM´s on EBA.I only logged in once or twice there.I´m pretty sure i haven´t posted there at all until now.

[ 02. October 2005, 19:15: Message edited by: Evil Genius ]

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very Interestig EG i had an email from a friend who also uses EBA and asked me if I had read any strange posts he supposedly made... that he never posted :confused:

Edited for Grammar me and my spelling lol

[ 03. October 2005, 01:24: Message edited by: Young Tripper ]

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Man I miss EBA, I hope Eccles can get it back up and running in the near future.

Evil Genius, sorry to keep prying but do you know what was in the fake PM? I think this would be extreemly telling of the hacker intentions, whether they be:


theft of personal info,

theft of material goods by asking for trades

Law enforcment

God only knows what

Has anyone else had this happen?

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well are there any news yet on EBA?

I sure miss that site....

If eccles and Co can't get it up again, we'll have to make one ourselves....

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i haven´t read the Hacked PM but according to the PM i received it was just about some personal things i posted in some topics. I don´t remember the detailed wording anymore. I assume was something which should inspire confidence. The PM should still be in my Inbox on the old Board if they haven´t got deleted meanwhile. As i don´t want to be untrustworthy and i´m very glad that the user made me aware of the situation that someone is sending mails under my name, i unfortunately can´t go in detail which user sent me the PM on this Board. As the Topic wasn´t very confidential i have no Problems to check out the PM again if possible. The User sent me 2 PM´s: The First which was the answer to the hacker mail and a second one short after the first in which he told me that the first message was sent in error.

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gom I've been thinking on the same lines, but I feel it'd be bad if eccles came back and we had simply displaced him due to his lack of time.

If it's just a matter of time and inclination I'd be happy to do the admining, but as far as control over the forums themselves go, I'm not too interested in (mainly because it almost guarantees getting involved in the forum politics) that.

It's a sticky situation I think.

If we don't hear back soon, and someone is willing to team up with me to put together a new community forum like EBA, I'm for that.

Preferably someone with a long standing in the community, who knows the all "players", with a level head. Most of the people who were mods on EBA fit this profile well. The last thing anyone wants is for such a project to begin, and then crash and burn shortly after.

Then there is the issue of the copious amounts of good info stored in the EBA database that simply isn't present here, and may not be present in a new community forum. A lot of the stuff is repeated on both forums, but there are some posts (by Julian for example) that are both unique and invaluable.

EDIT: I emailed eccles the day before yesterday but haven't heard back yet.

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I'm sure the site will get back up eventually

Eccles is a busy man and it may not be his first priority.

I think he should consider handing over the reins to someone else. I'd be willing to do more work for the site but I don't have the tech knowledge.

Chemakazi does a great job but he doesn't have complete access. Perhaps an Apoth/Chem/someone else team could handle it?

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Why do we have to have a second forum?

If EBA is gone forever, why can't we all just stick to the SAB forums, that we're using right now?

It would be a shame to lose all the old posts, from EBA. But why can't we just continue on, using the one forum, so all the information is in the same place in the future?

I wasn't a huge user of EBA, so maybe there are some intricate differences I'm missing, but I'm quite happy to consolidate the community.

If Eccles gets EBA running again, then that's good news, but if not, just lament it's passing.

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'cos EBA is a community website not affiliated with any company or anything.

Lots of people feel the attitude here is too formal and scientific, which is generally the idea, but it makes sense too.

It used to just be SAB, as far as I know, and EBA came about for a very specific reason.

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