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The Corroboree

nucelar energy in oz, have a say

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nucelar energy has been in the news a lot lately, what is your opinon?


i am worried about two things, that storing nucelar waste safely has not been worked out yet, and that once, australia goe's nucelar, the rest of the world, will dump there nucelar waste, in oz, as oztralia is seen to, "have the right geologial features for this task".


germany is planing, to retire the atomic power generators, and we start with this flawed technology?

"dud" en, and other politicians, might have as well an other not voiced agenda, being that there own uranium share would go up, and money can be made by storing nucelar waste from all over the world in australia.

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Fukushima. Chernobyl. Godzilla.

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It's merely a political stunt to hopefully get voted in.


It's expensive and complicated to build, and would lock us into expensive power for decades. It would also put us in danger during warfare, not to mention meltdowns etc. Remember how opposed these same people are to EVs because they can explode, well how about our very own Chernobyl?


All that for approx 3-4percent of out nations electricity supply.


I honestly dont believe they'd even build it, -just promise it and forget it once they're in. They'd make up some big excuse. That's my opinion.


A total joke really, but it will earn them votes.

Edited by Halcyon Daze
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