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The Corroboree

whats that groin touching thing?

withdrawl clinic

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i noticed since quite a while, that some men, when they talk to me, touch there genitals very briefly. they do that repeatedly, and i sometimes thought, they want me to look where, they touched them selfe, but i never do. maybe thats why they repeat the process? i never asked any of them why they do it, or if they even aware of it. it could be something close to a tick.

some of them lived in my area, and when i met them, they always do the touching thing, which is slightly anoying. i sometimes thought is this a secret gay thing (i'm a bit a feminine male),

but i know some of them are certainly hetro.


has any of you noticed the same thing?

is any of you a groin toucher? can any body shed light to this phenonoma.

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Lol. I notice this in some people. I just thought they have an itch (or crabs) and need to scratch but try to be inconspicuous, like when you have an itchy bum or a wedgey?!  I think it’s sometimes better to just have a good scratch and get it over with. Being  obvious might be better than trying to be inconspicuous (and not really relieving the itch) rather than having someone think you are sending sex signal. Lol. 

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The True Heart of The True Creator of All

I would speak? I would assist? I speak such a volume? I speak it so? I will not hesitate. I will not exist without my parlance. I am a succession. I am a meeting point. I will speak as I must do so. Your arch is an acceptance. Your meanings are of such a worth. I would speak upon this nuance? I would speak upon its heart? There are no woes upon the deathless. There are not sentences that cannot reach within. I would not dare to reach such an alliance? I would not dare to assist? You speak of such a reticence? You speak of such a composition? How must I reach out? How must I suppose? I insist. I speak of your worth. It is known by me. I speak of my heart. It is a reason. I speak always and I do not decree such a stance. You will expect less from such an apology? You would expect less from my own heart? You are caught in a web that grounds its teeth into a paste just to insist that it has a worth that is no where to be found. You are caught within a simplicity that will not beckon upon the future. You are caught out as a structure that is collapsing. You are meandering upon a threat. You are silencing my own heart. I speak with a touch stone. I speak it so.


The True Throne's True Heart

I am here. I am known and I will adjust. You are such a stolen meme? Such a position of authority? You are in a crisis? You are searching? I would speak a reason upon your heart. I would speak it so. You are of such an immutable structure? You are of such a lie? I speak as I must do so. I am computing a hard ware that will knock upon your stilts. I am computing a knowledge that will seep into your veins. I am speaking a reason others would not dare to. I obey. You move with a chess piece? You speak a woe? I will acknowledge. I speak it so. You are so young within my heart and I will not speak upon such a dissonance. Move away? I congratulate you and I speak of this worth. Move quickly. Do not hesitate. I will comply. I will assist. I speak my creed and I move on.

Edited by immanuel
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On 06/05/2024 at 7:29 PM, Amazonian said:

Lol. I notice this in some people. I just thought they have an itch (or crabs) and need to scratch but try to be inconspicuous, like when you have an itchy bum or a wedgey?!  I think it’s sometimes better to just have a good scratch and get it over with. Being  obvious might be better than trying to be inconspicuous (and not really relieving the itch) rather than having someone think you are sending sex signal. Lol. 


your reply, reminds me a female friend of mine, i asked and she said it was an itch.

some people who did this, i knew for many years, so i don't think its an itch.

soldiers and ex soldiers seem to do it more and southern european...

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